Security CPE

[Will Machine Learning Replace The WAF? - John Graham-Cumming ]( Based on 20 years of experience using machine learning and keyword/pattern based systems this talk will look at the impact of machine learning on WAFs and how it can be used to effectively block malicious HTTP traffic. John Graham-Cumming is CTO of Cloudflare and is a computer programmer and author. He studied mathematics and computation at Oxford and stayed for a doctorate in computer security. As a programmer, he has worked in Silicon Valley and New York, the UK, Germany, and France. His open source POPFile program won a Jolt Productivity Award in 2004


# CPE Official resources # ISC2 CPE Handbook also take a look at the unofficial but easy to read [ISC2 CPEs the easy way]( ISACA How to Earn CPE SANS GIAC CompTIA CEU # The Official Music Video for this place # [I'm a C I Double S P by Host Unkown]( # CPE Podcast lists # [Ashar's collection of security podcasts on PlayerFM]( [jjesse's list of security podcasts on github](


[BSides Oslo 2024 Schedule of Talks ]( [BSides Oslo 2024 Recorded Livestream](


For CPE purposes, this is a list of linked SANS webcasts from January 2022-2024 (up to October 10) primarily English language only. SANS Webcasts are useful if you are in a pinch time-wise in your current cycle as you can download the certificate and slides etc. without actually watching the webcast (SANS registration required). I am not advocating this as a general approach but it can be helpful if you are running on empty and need a last few CPEs. I scraped these primarily by hand so please forgive aspects such as the lack of a space between titles and presenters. Hopefully not duplicative of other similar resources but sharing in any event. If anyone can direct me to similarly curated resources that I may have overlooked, please do. [](


This lecture given onsite at MIT Lincoln Laboratory on 25 April 1985 coveres many salient points still relevent today. [Rear Admiral Grace Hopper's famous MIT Lecture]( [Grace Brewster Hopper]( (née Murray; December 9, 1906 – January 1, 1992) was an American computer scientist, mathematician, and United States Navy rear admiral.[1] She was a pioneer of computer programming. Hopper was the first to devise the theory of machine-independent programming languages, and used this theory to develop the FLOW-MATIC programming language and COBOL, an early high-level programming language still in use today. She was also one of the first programmers on the Harvard Mark I computer. She is credited with writing the first computer manual, "A Manual of Operation for the Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator." Before joining the Navy, Hopper earned a Ph.D. in both mathematics and mathematical physics from Yale University and was a professor of mathematics at Vassar College. She left her position at Vassar to join the United States Navy Reserve during World War II. Hopper began her computing career in 1944 as a member of the Harvard Mark I team, led by Howard H. Aiken. In 1949, she joined the Eckert–Mauchly Computer Corporation and was part of the team that developed the UNIVAC I computer. At Eckert–Mauchly she managed the development of one of the first COBOL compilers.


[Agenda]( [Website]( [HOU.SEC.CON. 2024 Playlist](


[Schedule]( [Livestream on YouTube](


[Podcast]( Why Aren't More Defenders Winning? Defender’s Advantage and How to Gain it! Guest: Dan Nutting, Manager - Cyber Defense, Google Cloud Topics: What is the Defender’s Advantage and why did Mandiant decide to put this out there? This is the second edition. What is different about DA-II? Why do so few defenders actually realize their Defender’s Advantage? The book talks about the importance of being "intelligence-led" in cyber defense. Can you elaborate on what this means and how organizations can practically implement this approach? Detection engineering is presented as a continuous cycle of adaptation. How can organizations ensure their detection capabilities remain effective and avoid fatigue in their SOC? Many organizations don’t seem to want to make detections at all, what do we tell them? What is this thing called “Mission Control”- it sounds really cool, can you explain it? Resources: [Defender’s Advantage book]( [The Defender's Advantage: Using Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Defense supplemental paper](


[Podcast]( [Transcript]( Join G. Mark Hardy in Torremolinos, Spain, for a deep dive into the security of Generative AI. This episode of CISO Tradecraft explores the basics of generative AI, including large language models like ChatGPT, and discusses the key risks and mitigation strategies for securing AI tools in the workplace. G. Mark provides real-world examples, insights into the industry's major players, and practical steps for CISOs to balance innovation with security. Discover how to protect sensitive data, manage AI-driven hallucinations, and ensure compliance through effective governance and ethical guidelines. Plus, get a glimpse into the future of AI vulnerabilities and solutions in the ever-evolving tech landsc


[BSidesYXE 2024 Saskatoon Agenda]( [BSidesYXE 2024 Saskatoon Playlist](


[Schedule ]( [Live stream video](

Security CPE ashar 1mo ago 100%
SEC-T 2024

[Playlist]( [Schedule](


[Schedule]( [Plalylist](


[TROOPERS24 Playlist]( [TROOPERS24 Schedule](


Free and Open Source Software Conference. Free Software and Open Source - these are the topics of FrOSCon (Free and Open Source Software Conference). Every year in August the computer science department of the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, supported by FrOSCon e.V., will organize an exciting program with talks and workshops for visitors of all ages [Schedule]( [Videos](


[TROOPERS IT Security Conference 2024 Playlist]( [Agenda](


[Schedule]( [Playlist](


[Global AppSec 2024 Lisbon Playlist]( [Global AppSec 2024 Lisbon Schedule](


SLEUTHCON is a forum for identifying and exploring cybercrime and financially-motivated threats. This conference will highlight the work done by cybersecurity researchers, defenders, academics, law enforcement, and others. [Speakers on the website]( [Sleuthcon 2023 videos]( )


[Website]( [playlist on YouTube](


[Security+ SY0-701 Exam Cram Playlist - 2024 Edition]( 14 hours of training content from [Pete Zerger](


[Hacking a Satellite for Fun and Profit]( Mario Polino @ mhackeroni A light-hearted and entertaining dive into our victorious adventure at Hack-A-Sat! Our presentation takes you on a ride through the challenges and triumphs of hacking into an orbiting satellite, the Moonlighter. What is a Capture The Flag What is Hack-A-Sat How Qualification works How to Organize a CTF Team The competition The preparation of the team for the competition Same challenge example and solution. Mario Polino has been a hacker and CTF player since 2008. He has a PhD in Computer Security from Politecnico di Milano. Mario worked as a researcher at Politecnico, publishing scientific papers on binary and malware analysis and ML for cybersecurity. Mario has been the captain of Politecnico's team, Tower of Hanoi (, winner of ruCTF 2019), and is the captain of the Italian team mhackeroni ( 5 times DEF CON CTF Finalist). Mario coaches Team Italy (, the national Italian hacking team, and Team Europe (, the hacking team selected among all European nations.


Born in 2009, BSides Security Conferences are community-driven events for cybersecurity professionals. They offer a welcoming space for individuals to present research, ideas, and experiences, fostering dialogue and collaboration beyond the limitations of larger conferences. [Schedule]( [Videos on YouTube](


[The Fault in Our Metrics: Rethinking How We Measure Detection & Response]( | A Conversation with Allyn Stott Podcast Redefining CyberSecurity with Sean Martin In this episode of The Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast, host Sean Martin converses with Allyn Stott, who shares his insights on rethinking how we measure detection and response in cybersecurity. The episode explores the nuances of cybersecurity metrics, emphasizing that it's not just about having metrics, but having the right metrics that truly reflect the effectiveness and efficiency of a security program. Stott discusses his journey from red team operations to blue team roles, where he has focused on detection and response. His dual perspective provides a nuanced understanding of both offensive and defensive security strategies. Stott highlights a common issue in cybersecurity: the misalignment of metrics with organizational goals. He points out that many teams inherit metrics that may not accurately reflect their current state or objectives. Instead, metrics should be strategically chosen to guide decision-making and improve security posture. One of his key messages is the importance of understanding what specific metrics are meant to convey and ensuring they are directly actionable. In his framework, aptly named SAVER (Streamlined, Awareness, Vigilance, Exploration, Readiness), Stott outlines a holistic approach to security metrics. Streamlined focuses on operational efficiencies achieved through better tools and processes. Awareness pertains to the dissemination of threat intelligence and ensuring that the most critical information is shared across the organization. Vigilance involves preparing for and understanding top threats through informed threat hunting. Exploration encourages the proactive discovery of vulnerabilities and security gaps through threat hunts and incident analysis. Finally, Readiness measures the preparedness and efficacy of incident response plans, emphasizing the coverage and completeness of playbooks over mere response times. Martin and Stott also discuss the challenge of metrics in smaller organizations, where resources may be limited. Stott suggests that simplicity can be powerful, advocating for a focus on key risks and leveraging publicly available threat intelligence. His advice to smaller teams is to prioritize understanding the most significant threats and tailoring responses accordingly. The conversation underscores a critical point: metrics should not just quantify performance but also drive strategic improvements. By asking the right questions and focusing on actionable insights, cybersecurity teams can better align their efforts with their organization's broader goals. For those interested in further insights, Stott mentions his upcoming talks at B-Sides Las Vegas and Blue Team Con in Chicago, where he will expand on these concepts and share more about his Threat Detection and Response Maturity Model. In conclusion, this episode serves as a valuable guide for cybersecurity professionals looking to refine their approach to metrics, making them more meaningful and aligned with their organization's strategic objectives.


Learn from leading hardware security researchers & professionals and discuss the latest & most innovative research on attacking and defending hardware. Connect with industry peers. Join us for a bigger, bolder, and better [Schedule with video and presentation links]( [Playlist](


A totally free, english spoken conference dedicated to free software & security. Talks & workshops delivered by experts. High quality talks 2024 edition hosts 21 talks covering 10 Security topics (WebPKI, DFIR & TI, Reverse, Network Detectection etc). Talks are all delivered by experts. [Schedule]( [Talks with slides](


Explore new approaches, tools, and techniques to combat identity-based attack paths. Discover the latest trends, research from frontline practitioners, case studies and firsthand experiences [Schedule]( [Playlist](


Playlist BSides San Francisco 2024


[BSides Cheltenham 2024 Playlist]( [BSides Cheltenham 2024 Schedule](


In this episode, Geoff White ( tells us what happened to Axie Infinity and Tornado cash. It’s a digital heist of epic proportions that changed everything. **Sources**کسر-۳-میلیون-تومان-از-حساب-افراد-بابت-بی-حجابیسیاسی-و-اجتماعی/قرار-است-بخشی-از-کسر-بودجه-از-جزای-نقدی-قانون-حجاب-اجباری-تامین-شود#:~:text=قرار%20است%20بخشی%20از%20کسر%20بودجه%20از%20جزای,۱۸%20تا%20۳۶%20میلیون%20تومان»%20تعیین%20شده%20است **Attribution** Darknet Diaries is created by Jack Rhysider. This episode was researched and written by Fiona Guy. Assembled by Tristan Ledger. Episode artwork by odibagas. Mixing by Proximity Sound. Theme music created by Breakmaster Cylinder. Theme song available for listen and download at bandcamp. Or listen to it on Spotify.


[Error Code podcast. EP 40: Hacking IoT Surveillance Cameras For Espionage Operations]( That camera above your head might not seem like a good foreign target, yet in the Ukraine there’s evidence of Russian-backed hackers passively counting the number of foreign aid workers at the local train stations. Andrew Hural of UnderDefense talks about the need to secure everything around a person, everything around an organization, and everything around a nation because every one can be a target.


[CONFidence 2023 playlist]( [CONFidence 2023 Schedule]( )


[Defense in Depth podcast - Securing Identities in the Cloud ]( All links and images for this episode can be found on [CISO Series]( Check out [this post ]( for the discussion that is the basis of our conversation on this week’s episode co-hosted by me, David Spark (@dspark), the producer of CISO Series, and Geoff Belknap (@geoffbelknap). Joining us is our sponsored guest, Adam Bateman, CEO, Push Security. The [SaaS attacks matrix community resource]( mentioned by Adam in the episode can be found [here]( Editorial note: Geoff Belknap is an advisor to Push Security. In this episode: - Where are we going wrong - Finding the missing pieces - Protecting an expanding border - It starts with understanding risk


fwd:cloudsec is a non-profit conference on cloud security. At this conference you can expect discussions about all the major cloud platforms, both attack and defense research, limitations of security features, the pros and cons of different security strategies, and generally the types of things cloud practitioners want to know, but that don't fit neatly into a vendor conference schedule. [fwd:cloudsec North America 2024 playlist]( [fwd:cloudsec North America 2024 Schedule](


[SANS New2Cyber Summit 2024 playlist]( [Visual Summary](


[OffensiveCon24 Playlist]( [OffensiveCon24 Agenda ](


[Systems Alchemy: The Transmutation of Hacking by Thaddeus grugq](


[HackSpaceCon 2024 Schedule]( [HackSpaceCon 2024 Livestream recording](