Random celeste 8mo ago 100%

If privacy is a right (which i believe, to some degree), what does that entail?

If privacy is a right (which i believe, to some degree), what does that entail?

For me it means that even people who are incapable (the young, people with intellectual disabilities or dementia, etc) or unwilling to learn tech should still have a basic right to privacy online.

And people who do care and are capable should consider those people's privacy when working to create privacy protecting laws. It's also worth considering while building new privacy oriented technologies, but course it's more complicated asking for someone to do more when it's just them and maybe another person building an app as a personal project. Demanding more work for an unpaid hobby project is too much. It's more important larger organizations and government bodies get on board.

If it's a right, isn't it also for people who haven't earned it? But rights, to me, are ideals we've decided as a group deserve to be upheld for everyone and are worth working for. If we think freedom from violence within the family is a right, then I deserve it even if I don't participate in running a dv shelter or understand the complexity of social violence. Right? But who do we decide does the work for those who can't?

Is it complicated, or am I just making it complicated?

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