
5 Fields of Early Childhood Theory


  • Developmental
  • Socio-cultural
  • Socio-behaviourist
  • Post-structural
  • Critical

These are 5 ways to break down ECE theory. Here’s a brief overview on what they may look like when applied.

Developmental theory focuses on how the child develops, physically and mentally. We focus largely on stages and broad milestones.

Socio-Cultural theory looks at how society affects the growth of a child. What does their family and community impart on them as values.

Socio-behaviourist theory is a focus on stimuli and interactions with environments. We might look at structured routines and positive or negative reinforcement.

Post-Structuralist theory is about challenging our own understandings. What is really best, is eating with cutlery a goal to achieve when at home a child’s household may use their hands more for meals. How do our own cultural values impact a child’s.

Critical theory seeks to challenge our power structures. Are we dictators of children’s development or do we value their input? Should social constructs be enforced or should we challenge them?

What are your views on them? Do you value any over the other, do you incorporate all these things into your practices?

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