

When federal agents approach you, you can’t be sure what their real agenda is or what they hope to learn. Whether you’ve already been approached or you just want to be prepared, read this FAQ.


List of unsolved problems may refer to several notable conjectures or open problems in various academic fields: Natural sciences, engineering and medicine Unsolved problems in astronomy Unsolved problems in biology Unsolved problems in chemistry Unsolved problems in geoscience Unsolved problems in medicine Unsolved problems in neuroscience Unsolved problems in physicsMathematics, statistics and information sciences Unsolved problems in mathematics Unsolved problems in statistics Unsolved problems in computer science Unsolved problems in information theory...


Ze skarpy wiślanej płynęły w tym rejonie do rzeki dwa potoki, Polkówka i Ruda. Nazwa tego pierwszego pochodziła od osadnika imieniem Polik, który gdzieś tam miał gospodarstwo, druga zaś to popularna nazwa takich rzeczułek. I od niej z kolei nazwano całą wieś, która wyrosła wzdłuż niej.


E-booki i tablet, smartfony, Google, a nawet Matrix zostały wymyślone przez autora "Solaris"już w połowie XX wieku. Oto jak Stanisław Lem przewidział przyszłość, w której żyjemy.


Najpierw były plotki. Już za dzieciaka niektóre słyszałem, nawet jak jeszcze nie wszystkie mogłem objąć rozumem. Później temat sam z siebie przycichł. Do parafii przyszedł nowy ksiądz, a jeden ze starych po prostu zniknął. Dostał przeniesienie, czy jakiś awans. Mnie to jakoś specjalnie nie interesowało, a i plotki jakoś przycichły. Aż jakiś czas później za sprawą artykułu prasowego bomba wybuchła na nowo.


What do they think a collapse is supposed to look like? It seems people just cannot just cannot get past the "Zombie Apocalypse" theory of collapse. They imagine hordes of disease-ridden folks dressed in rags stumbling around and fighting over cans of petrol and stripping cans of food from shelves. That's not what collapse looks like. It never has been. In fact, there's very little evidence that a Zombie Apocalypse style collapse ever occurred in the historical record. Instead we see subtle patterns of abandonment and decay that unfold over long periods of time. Big projects stop. Population thins. Trade routes shrink and people revert to barter. Things get simpler and more local. Culture coarsens. High art stagnates. People disperse. Expectations are adjusted downward. Investments are no longer made in the future and previous investments are cannibalized just to maintain the status quo. Extend and pretend is hardly a recent invention.


When China's prodigious tech influencer, Naomi Wu, found herself silenced, it wasn't just the machinery of a surveillance state at play. Instead, it was a confluence of state repression and the sometimes capricious attention of a Western audience that, as she asserts, often views Chinese activists more as ideological tokens than as genuine human beings.


In her notebooks, Rand makes a hero of both Hickman and the fictional Renahan, who murders a church pastor instead of a child, and extols the killers’ beautiful souls, which rise and set without a trace of “social instinct or herd feeling.” Of Hickman she writes, “A strong man can eventually trample society under his feet … That boy was not strong enough.” Meanwhile, Renahan “does not understand,” she writes quite rapturously, “because he has no organ for understanding, the necessity, meaning, or importance of other people.”

Random Deykun 1y ago 100%

> > > January 6, 2017 > [...] > The headline for the story on Yahoo Finance is, “Trump Wants a Much Bigger Navy: Here’s How Much It’ll Cost.” It was presumably a rough night for the company’s social media editor, as the “b” in the word “bigger” was replaced with an “n” when the article was tweeted. > [https://news.yahoo.com/yahoo-sends-deletes-n-word-tweet-unfortunate-typo-151716280.html](https://news.yahoo.com/yahoo-sends-deletes-n-word-tweet-unfortunate-typo-151716280.html) > > [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tamerragriffin/yahoo-finance-nigger-navy-typo](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tamerragriffin/yahoo-finance-nigger-navy-typo)


But if “Musk says” posts are going to exist, they ought to be much more skeptical than the ones we’ve seen lately. For starters, assume that anything he says about a prospective fight with Zuckerberg isn’t true unless Zuckerberg or Meta confirm it.


Długo przymierzałem się do lektury najnowszej książki Pawła Lisickiego pod budzącym trwogę tytułem "Imperium Sodomy i jego sojusznicy". Dłużej jeszcze walczyłem ze sobą, czy przeżycia z tej porażającej lektury upublicznić, bo w końcu parę razy pisałem już o twórczości redaktora naczelnego "Do Rzeczy", więc miałby on prawo pomyśleć, że się w nim obsesyjnie kocham, mam manię na jego punkcie i jestem niebezpiecznym psychofanem.


500 tys. złotych ma dostać były wychowanek ośrodka opiekuńczego sióstr boromeuszek w Zabrzu, którym kierowała siostra Bernadetta.


@William Weber has been a long-term LowEndTalk member, joining way back in 2011. A veteran you could say. He’s a rather intelligent self-admitted high school dropout that loves his choice of drugs and guns… plus, he has a thing for operating in the grey area of the law. That combination makes for a perfect storm… and that it did.


Reddit is an interesting case because not only do the people who use the website create all of the content, but they also do almost all of the heavy lifting of managing and moderating the site. That sounds like a really good gig, except Reddit hasn't ever really managed to make money. Yes, it gets all the content for free and sells ads, but not nearly to an extent that makes a profit. There's another problem, which is that if you give people a lot of control over your website, you'll build a thriving community--which seems like a good thing--but if you want to make changes that affect your community, they might get upset. They might even decide to protest. Considering the amount of control you gave them over your website, it doesn't seem ideal to have them angry or protesting.


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