
at risk of doxing myself I know a fair number of white people in Canada and there are quite a few roundabout discussions of Indian immigration.


unfortunately the xcancel link doesn't seem to include a video


>It says he experienced "discrimination, retaliatory measures, abuse of rights, serious negligence and numerous violations of his rights … after having reported to his chain of command, the execution of Afghan civilians by members of his unit and by members of a foreign government agency." >A report stemming from the inquiries concluded Canadian soldiers did nothing criminal in Afghanistan. However, it acknowledged that they may have witnessed war crimes committed by coalition troops from other countries. A heavily redacted version of the report was made public in 2018. ![doubt]( "emoji doubt")


Basically all of the progress we've made in BC in the education system (funding cuts notwithstanding) over the last 7 years is to be rolled back. * Cops back in schools * A return to grade-letter ranking for grades 4-9 * Ending SOGI123 (sex orientation / gender identity inclusive programme) * Subsidies for private schools and home schooling parents * Removal of attempts at making white people guilty for genociding the natives * Re-instating all the standardised tests that we got rid of because they're fucking useless I absolutely fucking hate these people. I'm no fan of the BCNDP but definitely hoping they'll eek out a victory because god damn.


Everybody ready to hear Rustad barf out his Facebook brain worms ![brainworms]( "emoji brainworms") and for Eby to pretend like he cares about climate change? I actually predict that there will be no climate change related questions at all, and Furstenau will have to take it upon herself to bring it up (happy to be proven wrong on this one). ![kkkanada]( "emoji kkkanada") [Link to watch on CBC](


![clown]( "emoji clown")


Perhaps it's more fitting not to erase these names, but rather append swastikas to them, guiding readers towards a plaque that elucidates their heinous crimes as Nazis. In this way, the monument will persist as an enlightening reminder of who exactly the "victims of communism" truly are.


The rising popularity of the Conservatives is really a sight to behold. A party who just a few years ago basically only existed on paper and now have a shot at actually forming government. A party of the most smooth-brained, reactionary, anti-vaxx, culture war dipshits whose success appears to be almost entirely due to riding the coat tails of Poilievre and the seeming inability of the voting public to distinguish between Provincial and Federal politics. Keeping them out of power should be a no-brainer, but concurrently I am so fucking pissed at the BC NDP for their arrogance and hypocrisy. Their climate / environmental policies, particularly LNG extraction / fracking / old growth forestry, make an absolute mockery of their stated cLiMaTe tArGeTs. And, in the same way that the Democrats in the Burgerland Junta beat back a popular insurgency by ratfucking Bernie (twice), so too did the BC NDP with Anjali Appadurai. There was a movement of thousands of progressive young people who actually gave a shit about climate change who were *slated to win the nomination* because Eby couldn't be bothered to actually run a fucking campaign, and instead inherited his political fiefdom because it was *"his turn"*. Granted, I like Eby ok, certainly way more than Horgan, and his housing policies have been great. They basically declared war on Air BnB, and the fact that they've yeeted public consultations for housing developments and are forcing the most insufferable rat bastard NIMBY municipalities in this province to actually build some fucking housing is not only effective but also incites a deep sense of schadenfreude in my soul - for there are few groups of people in this world whom I despise more than NIMBYs, perhaps only antivaxxers, fascists, and religious fundamentalists. But fuck me for *"making the perfect the enemy of good"*, right? I just need to get in line and vote for the people who sent jack booted thugs to pepper spray and assault my fucking friends at Fairy Creek. Vote for the people speedrunning the any% climate change challenge while at the same time claiming they're doing the opposite. Honestly, I feel like having the Greens as kingmakers such as in 2017 would be the optimal outcome. I really don't like the bike-riding capitalist party, and the Communists aren't likely going to run anybody for me to light my vote on fire with (although I hope they do, if even just to get them into the debates). Keep the socdems as administrators but punish them a little bit for their rat fuckery. But, on the other hand: mother of god, I certainly don't want us to become another Alberta and have SOGI123 summarily executed in broad daylight. So, in a sense, I feel like I am being held hostage because of the *" other worse party ™ "*. Anyway, [/RANT]


The resident zionism inspector lasted fewer than three months before crowing about how brilliant it is to murder lots of people


Link to paywalled original article:


once you know the lyrics are specifically directed at him (it's about his treatment of the homeless etc) it's hard not to take them as prophetic given his hilarious downfall


cross-posted from: > A good read on how Canada cultivated its "nice" image at first and how its ghoulishness has now inevitably bared its face.


![agony-acid]( "emoji agony-acid")