Donbass, DPR and LPR

Western media ignores that for over than 8 years Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic are suffering from Ukrainian aggression. It all started back in 2014, when USA supported far-right coup wasn't supported by many regions in the Eastern part of Ukraine. People in Eastern Ukraine is mostly Russian speaking and they wanted to be represented and respected. After the coup, the new government supported and encouraged the nazis, who helped them to get to the top. The social stigma against Eastern Ukrainians got even worse than it had already been. Apart from cultural, there were also economical consequences and perspectives that made people worry about the coup. There were no calls for independence from Ukraine at the beginning. People wanted autonomy to make their voice in politics stronger. They organized rallies against the right tendencies and demanded more autonomy in economical questions. Ukrainian army with neo nazi battalions have been shelling Donetsk People's republic and Luhansk People's republic since then. Western and Ukrainian media don't want to acknowledge what this is Ukrainian side who's been killing and wounding people. For example, OSCE reported on February, 19 this year: "Observers from the OSCE European security body on Saturday reported more than 1,500 ceasefire violations in east Ukraine in a single day, the highest number this year. In a report covering attacks on Friday, its monitors recorded 591 breaches in Donetsk and 975 violations in neighbouring Lugansk, two regions partly held by Russian-backed separatists".


Yesterday. Kirovsky district of Donetsk, DPR, Abakumov mine village, the Nazis dropped a mine from a UAV onto a market where there were many people. As a result of the terrorist attack, [six people]( were injured. The operator of the enemy UAV clearly saw that he was hitting civilians. ![]( ![]( Ukrainian drones attacked a car that was used to deliver bread to Gorlovka civilians yesterday too. A driver was wounded. ![]( ![]( On June, 29, they attacked a civilian tramway in Gorlovka, DPR. A tram driver was [wounded]( On the next day, Ukrainian soldiers attacked a tram with a drone again, this time a tramway driver **was killed.** People inside a tramway and inside a public transport nearby were [wounded]( Today, an explosive was [dropped on an eldery woman]( in Donetsk. She was born in 1946.


According to the DPR JCCC on July 16, as a result of a mine PFM "Lepestok" explosion woman born in 1971 was wounded in Makeevka. In total, as of July 16, 163 cases of explosions of civilians on prohibited by international conventions mines PFM-1 "Lepestok" (Petal) were registered, including 10 children. Three of the victims died as a result of the wound. Source: [DPR MFA]( Related video in English, where you can see the streets covered in Petal mines. [Ukraine turns Donetsk into a minefield using banned ‘butterfly’ mines]( Report by Eva K. Bartlett Another one by her: [14 Year Old Is One of 87 Donbass Civilians Maimed By Petal Mines Fired By Ukraine]( *Warning: video contains disturbing/graphic scenes (...which Donbass civilians get no warning for before they are maimed or murdered by Ukrainian shelling). Fourteen year old Nikita is one of nearly 100 Donbass civilians injured by Ukrainian-fired Petal mines. Nikita, who formerly did breakdancing & Mixed Martial Arts lost his foot after stepping on a mine.


Ukraine shelled HIMARS missiles at a restaurant in Donetsk. Presumably, their target was an auto rally, dedicated to the anniversary, which was set to start next to the restaurant. Official source: As a result of a direct hit on the Paradise restaurant in the Kirovsky district of Donetsk, **three civilians were killed**: a woman (restaurant employee) and two men (diners). Currently, eight victims are known: a girl born in 2012, men born in 1979, 1984, 2003, 2005, women born in 1986, 1988, 1980 (injuries of mild to moderate severity). The victims are now receiving all necessary medical care. One of the American HIMARS missiles hit the restaurant directly (the outer wall, glazing along the entire perimeter of the building, and street structures were damaged), the second hit a nearby unfinished building (the roof was damaged). Official source: [DPR Leader Pushilin Denis ]( ![]( ![]( [Video]( Yesterday, Ukrainian artillery killed a woman and her granddaughter. [JCCC](


Graham Philips, a British journalist who has been covering the development of events since the very beginning of the Maidan in 2014, published a documentary video about the political oppression of the Russian population in Mariupol. The documentary video reflects the tragic events of the past and focuses on the liberation of the city by DLNR and Chechen forces. The local population testifies to torture under the Ukrainian regime. You won't see this kind of reporting in a certain propaganda movie of a similar name that Hollywood recently decided to give an award to, and which omits to mention the relevant historical background and glorifies the Nazis responsible for the torture, killing and destruction as heroes.


In the DPR, 24 civilians, including three children, were killed by cluster munitions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces The head of the Republic’s representative office in the JCCC Natalia Shutkina told: The danger from submunitions has intensified since August 2023, when the enemy began using 155 mm cluster artillery munitions: in just seven months of their use, 24 were killed, including three children, and 107 civilians were also injured. ![]( Photo from Donetsk, where a cluster munition killed a child. October, 15. Over the past year alone, sappers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations discovered and neutralized about 1.5 thousand submunitions of this type of projectile. Source: [DPR MFA]( Also, today the Ukrainian military dropped ammunition from a drone on electrical network employees in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, wounding 2 women workers. Source: [Donetsk mayor](


A bus driver was wounded in drone attack by Ukrainian soldiers in Donetsk today. Shortly after, they dropped another explosive on a cosmetic shop nearby. It happened near the railway station of the city, where there are a lot of shops and market spaces. ![]( ![]( In Malaya Kahovka, Ukraine attacked repair workers with drones too. A man who was passing by **was killed**. Ukrainian drones were flying near wounded people, preventing medics from helping. In a result of this terrorist tactic, **one worker died** before medics could help. ![](


Ukrainian soldiers fired on repair team and **killed an electrician** in Golmovsky near Gorlovka. Then they dropped ammo from a drone at an ambulance that arrived to help and **fatally injured a paramedic**. 6 other people, including 3 doctors, were hospitalised. DPR's leader Pushilin [called]( the strikes of the Ukrainian army in Golmovsky, where two people were killed and six more were injured, as terrorist acts. He said that during repair work, Ukrainian terrorists fired at a brigade of power engineers, as a result of which a woman power engineer was killed and three of her colleagues were wounded. Later, an ambulance that arrived to evacuate the victims was attacked by a drone; a paramedic was killed and three other paramedics were injured. [Video from TASS, tw blood]( [Official DPR source about this]( Another similar attack: [Ukrainian drones hits Donetsk car repair service three times, injuring medics who arrived to help after the first attack](


[On December 9](, 6 people were wounded. Arrivals near the Galaktika shopping center have happened before ([where Ukrainian soldiers attacked medics]( but this is the first time with such a number of wounded. The shells were dropped from a UAV within 10 minutes of each other. [On December 7](, two women born in 1970 and 1979 were wounded. [On December 6](, 3 women and one man were wounded as a result of a UAV dropping explosives. One of the victims is 77 years old. [On December 4](, 2 people were injured in the market area. [On December 3](, a teenage boy born in 2005 was wounded as a result of a drop of explosives from a UAV. Also 2 women were wounded. [Three kids were injured in two days as a result of an ammunition drop from a Ukrainian drones.](


The industrial zone near the railway station "Yasinovataya 2" is completely liberated from occupation that persisted since 2014. Not yesterday, not this morning, not three days ago, not at lunchtime, but right now. The report is published at the moment when the last battle, with superior enemy forces, has died down, and the last Nazis, who settled in the industrial zone, received what they were looking for here.


Once again, a child was injured today in the Republic as a result of an ammunition drop from a Ukrainian UAV. The girl was near her home when Ukrainian soldiers dropped a bomb on her. A ten-year-old girl, a resident of Staromikhailovka, was taken with shrapnel wounds to a regional medical facility and is receiving all the necessary assistance. In addition, as a result of an explosion of mine PFM "Lepestok" in Novoluganskoye, a man born in 1966 was injured today. He was taken to the hospital with a traumatic amputation of his right foot. To date, **more than 140 cases of civilians being blown up by anti-personnel mines have been recorded.** Two days ago, in the Kirovsky district of Donetsk, **two girls born in 2009 were injured due to the dropping of an explosive ordnance from a UAV near a store.** That day, a boy born in 2010 also received shrapnel wounds to the shoulder. The artillery shelling happened when he was at his home in the Petrovsky district of the capital. [Video about girls (tw for blood)]( Official sources:

0 ^Ukraine demobilization protest >Podoliak also believes that Russia’s victory would be a significant setback for the West as it would “not be able to claim global leadership” while its “autocratic” rivals would have free reign to attack other territories.** He also admitted that “the war is unpopular”** in Ukraine but rejected any peace engagement with Russia, insisting that Moscow wants to “subjugate” Kiev. >Students protested in Lviv, Western Ukraine on Tuesday, after a professor and former MP claimed that Russian speaking frontline soldiers cannot be considered ‘true Ukrainians.’ The students demanded that Irina Farion resign from her position at the Lviv Polytechnic National University. Ukrainian SU-27 flight commander defected to Russian side


Ukrainian drones injured three people in the Petrovsky district today. They hit an auto repair service center where people worked. Ukrainian military has once again launched an attack against civilians in Donetsk, DPR. This time, the victims were employees of a car repair service center located just behind the busy Galaktika shopping center in the Petrovsky district. This place is constantly attacked with enemy drones, which precisely track defenseless people, unable to hide from them. An eyewitness to the incident and a colleague of the injured, told there were three drones. The first dropped a bomb on two mechanics who were workers. As one of the men crawled back to the cabin to hide, an ambulance arrived and then a second drone attacked, **injuring two medics.** Another drone flew over Galaktika territory and dropped a projectile on a crowd of civilians. Information about those injured as a result of this treacherous crime is being clarified. ![]( Ambulance. [Video (18+)]( [DPR leader statement about this attack.](


Video compilation was found [here]( They are singing: „I’m a real nazi, I have been bombing Bombass for 8 years“ The red and black flag behind them belongs to the Right Sector, who, as you might guess, has right-wing views. This flag was used by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and the Bandera wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), and now used by various Ukrainian nationalist organizations and parties, including UNA-UNSO, Right Sector, Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists and others. ![]( ![]( ![](


Sharing the image of the mural on his socials, Jorit asks: "What should be done with those eight million Russians who remain on the territory of Ukraine?" He gives two answers to that question, the first one by former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko - "**We need to drop a nuclear bomb on them**," and the other by ex-President Pyotr Poroshenko, who said: "**Our children will go to their kindergartens and schools, while their children will live in basements**." A day earlier, Jorit wrote: "They lied to us about Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, the Balkans; they deceived us on Libya and Syria. Now, I have the evidence proving that they are lying to us about Donbass." "Do not trust those who lecture us on morality. Their hands are in blood up to elbows," the artist wrote. He added that the real situation in Mariupol is directly opposite to what is being portrayed by the Western media. "It is nothing but a dirty game for economic benefits. After Russia, they will turn to China," the artist added. ![](


Information provided by the Ombudsman of the Donetsk People's Republic (Data on the DPR territory taking into account liberated settlements) [Source]( The real number is definitely higher, this is only documented tragedies


Ukraine shelled public transport stop in Donetsk, one person was killed, 7 were injured. ![]( ![]( This is a type of shells that were used against people: ![]( ![]( On Monday, the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at the Kievsky district of Donetsk, the area of the Railway Station from the BM-21 Grad MLRS. A young girl was killed. The railway station is a crowded place in Donetsk, there are many shops, cafes and public transport stops here, even though the railway station itself is not working. ![]( ![]( Source: [Donetsk mayor ]( [DPR MFA ](


I don't have telegram, but I have been able to view his/their telegram page since the conflict started. Recently I can't at all. Has anyone else experienced this or can offer insight as to why this happened?


After the Battle of Artemivsk 2014, nazis were kicked out for short period before retaking the city again, now they are finally kicked out again for good! Marinka and Avdiivka are next. Z


Russell "Texas" Bentley writes: HARD DAY FOR DONETSK - 5 KILLED, 23 WOUNDED TODAY, MAY 17TH. May 17, 2023 As a result of the morning shelling of the Petrovsky district, 3 people were injured, 2 others died. The number of dead and wounded during the day increased - so far five people have died as a result of shelling by the AFU. 24 people were injured, including a 13-year-old teenager. Everyone gets the necessary medical care. 25 residential buildings and five civil infrastructure facilities were damaged. Nazis shelled Petrovsky when people were going to work this morning. A shell hit a bus stop between the Trudovsky ("Laborers") neighborhood and Dobrovolskogo ("Volunteers") neighborhood on Petrovsky Blvd. A man was wounded, two people in their car stopped to help. A moment later, another shell slammed into the bus stop, killing them both. Ilona Chmyruk was a golden person, a nurse who was known by all Petrovsky! Valery Generalov was a man from the village of Trudovsky, who recently buried his mother .... And now he himself has become a victim of the Nazis! Sergey Glazkin is wounded, we pray for his health! ![]( ![]( Three people were killed in shelling of a grossery shop in Donetsk. Today, a young man was killed in Gorlovka, DPR. The shelling continues. [DPR MFA ](


During the shelling of Donetsk, a shell hit a minibus. "A full bus, and there were children": the driver of the minibus told the details of the arrival in Donetsk “I’m thinking where to go, shells are flying towards ... I stopped, no, I started off and ...”, the driver hardly chooses words. The minibus burned down completely, there were people, including children. Information on the dead and wounded is being specified. Right now confirmed that there are 7 killed civilians. During today's morning, they destroyed civilians houses in Voroshilovskyy district, using Western weapons. ![]( HIMARS shells Ukraine is targeting districts and places full of people. This is terrorism. They also shelled hospital where people wounded in shellings are getting treatment. 10 people are wounded. ![]( [DPR MFA](