
A complete^[I think? ![emilie-shrug]( "emoji emilie-shrug")] guide to Lemmy's supported markdown formatting. ___ # Heading 1 `# Heading 1` ## Heading 2 `## Heading 2` ### Heading 3 `### Heading 3` #### Heading 4 `#### Heading 4` ##### Heading 5 `##### Heading 5` ###### Heading 6 `###### Heading 6` --- **Bold** __text__ using `**Bold text**` or `__Bold text__` *Italic* _text_ using `*Italic text*` or `_Italic text_` ***Bold and italic text*** using `***Bold and italic text***` ~~Strikethrough text~~ using `~~Strikethrough text~~`^[[whoops]( ![phoenix-bashful]( "emoji phoenix-bashful")] *** > This is a blockquote using `> This is a blockquote` >> Nested blockquote using `>> Nested blockquote` ___ - Unordered list item using `- Unordered list item` - Another item using `- Another item` 1. Ordered list item using `1. Ordered list item` 2. Another ordered item using `2. Another ordered item` --- `Inline code` using `` `Inline code` `` Unspecified code block: ``` #include <stdio.h> int main() { int x = 10; if (x > 5) { printf("This is a test!\n"); } return 0; } // **Wow! How neat!** ``` Using \`\`\` `\n` code `\n` \`\`\` C code block: ```c #include <stdio.h> int main() { int x = 10; if (x > 5) { printf("This is a test!\n"); } return 0; } // **Wow! How neat!** ``` Using \`\`\`c `\n` code `\n` \`\`\` Same, but designated as markdown code block: ```markdown #include <stdio.h> int main() { int x = 10; if (x > 5) { printf("This is a test!\n"); } return 0; } // **Wow! How neat!** ``` Using \`\`\`markdown `\n` code `\n` \`\`\` *** [This is a link]( "") using `[This is a link](` This is an image: `![](` ![]( This is an emote: ![this-is-not-an-emote]( "emoji this-is-not-an-emote") using `![this-is-not-an-emote]( "emoji this-is-not-an-emote")` Quotations after second part of links/images are alt-text, which appear when moused over and help w/rt screen readers. ___ Footnote reference`[^3]`[^3] [^3]: Footnote definition using `[^3]: Footnote definition` Inline footnote`^[citation needed]`^[![citations-needed]( "emoji citations-needed") with Adam Johnson and Nima Shirazi] --- | This | is | |-|---| | how | to | make | tables | ```markdown | This | is | |-|---| | how | to | make | tables | ``` *** ~Sub~script using `~Sub~script` ^Super^script using `^Super^script` ___ {text|ruby} using `{text|ruby}` --- ::: spoiler spoiler This is hidden content using `::: spoiler spoiler \nThis is hidden content\n:::` ::: *** Horizontal rule using `---`, `***`, or `___`: ___ Two spaces and a newline` \n` to single-space your text ```markdown Otherwise it looks like: ``` Otherwise it looks like --- If you know anything else that works, let me know and I'll add it. Asked too many times to not try and compile a reference for people, and I sometimes forget myself so it's nice to have the reference. Here are the footnotes, by the way! hello footnotes! ![kirby-wave]( "emoji kirby-wave")^[hello! ![koishi-wave]( "emoji koishi-wave")]


cross-posted from: Screens from Patlabor on TV ![fedposting]( "emoji fedposting")![pete-eat]( "emoji pete-eat")![funny-clown-hammer]( "emoji funny-clown-hammer") > ![]( > > ![]( > > ![]( > > ![]( > > ![](


We've seen an uptick in people posting dunks in here that belong in dunk_tank, as well as low-hanging fruit that gets removed from or isn't allowed in dunk_tank anymore. For context, rule 8 of dunk_tank: >Rule 8: The subject of a post cannot be low hanging fruit, that is comments/posts made by a private person that have low amount of upvotes/likes/views. Comments/Posts made on other instances that are accessible from hexbear are an exception to this. There's a reason that dunks are cordoned off to their own comm, some users rightfully don't want to see reactionary nonsense all the time, even if we're making fun of the person who said it. /c/cth is a general-purpose comm but it's NOT for posting some random nobody asshole twitter user's bad takes, the absolute best course of action to take when you see that stuff out in the wild is to either directly shit on them yourself, or ignore them and don't give them more attention. From this point on I'm going to be more stringent about moderating this. I get it, it's fun to dunk on the libs and the blue checks and the ![frothingfash]( "emoji frothingfash") and that's why **we have a whole dedicated comm for that**. Any post that's obviously meant to be "hey look at this piece of shit, let's laugh at how bad their opinions are, upbears to the left and emojis in chat" belongs in [the_dunk_tank]( And any super low-hanging fruit doesn't belong on this site, period (see TDT rule 8 above). We have better things to do with our time than give unearned attention, time and energy to low-follower-count nobodies yelling into the void. Thanks for your discretion comrades, stay sicko ![sicko-jammin]( "emoji sicko-jammin") edit: as others have pointed out, [/c/]( is a good place for any and all dunking content not allowed here. Post that ragebait to our comrades at the 'grad, they'll make good use of it. Also, per rule 9 of TFT **dunking on fediverse users is still explicitly allowed** so it's still open season on those in our own backyard.


This is on my mind, since I had to temp-ban someone from c/vegan for it in the past week, and another example of it went unmoderated for hours after being reported in another community (though it was eventually dealt with). It doesn't matter how much the person you're responding to deserves it. Odds are, they will not care. But you know who will care? Any comrades who happen to read the thread and who struggle with suicidal ideation and/or self harm. You could ruin their day. You could be the push that sends them over the edge. Even in the unlikely event that you cause grief to the person you're responding to, no amount of collateral damage is worth it. Don't make suicide bait posts or comments. Don't upvote suicide bait posts or comments. Report and denounce them wherever they show up.


[!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!](


Wanted to get a thread together to highlight aid groups that can be donated to to help Palestinian aid - - - - - - Hasan fundraiser ( ( ~~That's the only one I know of but leaning on y'all for help to spread the word. Lots of medical aid needed so let's direct our energy toward those helping in Gaza~~ Keep em coming and I'll try to continue to add them here


cross-posted from: > 2/4/2021 Update: In light of chucklefuck TERF shit with Giggle, I am once again demanding the rest of you liberals educate yourselves on trans issues with Trans Liberation as a starting point. And you better believe more literature on minority struggle is in the pipelines. We're doing some reading this month, libs. Get ready. > > *** > > AUDIOBOOKS HAVE BEEN RECORDED FOR ALL 8 CHAPTERS. YOU LITERALLY HAVE NO EXCUSE FOR LIBERALISM. > > > > Follow that link and you'll find a free download of the book in pdf and comrade [@EugeneDebs](/u/EugeneDebs)'s epub, comrade [@futomes](/u/futomes)' audiobooks for all eight chapters, and notes and discussions from the book (and don't you ***dare*** just read the fucking notes you god damn liberals, read the fucking book or listen to the audiobook). > > I spent an entire weekend night scanning the whole damn book so y'all could educate yourselves on the fucking struggles we've been screaming about for the past six months and hardly any of you damn cissie libs participated. Had you participated you'd probably have a better understanding of the struggles we face and we probably wouldn't be in this situation where trans people are heading for this damn hills because you're all shit libs driving us away. > > Fucking read it or listen to the audiobooks and I won't ask again. It's all free. The book is only 147 pages - that's ***7*** pages per night for exactly 3 weeks. I wipe my fucking ass with 7 pages, that's nothing. People put genuine effort into this to ensure you could educate yourselves and you have no reason not to outside of fucking liberalism. > > It reads quick. Drop whatever the fuck you're reading and read this. Now. :leslie-shining: > > ~~Edit: I'll be throwing up a discussion thread at some point in the next week or so for you damn shitlibs to comment on with things you find meaningful so I'll know if you actually gave a shit. I swear to God I better see y'all in the comments.~~ > > If you're having trouble downloading, there are links in [this]( comment by u/hexaflexagonbear that seem to work.


Lookin for it? Leave ![hentai-free]( "hentai-free")


They were socialists punks & goths from east germany who would regularly get in fights with reactionaries in their youth??? I genuinely did not see this coming. Maybe it would have been obvious if I spoke german but I don't and I am shocked. Genuinely expected chud behavior

36 \--- Edit I edited the title. It took me 20 minutes to think up "Our Big Fry Boy". Better late than never I guess.


I'm not going to either. You can't make me. I can't even imagine what it sounds like and I won't try.


cross-posted from:


[seized from here]( [context]( >German media is currently plastering the image of a Palestinian burning in his hospital bed everywhere - not because they’re outraged over Israel’s crime against humanity, but because they’re demanding a politician who shared said image critically to resign over “antisemitism“


picture dated April 30, 2024 from let's review the shit excuses they gave when they agreed with the protestors: [Review faults police response to Charlottesville far-right rally]( | Reuters >Heaphy, whose team interviewed 150 people, said no police officer he spoke to felt good about what happened. > >Officers were not properly trained or deployed, Heaphy said. State and city police used different radio systems during the rally so they could not communicate effectively. > >Heaphy said Charlottesville wrongly believed it could not ban protesters from carrying items such as clubs and shields, and city and state police took too passive an approach when clashes broke out. > >"Despite clear evidence of violence, police consistently failed to intervene, de-escalate, or otherwise respond," the report said. "These shortcomings contributed to a chaotic series of events that led to violence and death."


In it the one old lady name drops "The Squad" saying that Kamala is protecting them, implying they don't care about or help along antisemitism. And then the other old lady says (paraphrasing) "I've never voted republican but I'm voting for Trump" meaning he will protect her/them. One of them also drops an "Oy Vey" ![cringe]( "emoji cringe") Trump's campaign is literally antisemitic but it works because they paint the left as the **REAL** antisemites because we're opposed to Zionism. I'm SorosFootSoldier and I approve this message. Death to America.


Pic related. This smug fuck even uses a microwave to reheat last night's korma take out.


I never... Okay I sometimes... SHUT UP ![kitty-cri-screm]( "emoji kitty-cri-screm")


By giving white an extra half point, they would win games that would otherwise be tied, giving every* game a clear winner.


![](![]( "Sorry, I need you to come in today, I can't afford to hire more people." 💅


Hi folks, Matt from Chapo here, Just wanted to let you know we've partnered with the Skrill app to bring you the most convenient and secure payment platform for the dirtbag left. Whether you're re-upping an 8-ball from the twitchy guy at the back of the dive bar or sending your misbegotten blood money to maoist insurgents in the 3rd world - Skrill has you covered. Remember folks - Skrill™ yourself - Skrill™ everyone around you. Using code "CHAPO" at checkout will match your first purchase of guns or cocaine up to 5$


Actually, wait, she changed her mind and now says we *can* get a third cat, but only if we keep it outdoors. Anyway, our current cats are Norwegian forest cats so don't usually vote in American elections.


Hey peeps, I've been a hexbear a while this is just a new alt. ![mao-wave]( "emoji mao-wave") Some background: My Mom is a lib, but not a superlib. She is disgusted by what's happening in gaza, doesn't really belive the democrats have her best interests at heart, etc. She thinks she consumes diverse media but it's really only what the local radio station plays. (NPR, BBC World Service.) Whenever I bring up the issue of supporting the democrats when they are actively committing genocide, she agrees with how disgusting it is but also doesn't believe it's not worth voting for Kamala over. ("I can't let this be the reason trump becomes president again.") She also doesn't believe that Kamala and Biden are actively praticipating in the genocide - she thinks the money will get sent either way. I know. She was extremely disillusioned with the dems before Joe dropped out but after they tagged Kopmalla in she's been fairly excited. She likes Kamala somewhat, very much likes that she's a woman, and very much dislikes trump. Anytime I call her out on her inconsistencies in belief vs how she votes (not that voting really matters but its the principal) she talks about how she as a mother and a woman can't let Trump win again. Anyways, I had a very productive conversation with her last night. I basically convinced her that Kamala will lose, and deserves to lose because she won't shift her policy on Gaza. I also told her that Jill Stein doesn't need to win, she just needs to get to 5% to change the political landscape of this country. (I know that Stein is far from ideal but she's not a ![LIB]( "emoji LIB"), she's an easy pill for much more people to swallow and she has the best shot of 5%. The PSL is far better, but I'm supporting Jill this cycle.) I think what finally woke my Mom up is when I said, "You always talk about wanting to make change somehow, and this is a way to make change but you won't take it because that's what others have told you not to do." That really seemed to strike a cord and I feel like she really hears me for the first time. Now she's at the point where she can't hear it any more from me, but needs a little boost further to radicalize her against the democratic party. If any hexbears have some good resources on subjects like the lack of the lesser of two evils, the democrats enactment of project 2025, how getting Stein to 5% helps, the ease at which Biden and Kamala could end the genocide, etc they'd be much appreciated. I typed this out in like 5 minutes on my phone so I hope any of it makes sense. Also if we could avoid dunking on my mom, that'd be great - she's a lib but she made me who I am and is amazing also.


A lot of boomer behavior and beliefs make sense when you realize this. A lot of them were raised by whatever garbage was on TV due to neglectful parents. Do yourself a favor and watch an episode of one of these shows some time. MASH, Gilligans Island, the Andy Griffith Show, etc. Pure escapism. Simple black and white moralistic protestsnt values. Now realize that when boomers reminisce about a time when "townspeople knew the local cop" that this never existed. They are literally just going off what they seen on the andy griffith show as a kid during their formative years.

chapotraphouse HarryLime 2d ago 100%

what ever happened to *loyalty*?? ![](


Reading through the replies to this and others, just incredible how many people ingest narratives about “terrorism” and how myths about Oct 7 still persist (or persist because people want them to be true).


I proud of myself for making this