Alcoholic Buddhists

Atheist. Raised fundamentalist baptist. Alcoholic. Detoxing myself. Down to roughly two 100 proof shots every 4 hrs during the day. 8 shots in cabonated water last night. Went to bed at 10:30 PM, up at 2:00 AM for two shots. Two shots at 7:30 AM. Lowest I've been in at least a year. Fucking hurts.


For me, when I fee like drinking, either out of habit or out of FOMO, the Buddhist teachings help me to step back and observe that thought, feel that feeling, and recognize those are just waves on the ocean. That allows me to focus on being the ocean. The wave will pass. Giving in to the tempatation or desire to drink will merely prolong the feeling of discomfort and dissatisfaciton. Letting the desire subside puts me in a better place to remain grounded and centered and clear-headed. Then there are the many practical benefits of this as well: no hangover, no regrets for drunken escapades, money stays in my pocket, etc, etc.


First recite this for refuge and precepts. Refuge and Bodhicitta In the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha most excellent, I take refuge until enlightenment is reached. By the merits of generosity and other good deeds, may I attain Buddhahood for the sake of all sentient beings More Bodhicitta Thus, until I achieve enlightenment, I will perform virtuous deeds with body, speech, and mind. Until, death I will perform virtuous deeds with body, speech, and mind. From now until this time tomorrow, I will perform virtuous deeds with body, speech, and mind. Precepts I abstain from killing I abstain from theft I abstain from sexual misconduct I abstain from lying I abstain from intoxication Try your best to retain your precepts until the end of your day. Feel free to check-in as well! :) After your day ends: Dedication of Merit By this virtue (accumulated through the five precepts), may I achieve the all knowing state and, by defeating all enemies-confusion, the cause of suffering, may all who travel on the waves of birth, old age, sickness and death, cross the ocean of samsara. Note: I just put these together to provide a space for refuge and vow taking. Please let me know any comments or questions!


I created this subreddit after the interest seen on my post on r/stopdrinking. This is meant to be a space for alcoholic Buddhists to support each other as we aim for recovery and progressing along the Buddhist spiritual path. Coming from r/stopdrinking, this sub will recognize that we are here because we cannot moderate and desire to quit. It is also important to note that the fifth lay Buddhist vow of abstaining from intoxicants is quite clear. The Buddha taught this vow to support lay spiritual life. Such a vow may seem limiting, but the Buddha taught it to free us from the suffering of intoxication. Ultimately I am unsure if a subreddit or frequent posts on r/stopdrinking is the best manner to create a Buddhist recovery space. I figured I would go ahead and create the subreddit so non-Buddhists on r/stopdrinking don't feel I spam too much. Yes, there are other Buddhist recovery subreddits but they are pretty inactive. I hope by creating a subreddit of our own we can nurture it together instead of trying to repair. I hope to moderate only as one who supports the community. I am simply an alcoholic Buddhist. Please feel free to post what you want as long as it is on topic.


I made this sub to back up the reddit version. This sub was made because I recognized my own struggle with alcohol use and it's juxtaposition with my Buddhist practice. I hope this can help others as well.