Beehaw Support

#### obligatory preface: we're 100%-user funded and everything you donate to us specifically goes to the website, or any outside labor we pay to do something for us. you can [donate here]( --- after a few months, we're finally stable enough to put another one of these out. to make a long story short: getting our money out of the old collective and into the new one was actually *much* more of a mess than we thought—and very little of the functionality we expected came to fruition—so it's essentially taken us six months to re-establish our financial situation. August's numbers are: ### overall expenses this month: $183.58 **$142.13 for hosting the site** - $112.00 for hosting the site itself - $22.40 for backups - $7.73 for site snapshots **$28.80 for Hive, an internal chat platform we've set up (also being hosted on Digital Ocean)** - $24.00 for hosting Hive - $4.80 for backups **~$4.16 for email functionality, which can be further subdivided into** - $0.00 for Mailgun (handles outbound emails, so approval/denial/notifications emails; also lets us not get marked as spam - we currently don't send enough emails to trigger the threshold for payment) - ~$4.16/mo ($50/yr, already paid in full) for Fastmail (handles all inbound emails) **$8.49 for BackBlaze (redundant backup system that's standalone from Digital Ocean)** ### overall contributions this month: $176.28 unsurprisingly, the mess of a switch-over, the several months it's taken to sort everything out, and our minimal encouragement of donations in the interim of sorting things out has resulted in a decrease in funding. for the first time in a long time, we're not breaking even—and without the one-time donation we'd be out about $100 this month. breakdown: - 15 monthly contributions, totaling **$80.82** - 0 yearly contributions, totaling **$0.00** - 1 one-time donation, totaling **$95.46** ### total end of month balance: $6,849.83 #### expense runway, assuming no further donations: about 3 years --- this dovetails into an announcement we need to make: we need your help to gradually rebuild our donation base. **to be clear, we are obviously not in any danger of shutting down right now—but we *have* taken a very material hit in terms of finances[^1] and as a result we're now running off of the financial cushion you've given us.** even though we have a long expense runway, we'd like to proactively return to breaking even and not having to think about how much we're losing per month. **our current monthly contributions are about $100 short of breaking even, so consider that our rough financial goal.** please donate if you are able. unfortunately—and as mentioned at the top—the tools to switch over any previous subscription you may have had on Open Collective Foundation don't appear to exist. this means you will have to manually resubmit your information on Open Collective Europe Foundation if you haven't already. (we may or may not send out a mass-email to our current/previous donors in the future to this effect.) [^1]: The differential between what we *would* have had OCF stayed up and what we *do* have on OCEF now could be as high as $4,600. That is split between the six months of paused donations (likely $3,000-$3,600, averaging our financial reports previously) and the six months of hosting expenses we've covered with our cushion (likely around $1,000-$1,200 given our hosting costs have not changed). We're also now losing a slightly larger cut of what we take in. In sum: we've lost out on a lot of potential runway for the site.


## tl;dr: Beehaw has moved over to Open Collective Europe Foundation, please direct your donations [there]( effective immediately. --- In some good news, we've successfully moved over to Open Collective Europe Foundation as our new fiscal host. This process has been mercifully quick and fairly painless, for which we're thankful. Going forward, please make all donations to the [Beehaw Collective]( there instead of the previous Beehaw page affiliated with Open Collective Foundation. We'll be mothballing that one following this post going live and according to OCF should be able to merge the page back into our new one sometime after April. Our balance of approximately $7,100 is in the process of being transferred and we do not expect issues there. OCF just submitted a transfer request today for us, and OCEF will let us know when that balance hits our new collective. We would encourage you to manually restart your contribution as soon as possible just for sake of ease and because our financial schedule will be very different going forward. However, starting later this month—at least based on what [Open Collective]( is saying—anybody still signed up to make contributions to the old page *should* receive an email with the following information: - an invitation to renew your contributions on the new collective page - direction to a page which will be pre-loaded with the amount and frequency of the contribution you made on the old collective, which you will then confirm So, don't fret too much if you can't immediately and manually switch. Spaced email reminders should also go out until Open Collective Foundation shuts down at the end of the year. If any of this does *not* happen, please page us and we'll see what's up.


We were wondering if the docs etc here could be rewritten in such a way so as to not call all of us human since some of us are not. Much like being transgender, being otherkin, alter{human/being} or transspecies can have a lot of dysphoria attached to it and we have had to at least explicitly tell one person on lemmy that we are not human even though it is in our profile. We think that being more inclusive is always a good thing and will gladly work with those who can edit the docs etc in order to find more inclusive ways to say what needs to be said without misspeciesing any{one/many}. Thanks for reading this and we hope this finds y'all well.


I have looked through the app I use (mlem) and the web interface but I can't figure out how to give a link post an image, as when I try to put something into the image section it replaces the link. So how is it done exactly? Is this some setting, special script or app feature I don't know about? Or have I missed something?


Just wondering but when is Beehaw planning to update the instance version? Since it's currently stuck at 0.18.4 I think this might be causing some issues with updating profile bios


Is full instance blocking as a user unavaliable because it's not in the version this instance runs or has it been disabled? If it's the latter could it be enabled? As there are some instances I'd like to block as a user that don't necessarily need to be to blocked from an instance perspective (though maybe they should be). If it's the former, any idea how long before y'all will update to a version with it in? Thanks!


I don't know if there is enough interest, but is it possible to get a maker community created? Some things like 3d printing don't always quite fit into DIY or Creative.


c/neurodivergence isn't being moderated at all lately. Three months ago there was the great post from concerning ableism against people with NPD, and the amount of toxicity I saw in that thread was shocking. Some great people pushing back on the ableism and hate there, but I couldn't believe those hateful comments were being left up, or the sheer volume of them. Yesterday I posted a new article I wrote also concerning NPD, hoping I would get the same kind of positive response I've gotten from Beehaw in the past when talking about neurodiversity. But instead I saw nothing but hate, personal attacks, and vicious toxicity. This isn't the kind of discourse I come to Beehaw to see, and I don't think I'm alone. Looking at the community history, it looks like the post volume has dramatically reduced since immediately before that first NPD post. I'm not surprised people are avoiding the community, I don't intend to use it anymore either if what I received yesterday is going to be the norm. The modlog of this community hasn't been touched in 7 months, and the only comment removal visible at all is tagged with the removal reason "stupid comment", which I frankly find quite ironic. Can we please have some actual moderation on this community? If there is absolutely nobody else who can volunteer their time then I'd even be happy to do it Myself.


Idk if the admins are aware of this, just putting it out there because I don't think anyone else has posted about it yet.


Had a small discussion with a good beehaw community member in one community, it got contentious but otherwise civil, and they have now taken to taking that discussion out in response to comments I've made in other posts and communities. I would consider this a form of harassment, following me around Lemmy and having a argument seems to hurt the overall discussion in other posts and communities with anger and abuse. How do I get help in this matter?


Title, wondering if Beehaw is technically open source? And if so, what license is it under?


There are a lot of tanky posts coming from Their whole purpose seems to be to troll and spread their bullshit far and wide. They are nearly as bad as the alt-right. They argue in bad faith and celebrate authoritarian oppression. The beehaw mods might want to consider defederating.


we discovered this set the other day by [olivvybee]( (Liv Asch), and obviously these are delightfully thematic for our instance. you should be able to find them in our emoji picker as follows. the emoji icon, at least on desktop, is the fourth from left smiley face on comment/post UI: ![]( ![](


welcome to the second-ever Beehaw Community Survey. it's been awhile because of everything going on; we last did one of these with the influx of people last [June]( and we got 1,500 responses that time. we don't expect anywhere near that many this time, but that's fine. this survey should take about 10 minutes to fill out, so we strongly encourage you to do so when you are able to. you can find it at the following link: ### [Beehaw Community Survey #2]( --- the survey is comprised of **eight** optional demographic questions to help us assess the overall identity of our community and **eight** questions relating to Beehaw and the Fediverse. the survey will be open for at least three days but no longer than one week. it'll be locally pinned for the duration of that minimum three days, so please mind that. results will also be aggregated and posted on here/the Docs page in a summary like with the last survey. no ETA on that. --- this is also a good time to remind everyone that Beehaw has moved over to Open Collective Europe Foundation, and we will be taking all donations from there going forward. please direct your donations [there]( if you haven't switched from our old Open Collective Foundation page yet!


Hello, I've been receiving this notice from voyager and wanted to hesr your thoughts. I don't understand the tech side of this at all. But, I'm curious if you have plans to update, or if I should find a new client to view beehaw. Thanks!


I remember watching this project as it was getting started. It was a replacement to all those PHP forums, like PHPBB & Simple Machines BB. This claimed to have more modern features. It's also open-source, and you can self-host or pay them for hosting. (I recommend the latter) And since we're on the subject, has Beehaw considered using an old PHP forum, like I mentioned earlier? They're really basic and quite nice, IMHO.


Hello folks, this is an impromptu emergency announcement. In short: Open Collective Foundation, the fiscal host we use for Beehaw, will no longer accept donations starting on March 15, 2024. They will shut down completely at the end of the year, December 31, 2024. This was an extremely sudden decision by them; we were only made aware of it last night through their email to us. The cause given is "Open Collective Foundation’s business model is not sustainable with the number of complex services we have offered and the fees we pay to the Open Collective Inc. tech platform;" they note that they froze accepting new collectives last year. This obviously presents a lot of problems for Beehaw. Here are all the relevant dates given to us by Open Collective: - Last day to accept funds/receive donations: March 15, 2024 - Last day collectives can have employees: June 30, 2024 - Last day to spend or transfer funds: September 30, 2024 - Day they formally dissolve: December 31, 2024 Because Open Collective holds our funds, based on our understanding it seems likely we will not be able to keep our existing funds unless we find a 501(c)(3) organization to be our new fiscal host or become one ourselves by September 30. (EDIT: Or, we just spend it all preemptively.) Open Collective Foundation's also email writes that: > We will be providing assistance and support to you, whether you choose to spend out and close down your collective or continue your work through another 501(c)(3) organization or fiscal sponsor. and so we'll be contacting them as soon as possible to see if we can arrange a solution with just their help. But: in the mean time (and in case they *can't* help us, given the suddenness of this announcement) we need your help to find solutions--and we will probably need them urgently. If you have any help you can provide us, any services you can recommend, or anything that might help us quickly (and as painlessly as possible, given the short notice) transition to another service, that would be greatly appreciated. Fair warning that this will also likely derail the March financial update until we have a clearer picture of what we'll do and if OCF can help us going forward. Thanks, and hopefully we can resolve this situation without difficulty.


I don't want any lemmy.nsfw posts on my All tab. And there are so many instances


I posted an apparently off-topic post to [!]( The moderator removed it from the timeline because discussion about software that ***should be*** FOSS was considered irrelevant to FOSS. Perhaps fair enough, but it’s an injustice that people in a discussion were cut off. The thread should continue even if it’s not linked in the community timeline. I received a reply that I could not reply to. What’s the point in blocking a discussion that’s no longer visible from the timeline? It’s more than just an unwanted behavior because the UI is broken enough to render a dysfunctional reply mechanism. That is, I can click the reply button to a comment in an orphaned thread (via notifications) and the UI serves me with a blank form where I can then waste human time writing a msg, only to find that clicking submit causes it to go to lunch in an endless spinner loop. So time is wasted on the composition then time is wasted wondering what’s wrong with the network. When in fact the reply should simply go through. (edit) this is similar to [this issue]( Slight difference though: []( merely expects to be able to reply to lingering notifications after a mod action. That’s good but I would go further and propose that the thread should still be reachable and functional (just not linked in the timeline where it was problematic).


This series of single word spam has 1 vote each: Yet there are responses to the same comment with many more upvotes. Why don’t the higher valued comments rise above the comments with a score of 1?


#### obligatory preface: we're 100%-user funded and everything you donate to us specifically goes to the website, or any outside labor we pay to do something for us. you can [donate here]( --- ### overall expenses for January: $212.04 **$139.16** for Digital Ocean hosting, which can be further subdivided into - $112.00 for hosting the site itself - $22.40 for backups - $4.76 for site snapshots **$28.80** for Hive, an internal chat platform we've set up (also being hosted on Digital Ocean) - $24.00 for hosting Hive - $4.80 for backups - $0.00 for snapshots **~$39.16** for email functionality, which can be further subdivided into - $35/mo for Mailgun (handles outbound emails, so approval/denial/notifications emails; also lets us not get marked as spam) - ~$4.16/mo ($50/yr, already paid in full) for Fastmail (handles all inbound emails) **$4.92** for BackBlaze, (redundant backup system that's standalone from Digital Ocean) - we internally flagged this because we don't have an explanation for why this is so low this month--but, as far as we can tell it lines up with what it "should" be, so... ### overall contributions in the past month: $696.59 - we received a single $193.32 one-time donation, while the remaining $503.27 was monthly ### total end of year balance: $6,781.73 #### expense runway, assuming no further donations - **assuming expenses like ours this month**: we have about two years and seven months of runway ### finance history | | [October]( | [November]( | [December]( | [January]( | February | |---------------|---------|-----------|-----------|-----------|---------| | Contributions | $691.85 | $596.28 | $660.43 | $562.79 | $696.59 | | Expenses | $230.81 | $231.54 | $229.09 | $230.68 | $212.04 | | Difference | +$461.04 | +$364.74 | +$431.34 | +$332.11 | +$484.55 | | Balance | $5,198.47 | $5,470.13 | $5,926.29 | $6,290.06 | $6,781.73 |


Dude(ettes), This community has dropped off _fast_ in the `now trending` list on the sidebar. That is **awesome**. When I first started supporting Beehaw, it was a matter of _minutes_ before the site crashed due to processing and load. Gone are the days of 3,4 or 10 posts in [Beehaw Support]( about content issues, server instability and server errors. Here are the days of _no_ support requested. We have improved the [uptime and responsiveness]( of Beehaw for all users, in a short time. Extenstive work and efforts have been placed into not only keeping Beehaw running; but _improving_ Beehaw. Those efforts and support have paid off I think. I say this as a primary systems admin of Beeehaw: --- # Thank you --- To all monetary supports and lurkers, your contributions are immensely appreciated. We hope you continue to find value in our presence on the internet and in the Fediverse.


#### obligatory preface: we're 100%-user funded and everything you donate to us specifically goes to the website, or any outside labor we pay to do something for us. you can [donate here]( this month is a double feature because i got sick last month and decided to just roll the December update into January's. ### overall expenses for November and December: $229.09 (Nov) + $230.68 (Dec) #### $459.77 between both months both months had the same breakdown for everything besides BackBlaze, which was: **$134.40** for Digital Ocean hosting, which can be further subdivided into - $112.00 for hosting the site itself - $22.40 for backups - $0.00 for site snapshots **$28.80** for Hive, an internal chat platform we've set up (also being hosted on Digital Ocean) - $24.00 for hosting Hive - $4.80 for backups - $0.00 for snapshots **~$39.16** for email functionality, which can be further subdivided into - $35/mo for Mailgun (handles outbound emails, so approval/denial/notifications emails; also lets us not get marked as spam) - ~$4.16/mo ($50/yr, already paid in full) for Fastmail (handles all inbound emails) for BackBlaze, (redundant backup system that's standalone from Digital Ocean), the difference in months was as follows: - November: **$26.73** - December: **$28.32** ### overall contributions in the past two months: $1,223.22 - November: $660.43 - $75.89 of this was in one-time donations, while the remaining $584.54 was monthly - December: $562.79 - $23.45 of this was in one-time donations, while the remaining $539.34 was monthly ### total end of year balance: $6,290.06 #### expense runway, assuming no further donations - **assuming expenses like ours this month**: we have about two years and three months of runway ### finance history | | [September]( | [October]( | [November]( | December | January |---------------|---------|-----------|-----------|-----------|---------| | Contributions | $1,033.82 | $691.85 | $596.28 | $660.43 | $562.79 | Expenses | $264.50 | $230.81 | $231.54 | $229.09 | $230.68 | Difference | +$769.32 | +$461.04 | +$364.74 | +$431.34 | +$332.11 | Balance | $4,701.66 | $5,198.47 | $5,470.13 | $5,926.29 | $6,290.06


A couple days ago, a thing transpired between two users, namely Axolotling and DroneRights on this website. They were having a thing over intentions and empathy, but the important thing is that DroneRights expressed the fact not everyone should speculate on someone’s intentions, which I’d say is a fair thing to say. The mods, seeing that DroneRights laid out all of their intentions and what Axolotling could do to hopefully understand its POV, decided to call it “pompous”. That, I think, breaks the whole principles that Beehaw stands for, mainly those of acknowledging good faith when it happens and not randomly banning a user because an admin felt the way they word themselves is “pompous”, which I don’t think it was to begin with. Now, I actually do believe in the principles of this federation and I’m not here to start a shitstorm or to stoke the fire more; I’m here to understand how was it possible for a moderation team to see someone who was willing to help someone else understand their point of view and be met with moderators jumping in out of nowhere without truly understanding what had happened.


I'm trying to enable 2FA, the link generated does not work.


I'm out of the loop. Are we federating with Threads or not? EDIT: The answer is no, we are not federating with Threads. Thank you. That's the answer I was hoping for.


When trying to access it gives a 502 bad gateway -- “Worker Bees are busy updating the website”.


Hey folks! Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere but I did a search around the site and I just couldn't find the information I was looking for. I remember reading a while back that the folks at beehaw were considering moving to a new platform and I was just curious if anything came of that? Thanks for all you do!


#### obligatory preface: we're 100%-user funded and everything you donate to us specifically goes to the website, or any outside labor we pay to do something for us. you can [donate here]( ### overall expenses this month: $230.81 **$134.40** for Digital Ocean hosting, which can be further subdivided into - $112.00 for hosting the site itself - $22.40 for backups - $0.00 for site snapshots **$28.80** for Hive, an internal chat platform we've set up (also being hosted on Digital Ocean) - $24.00 for hosting Hive - $4.80 for backups - $0.00 for snapshots **~$39.16** for email functionality, which can be further subdivided into - $35/mo for Mailgun (handles outbound emails, so approval/denial/notifications emails; also lets us not get marked as spam) - ~$4.16/mo ($50/yr, already paid in full) for Fastmail (handles all inbound emails) **$29.18** for BackBlaze (redundant backup system that's standalone from Digital Ocean) ### overall contributions this month: $596.28 - all contributions this month were monthly donations. ### total end of month balance: $5,470.13 #### expense runway, assuming no further donations - **assuming expenses like ours this month**: we have about two years of runway ### finance history | | [July]( | [August]( | [September]( | [October]( | November |---------------|---------|-----------|-----------|-----------|---------| | Contributions | $3,870.44 | $1,310.90 | $1,033.82 | $691.85 | $596.28 | Expenses | $566.98 | $523.79 | $264.50 | $230.81 | $231.54 | Difference | +$3,303.46 | +$787.11 | +$769.32 | +$461.04 | +$364.74 | Balance | $3,591.33 | $4,347.79 | $4,701.66 | $5,198.47 | $5,470.13


The community can be found at ! Are there any appropriate places under the beehaw umbrella?

Beehaw Support Schedar 12mo ago 100%
2FA Help

I just tried to enable 2FA on my account, it said to save and refresh to get the setup code etc but it just logged me out. Now I can’t login without a 2FA code that I don’t have. Any chance I can get a bit of help resetting it so I can log back in again? I’m still logged in on this device (via the voyager app) so hopefully this post works!


Is there anything in the works that will allow us to hide posts? Report isn't necessary in a lot of cases which just leaves the block option. It works but it's also overkill.


Hi beeautiful people. On certain posts, reply chains seem to be hidden by a "x more replies" button. When I try to click to expand these replies, however, I'm met with an eternally-spinning wheel. I've tried this in both Chrome and Firefox, with extensions enabled and disabled, all to the same effect. Any help is appreciated. Browser: Chrome 118.0.5993.88 (Also reproduced on the latest Firefox) Platform: Fedora 38 Thanks. :) Sloppy video recording of the behavior in question: The thread I used as an example: Update: I finally figured out that this happens on threads where I have one of the participants blocked. Everyone can look away now.


Is creating a new community at will not an option on Beehaw?


#### obligatory preface: we're 100%-user funded and everything you donate to us specifically goes to the website, or any outside labor we pay to do something for us. you can [donate here]( ### overall expenses this month: $230.81 **$134.66** for Digital Ocean hosting, which can be further subdivided into - $108.00 for hosting the site itself - $21.60 for backups - $5.06 for site snapshots **$27.81** for Hive, an internal chat platform we've set up (also being hosted on Digital Ocean) - $23.14 for hosting Hive - $4.63 for backups - $0.04 for snapshots **~$39.16** for email functionality, which can be further subdivided into - $35/mo for Mailgun (handles outbound emails, so approval/denial/notifications emails; also lets us not get marked as spam) - ~$4.16/mo ($50/yr, already paid in full) for Fastmail (handles all inbound emails) **$29.18** for BackBlaze (redundant backup system that's standalone from Digital Ocean) ### overall contributions this month: $691.85 support still more than covers our expenses; interestingly, our donation composition is now almost exclusively monthly donations. - 108 monthly contributions, totaling **$668.33** - 2 one-time donations, totaling **$23.52** ### total end of month balance: $5,198.47 #### expense runway, assuming no further donations - **assuming expenses like ours this month**: we have about one year and seven months of runway. ### finance history | | [June]( | [July]( | [August]( | [September]( | October | |---------------|---------|-----------|-----------|-----------|---------| | Contributions | $705.00 | $3,870.44 | $1,310.90 | $1,033.82 | $691.85 | | Expenses | $54.00 | $566.98 | $523.79 | $264.50 | $230.81 | | Difference | +$651.00 | +$3,303.46 | +$787.11 | +$769.32 | +$461.04 | | Balance | $726.51 | $3,591.33 | $4,347.79 | $4,701.66 | $5,198.47 |


On Beehaw there are a few [tldr]( [bots]( from other instances. I present Beehaws own [summarizing bot]( developed by yours truly. Based on feedback from moderators and community leaders, I don't just want to let this loose on the entire site. Might cause confusion and spam for a community instead of being useful. If you do like what that bot does, and are a moderator of a community on Beehaw that wants to use it; send a private messaged to `AbstractifyBot` stating `Summarize articles on c/[communityname]`. That's just one aspect, but I have a few more questions while I have your attention. * What type of bots _if any_ do you want to see on Beehaw to help things/your community? * Which functions of the 'nice to have' should be **built in** and not reliant on a bot to do? * What do you **need** for your communities to thrive here?


*Permanently deleted*


cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > In the past months, there's a been a issue in various instances where accounts would start uploading blatant CSAM to popular communities. First of all this traumatizes anyone who gets to see it before the admins get to it, including the admins who have to review to take it down. Second of all, even if the content is a link to an external site, lemmy sill caches the thumbnail and stores it in the local pict-rs, causing headaches for the admins who have to somehow clear that out. Finally, both image posts and problematic thumbnails are federated to other lemmy instances, and then likewise stored in their pict-rs, causing such content to be stored in their image storage. > > > > This has caused multiple instances to take radical measures, from defederating liberaly, to stopping image uploads to even shutting down. > > > > Today I'm happy to announce that I've spend multiple days developing a tool you can plug into your instance to stop this at the source: [pictrs-safety]( > > > > Using a new feature from pictr-rs 0.4.3 we can now cause pictrs to call an arbitary endpoint to validate the content of an image before uploading it. pictrs-safety builds that endpoint which uses an asynchronous approach to validate such images. > > > > I had already developed [fedi-safety]( which could be used to regularly go through your image storage and delete all potential CSAM. I have now extended fedi-safety to plug into pict-rs safety and scan images sent by pict-rs. > > > > The end effect is that any images uploaded or federated into your instance will be scanned in advance and if fedi-safety thinks they're potential CSAM, **they will not be uploaded to your image storage at all!** > > > > This covers three important vectors for abuse: > > > > * Malicious users cannot upload CSAM to for trolling communities. Even novel GenerativeAI CSAM. > > * Users cannot upload CSAM images and never submit a post or comment (making them invisible to admins). The images will be automatically rejected during upload > > * Deferated images and thumbnails of CSAM will be rejected by your pict-rs. > > > > Now, that said, this tool is AI-driven and thus, not perfect. There will be false positives, especially around lewd images and images which contain children or child-topics (even if not lewd). This is the bargain we have to take to prevent the bigger problem above. > > > > By my napkin calculations, false positive rates are below 1%, but certainly someone's innocent meme will eventually be affected. If this happen, I request to just move on as currently we don't have a way to whitelist specific images. Don't try to resize or modify the images to pass the filter. It won't help you. > > > > ### For lemmy admins: > > > > * pictrs-safety contains [a docker-compose sample]( you can add to your lemmy's docker-compose. You will need to your put the .env in the same folder, or adjust the provided variables. (All kudos to []( for the docker support). > > * You need to adjust your pict-rs ENVIRONMENT as well. Check the readme. > > * fedi-safety **must** run on a system with GPU. The reason for this is that lemmy provides just a 10-seconds grace period for each upload before it times out the upload regardless of the results. A CPU scan will not be fast enough. However my architecture allows the fedi-safety to run on a different place than pictrs-safety. I am currently running it from my desktop. In fact, if you have a lot of images to scan, you can connect **multiple** scanning workers to pictrs-safety! > > * For those who don't have access to a GPU, I am working on a NSFW-scanner which will use the [AI-Horde]( directly instead and won't require using fedi-safety at all. Stay tuned. > > > > ### For other fediverse software admins > > > > fedi-safety can already be used to scan your image storage for CSAM, so you can also protect yourself and your users, even on mastodon or firefish or whatever. > > > > I will try to provide real-time scanning in the future for each software as well and PRs are welcome. > > > > ### Divisions by zero > > This tool is already active now on divisions by zero. It's usage should be transparent to you, but do let me know if you notice anything wrong. > > > > ### Support > > > > If you appreciate the priority work that I've put in this tool, please consider supporting this and future development work on liberapay: > > > > > > > > All my work is and will always be FOSS and available for all who need it most. > >