
Houston, We have a Problem, Live Cast 366: Speculation Station with Salvatore and Jake2B

discussion on Reddit

Recently listened to this discussion, thought it merited being posted here as well. This video is a discussion by BBBY bulls discussing why they believe the situation is bullish.

As of now, there are still competing narratives out there, both of them mutually exclusive of the other being correct.

Bears say it's over, the fate is sealed, BBBY holders lost everything, shares are zero, shares are deleted, shares are cancelled, the shorts won, the bulls lost, bulls are delusional, bulls are in a cult, bulls got grifted.

Bulls are saying that it's over, the fate is sealed, this entire saga entering into chapter 11 bankruptcy and events prior are all part of a well designed bear trap ("short sellers are the dumb storm troopers of the investing galaxy") that results in Bed Bath and Beyond reemerging through some kind of merger / acquisition, bulls won, shorts lost, we're on the doorstep of moass.

For the sake of posterity, this is an interesting period of time, from Friday September 29 until now, and for at least some unknown period of time longer. BBBYQ is no longer tradeable, shares cannot be bought, shares cannot be sold. There is a great amount of uncertainty surrounding this entire story.

What are the implications if bears are right?
What are the implications if bulls are right?

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