
I wish people would shut the fuck up about Ukraine already

For roughly 10 goddamn months now, I've been reading constant articles, reddit posts, tweets, and seeing news segments throwing hissy fits and slandering Russia's anti-imperialist liberation war against Ukranazi Imperialism.

I'm fucking pissed off and sickened by the amount of hackneyed overdramatic sympathy that Ukraine gets, the amount of jokes about neckbeard redditors wishing Zelenskyy would plow their wives, about how poor Ukraine just needs another few hundred billion dollars to destroy big bad Putin, about how the Russian army are monsterous rapists, and how NATO is a defensive organization, and how Putin is a dictator for setting up schools and hospitals in liberated areas in Ukraine.

It brings my piss to a boil. I'm just trying to read actual news, have my coffee, play Destiny 2 and Gotham Knights, but nooo.

It genuinely seems like 70-80 percent of Amerikkkans are window-licking tools that believe everything they read.

I swear to fucking Christ, I can't look at anything even remotely resembling the color combination of gold, yellow and blue without wanting to punch a rhinoceros.

(Of course I'd never hit or take my anger out on an animal or innocent person, I'm expressing my anger in a humorous way)

But I guess I'm an "evile tankie Putin bootlicker" for wanting the Ukranazis to get what they deserve.

Some cracker piece of shit flew into a mayo rage at me a few weeks ago because I dared to say that I wouldn't mind Zelenskyy being killed and Ukraine being liberated and Russia returning to socialism if I had to "sacrifice" Putin for it to happen.

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