
LibreWolf celoman 2w ago 92%



Is this total cookie protection something embedded, not requiring any user intervention? I know with librewolf we get the strict enhanced cookie protection mode, but I don't know if for this total protection there's something required, if not turned on by default... Greetings !


This has _never_ worked in Firefox. Fx doesn’t follow `en_DK` for dates & even if I set/leave my preferences @ `en_US` as default, I still get terrible defaults like dd/mm/yyyy & commas for decimal separators at least on my machine even if I toggle on/off the use system locale option. Is LibreWolf in a position to be the first Fx fork to support ISO 8601 date formats (with nerds rejoicing everywhere)?


Awesome, [@librewolf]( is in the [#FreeBSD]( package repository.


In light of the new "AI WOW!" approach in the Firefox nightlies, I've installed [#LibreWolf]( on my Linux machine at home, my Windows work laptop and corp VMs desktop. Thankfully, they include a portable version so I can run it on the corporate machines. Though, the windows LibreWolf-Portable.exe had some issue on the VM about determining 32/64 bit, I just ran the LibreWolf/librewolf.exe directly. I haven't messed with setting up corp proxy yet. That's tomorrow. [@librewolf](


smdh @ more Firefox BS. "Firefox was created in 2002 under the codename 'Phoenix' by members of the Mozilla community who desired a standalone browser rather than the Mozilla Application Suite bundle." Remember those halcyon Phoenix days? I do. They were all too short lived. Now even Firefox forks such as [@librewolf]( seem to be sitting on their thumbs, thinking maybe it's sufficient to merely option out offending lines of code. Have decades of return to libc exploits meant nothing to developers?! If you aren't going to branch to the code, don't leave it in the source! It is an attack surface laying dormant whether you realize it or not. Is it more work? Sure. Do the work! LibreSSL didn't rip out tens of thousands of lines from OpenSSL without good reasons. The dividends have been appreciable.


After the recent update (130.0-1) my settings in the “DNS over HTTPS” settings are no longer saving and are reset to “Increased protection” with the Mozilla DNS server every time I close the browser. Does anyone know how I can fix this?


Hello [@zenbrowser]( why I cant have the same protection using zen versus [@librewolf]( ? I tested it with []( and still it says that zen is partially blocking some trackers. I checked the settings, many things looks the same but apparently not enough... If you have any information on this it will be great.


Hi, I got an error "could not find the path to Librewolf" when clicking on LibreWolf-Portable.exe It was working pretty well before this issue. How can I fix this trouble, please ? platform : Windows10 Home


If I want to know if my version is up to date without issues, I should be able to find that information very quickly and plainly on the website as an external verification source. It could be on a page or on something like the menu or landing page footer. I just checked all of these. Finding this information is not obvious to me. I want to know this directly and without in-browser, distro, or other influences.


WTF [@librewolf]( - you had only one job and you are failing in it. "No telemetry" -\> first thing Librewolf does is connect to Mozilla telemetry services. Found out this by having @littlesnitch@mastodon.obdev installed. [\#librewolf]( [#telemetry]( [#cybersecurity](


Блин очень большие надежды испытывал на переезд на [@librewolf]( но к сожалению, google meet и другие популярные штуки для онлайн конференций отказались нормально работать с камерой и микрофоном. А еще при попытке оплатить через СПБ, почему-то отказывается нормально выводить QR код. :-( Пришлось откатить на [@FirefoxNightly]( Может кто есть из пользователей [@librewolf]( дайте совет, как вы его настроили, что не всплывает таких косяков?


long but Interesting ! \


Hi everyone, Is there somewhere a list of all the changes made compared to Firefox ? edit: ~~Sorry if it's been already asked over here, but it seem that Lemmy do not provide a search within a Community 😮~~ no, actually we can, there isn't a shortcut to make such a search. and no ability to limit the search to the titles.. ![]( \*Wubba Lubba dub-dub\*


Just switched from Librewolf Flatpak to the rpm. Now double click to select text doesn't work. To select text, I need to drag my cursor over the text to be selected while holding left click. Is there any way to fix this?


Two days ago, LW started behaving very oddly. It suddenly stopped rendering pages - but only on some sites. For example, the default Lemmy skin is fine but the Alexandrite skin is not. The BBC website doesn't work either. A few others seemingly totally random. The domain resolves and it makes the initial connection and then it takes up to a minute of doing nothing and then just craps out, unable to render the page. Checking the Inspector reveals no errors or warnings and the network inspector is making a connection but not loading anything other than headers and basic tags. The page presents no errors it just shows a blank screen. `<html> <head>` and `<body>` tags load but nothing else. All these pages work fine in all other browsers I've tested in (floorp, Mullvad, vanilla FFox and Brave). Details: LibreWolf 128.0-2 (flatpak) on LMDE (Faye). Any clues, pointers or advice very gratefully received. I love the browser and have it set up just how I like it so don't really want to switch to another.


[@librewolf]( Cannot login to I'm using LibreWolf since a few days, and I love it ! But when I try to login to I get bloqued. I've added this domain to the exceptions, as well as When I login, I get a captcha, and after solving it, I a bloqued... Am I missing an option to allow this website to work ? Thanks !


I almost gave up and uninstalled Librewolf. For a full month but now I just want to say thank you for restoring ALSA again. For some reason it was disabled in version 128 and required Pulseaudio in order to work. which requires sudo in my case, and that caused me huge grief.


Présentement en train de tester [@librewolf]( en remplacement de [#firefox]( les extensions "Simple tabs groups" et "Tab manager plus", non fonctionnelles, me manquent un peu, "Tabby" semble faire le job cependant

LibreWolf dockien 2mo ago 100%

i wonder if anyone can help me understand why the librewolf instructions for installation point to gitlab whe they moved to codeberg? shows: `flatpak install flathub io.gitlab.librewolf-community ` im just curious. thanks


It's weird that the default homepage doesn't have the LibreWolf logo. It would make sense, right?


Hey [@librewolf]( crew! I just made the switch after decades of loyal [#Firefox]( use. Lost my patience for the find-the-new-anti-features-and-disable-them-game. Thanks for existing! I couldn't find anyplace to donate. Please tell me how you could take my money. [\#librewolf]( [#forkfirefox]( [#FreeSoftware]( [#libresoftware](


How to reduce spaces in the context menu with userChrome.css? Any help is appreciated.


**File not found** LibreWolf can’t find the file at jar:file:///D:/PortableApps/LibreWolf/LibreWolf/omni.ja!/chrome/toolkit/content/global/config.xhtml. **How to solve it?**


Hello I use librewolf on arch. I have installed it from flatpak. The sounds does not play when I play a music or video in LW. The laptop does not have any software or hardware problem because I can open musics or videos with any problem in other apps. What could be the problem?


I'm new here and am not sure if this is the right place to post a question about Librewolf. I found this area from the Librewolf site when trying to find a support forum of sorts. If this is not the place then I apologize and will know for in future. I've found that my custom shortcuts on a website I built, no longer work as expected. For some reason, when I type "s" with the caps lock key on, it is treated as if I had typed "shift" + "s" to give the capital "S". This would normally be fine, but my site has shift + s treated as my "save" shortcut in Javascript, because ctrl + s triggers the browsers save page functionality. My custom shortcut works in traditional Firefox, but not Librewolf. Is there a reason that the caps-lock key converts the key events to as if we were holding down shift? Is there a way to disable this?


Hi there, just started using Librewolf and when im using a terminal via the browser Librewolf is loading it rather weirdly. How can I fix this? This website in specific is supposed to load my terminal.


I foggily remember that I didn't like it displaying 'Manage bookmarks' when there were no bookmarks. I guess I feel that way because I hadn't had enough sleep.


I've written a web app that uses ctrl+alt+<key> shortcuts because they don't interfere with the many expected ctrl-<key> shortcuts. Librewolf blocks these shortcuts because of RFP, apparently. As a result I have to disable RFP for my site (or just be annoyed all the time), and I guess I'll have to advise my users to do the same. I haven't found any doc that explicitly discusses the justification for disabling alt shortcuts. There is a [bug]( about how ctrl-<key> was broken for a while. [This page]( doesn't mention alt either, that I can find. I can guess that it probably allows identifying some keyboards somehow. Just would like to read up on it so I can at least understand what the issues are with the alt key.


[@librewolf]( should have an importer for firefox, not only chrome and safari.


I recently migrated to Librewolf from Firefox due to Mozilla's recent blunder of covertly adding adware to their browser. I like the ResistFingerprinting feature for added privacy, but enabling it seems to set my browser time to GMT instead of ET, with most times on webpages (which refer to browser time) ahead by several hours as a result. Can I define my desired timezone in the browser settings so I don't have to pick one or the other between a correct browser time and better privacy? TIA :D!


Is there a setting that can allow me to keep browsing history on LibreWolf "forever", i.e. without it expiring and getting dumped after some time? It's not in the settings, but I'm willing to dive into about:config to do it.


Hi! I was wondering if there is a way to update LibreWolf settings (those you can override) from LibreWolf itself, or I have to wait until a new release. Thanks!


Could LibreWolf implement this? []


ich würde ja [@librewolf]( benutzen, aber


Lokjo - EU's Gmaps replacement ([@Lokjo]( []( Attached: 1 image Firefox is just another US-corporate product with an 'open source' sticker on it. Their version 128 update has auto checked a new little privacy breach setting. If you still use a corporate browser, at least do some safety version! We mainly use [@librewolf]( based on firefox. (yes, we know, a stable european or even non-U \--- 71 uses from 71 accounts [#toplink](


Firefox is just another US-corporate product with an 'open source' sticker on it. Their version 128 update has auto checked a new little privacy breach setting. If you still use a corporate browser, at least do some safety version! We mainly use [@librewolf]( based on firefox. (yes, we know, a stable european or even non-US browser is still considered 'futuristic' in europe) [\#eu]( [#browser]( [#firefox]( [#meh](


Va, anem a posar-li una pega al [@librewolf]( no renderitza bé el terminal virtual de Digital Ocean. A veure, ja sé que com a pega, és una mica meh, però és que si vaig dient que és guai així perquè sí, doncs tampoc mola, saps?