
Sorry about the delay. Got flu, Covid and Shingles vaccines yesterday and couldn't stay awake until midnight to post.


General Beef isn't feeling Jimmy.


(that's the Oct 2nd, 2018 Heathcliff, in case the image doesn't show up <[backup link](https://assets.amuniversal.com/09343630a1660136589b005056a9545d)>) I've kvetched about this before, but I can't help but wonder if the comic sort of hit a peak somewhere between the late teens and early 20's, around when [SOLRAD](solrad.co) did a fascinating article series on Orangecat. For example, in the above strip, we see a fairly tight view of the situation, with well-drawn (if simple) art, and a clever, easily comprehensible premise. To be clear, though-- I'm not here to complain about the cartoon going in a gonzo, surreal direction in recent years, I'm moreso a bit chagrined by the art quality slacking off a bit, affecting the overall quality. You can compare yourself at the [**archive**](https://www.gocomics.com/heathcliff/), which is also a really cool resource that goes all the way back to 2002, about four years in to writer-artist Peter Gallagher's tenure. Notice any differences? To me, it seems like the camera typically zooms out more in recent strips, with the characters usually being smaller... even a bit lumpier, and more brusquely drawn. Now does that work with the current style? Sure, I can concede that. Just that I miss the superior linework and artistry of prior years, even if it was more of a straight-gag comic at the time. Okay, rant's over. :P There's been a clear evolution, in any case. I wonder where it will lead...