Hyprland Desktop Environment

Hello everyone! Mods here 😊 Welcome to Hyprland Community in a new Land here. Feel free to help each other and showcase your Hyprland to the community!


> [...] I announce that our move off of wlroots is now complete and MR 6608 is now merged.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/17258082 >Problem -> When doing file transfers (mtp) or running some cli commands like nixos-rebuild, when the hyprlock kicks in they are pause at that point and only resume after unlock. > > One thing I am kind of noticing that it may be the systemctl suspend command that is suspending the processes. But overall I am confused with the best combination of pairing both the two programs. > > Here is the config > (for hypridle) > > ``` > general { > before_sleep_cmd=loginctl lock-session > lock_cmd=hyprlock > } > > listener { > on-timeout=suspend-script > timeout=1800 > } > > ``` > > (The suspend script) > > ```bash > pw-cli i all 2>&1 | grep running -q > # Only suspend if audio isn't running > if [ $? == 1 ]; then > systemctl suspend > fi > > ``` > > Let me know if you have any solution. > The link attached to this post is for my github hosting my nixos dotfiles, maybe that can also help.


As a newbie Arch user, I got bored to use Gnome or KDE. I want to use Hyprland as my desktop environment. Like what I see at social media. But there is different ways to download it as far as I see. Somethings called Hyprdots, additional things like Waybar etc. and these making me confused. How can I download it and make it look like as the things I saw on the Internet? Don't want to be wannabe, just I don't know how to set it up.


Hi everyone. Hyprland is doing this thing where when I change to a different workspace, everything on the non-visible workspaces drop in performance. Normally this wouldn't be an issue since I'm assuming hyprland does this to save resources for what you're currently looking at. The issue is that Elden Ring sees this sudden drop in performance as an FPS issue and kicks me out of online play due to unstable FPS. For example, I'll be playing on workspace 3, then I'll look something up on my browser in workspace 1. After about 5 or 10 seconds Elden Ring will give me a pop up saying that I've been logged out due to FPS instability. Is there a way to disable this performance drop for a specific workspace?


Just installed Garuda-Hyprland on my NVidia 3070 System and it works like a charm and nearly out-of-the-box I just had to install with nouveau drivers from the usb and install proprietary drivers after boot from disk. Then i had to fix some issues with waking up after suspend and now i'm good. Amazing how far all of this came!


I just got into hyprland. Installed some configs and just didn't like them so I'm starting from scratch and building my own. I dabbled some with eww and it made me reconsider my will to live. Is it worth learning or is waybar good enough?


shared from: https://lemmy.ml/post/6282553 There is now an update: https://lemmy.ml/comment/6913362#comment-6913362 The rant is obsolete now :) > I recently switched to Hyprland on my laptop and was able to set it up as I like, but I struggle hard to set up keybinds to simply print different characters when pressing certain key combinations. > > For example, one small snippet from my `.Xmodmap` (there are more in this file but that’s enough for a minimal working example) > > ``` > keycode 108 = Mode_switch > keycode 38 = a A adiaeresis Adiaeresis > ``` > > This allows me to press the A key in combination with the right Alt key to print an `ä` or an `Ä` when shift is pressed, to. > > ### wtype and built-in key binding > > After some research I found [wtype][wtype] which allows me to write arbitrary text when called with the parameters. > > After I learned that Hyprland (or Wayland) does not distinguish between Alt_R and Alt_L (they’re shown as `Alt_R` and `Alt_L` in [wev][wev] with different keysyms, so they’re clearly two different keys) and I accepted it, I just found out that this tool only works when being in a terminal emulator and not in a GUI application so this tool is useless for me. > > ### keyd > > Then I tried [keyd][keyd]. After setting it up and adding my user to the needed groups and starting the service and trying to figure out how to actually define keymaps I was able to send something when pressing a defined key combination. > > But: Nothing else than ASCII. > > The dev thinks it’s a Chromium problem based on [this issue][issue] but it actually isn’t. I wasn’t able to send an `ä` to ANY application, no matter if GUI or terminal or [Qutebrowser][qb]. > > Since there is basically no online resources or user community for this tool, I cannot find any usable information on this issue except the unrelated Chrome reference and thus I removed it again because I cannot use it for what I want to use it for. > > ### xkb > > For whatever reason Wayland (or Hyprland) uses certain parts of the [X keyboard extension][xkb], so I also tried this one. > > Despite being absurdly complex and annoying to setup I was able to configure a user based keyboard variant using user-based symbols. From what I’ve taken [from][from] [various][various] [sites][sites] my config should do nothing more than remapping `Alt_R` to `ISO_Layer3_Shift` just for testing purposes. > > But all I achieved was reproducibly crashing Hyprland when setting it up to actually use said keyboard variant and there seems to be no log file. > > ### yeah, that’s where we are > > Again, it’s not about the umlauts, and not about the German keyboard layout, and not about switching lkayouts on-the-fly, it’s just to demonstrate what I mean. You can replace ä with any other character you want. > > After a long night of trying out to have the Xmodmap functionality in Wayland using Hyprland as compositor I ended up with not being successful. > > I give up for now. > > Maybe one day there will be an actually working solution requiring nothing more than two lines in a file. > > [wtype]: https://github.com/atx/wtype > [wev]: https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/wev > [keyd]: https://github.com/rvaiya/keyd > [issue]: https://github.com/rvaiya/keyd/issues/470 > [qb]: https://qutebrowser.org > [xkb]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_keyboard_extension > > [from]: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1187610/reassigning-modifier-keys-with-xkb > [various]: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/572768/remapping-a-key-for-xkb > [sites]: https://blog.debiania.in.ua/posts/2021-06-10-remapping-keys-under-wayland.html


I was trying to use Hyprland, but when i start it up it crashes with 2 critical errors: m_sWLRRenderer was NULL!, and wlr_gles2_renderer_create_with_drm_fd() failed! Logs: https://pastebin.com/LvwUDZDb Coredump: https://pastebin.com/7c8kpfU6 CPU: Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5200 GPU: Intel GMA3100 (G31)


Hi. Is there a way to make the active stacking window a floating window when resizing with the mouse without explicitly making it a floating window first?


Wdap fellow hyprfolks, just wanted to show off my hyprland on nvidia configuration. Got pyprland running for the floating/scratchpad windows. If anyone would like to check my dotfiles lemmy know! See https://dankdrop.nl/selif/hyprhypr.mp4 for a short video of my desktop :) Only ran into two issues so far: - My second monitor was turning off / on mostly when i did some stuff on my main monitor. I solved this by hooking up my second monitor to HDMI instead of Displayport. Before both monitors were on Displayport, now its 1x 38" ultrawide on displayport & 1x 32" on HDMI. So far no more weird glitches. - Sometimes when i'm switching tabs in firefox when listening to music on youtube the audio glitches. Also in games from steam when i move out of the gamescope window, and back to it, the audio seems to slightly repeat. But this is pretty doable imo. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks to all the hyprland contributors. Really enjoying the experience so far.


Are there any wayland-native, pretty and simple calculator apps that work well with hyprland? Any recommendations?


Does anyone know why Waybar is using the local language instead of English?


I've been wanting to try out hyprland on my Surface Pro 7. Has anyone tried it yet? I haven't seen a lot of info on running hyprland on older Intel CPUs with integrated drivers.


Hey, complete Nix newbie here. Anyone got any advice on setting up Hyprland for NixOS? It seems a bit more difficult than I initially expected. For reference, I'm using a laptop with Nvidia Optimus. If there's any roundabout methods I have to do to circumvent that, or if Nvidia isn't supported on NixOS hyprland yet, please let me know!


On incoming calls signal-desktop reliably freezes with hyprland, archlinux, and Rx 5500. I was wondering if that is just my experience with one program, or if other are experiencing freezes with something they use too.


There's currently an issue with the latest Mesa update that broke all Wayland compositors. If you have updated and don't want to stick with X11, rollback (I rollback from 20230616-0 to 20230608-0). Github issue in Hyprland: https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/issues/2514 Bug ticket in openSUSE: https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1212345


Hi, Hyprland User out there, when and how did you get to know hyprland? I get to know Hyprland because I watched Brodie's first video about hyprland. It coincidence with me trying to explore tiling wm in general. In the video, Brodie criticize Hyprland configuration and lack of documentation, but it fixed next day. I was amazed with the speed of development and after that moment, I feel in love with Hyprland and become daily user of Hyprland from that point onward. how is your story? edit: I forgot to add body to my post. xD


Wondering if others experience this or if it's just my setup. I've tried searching for open issues that describe this behavior but haven't had much luck yet. I believe it only affects GTK apps but when I'm at an input text box on an app, hitting ctrl-a doesn't actually select all the input most of the time. If I hold ctrl-a for a few seconds, it eventually succeeds. This only happens to me in hyprland. If this isn't a known issue I'll put more time into describing it and testing exactly which input dialogs are affected.