
Sharing - A new platform for fine-tuning models on cloud GPUs

On my journey working on fine-tuning a model for ! I stumbled across

If you're looking at fine-tuning an LLM of your own - you should definitely give this platform a look. If not for the GPUs, at least for the other resources and guides. They support GPU powered notebooks, which is a feature I look for in these platforms. Their biome is also really helpful when you're looking to hack away at a prototype fast.

I am still testing it out, but I'd be keen to hear others opinions on it too.

brev dev prices (est):

Aside from the cloud GPU broker platform, they host a ton of really helpful guides and resources that you might be interested in. Check out their blog for more info. A few posts highlighted below.

Official Brev Dev Blog

Let me know if you like brev or if there's another tool/workflow/process or platform you use that could enable others to fine-tune models of their own. Curious to see what else is out there!

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