Programming thingsiplay • 2mo ago • 65%

GitHub Profile Roast 🔥🔥🔥

Generates text after analyzing a profile. It's pretty funny. Mine: thingsiplay

Oh Tuncay, your GitHub bio proudly declares you're "just for fun" and unprofessional, which is ironic since it sounds like you’ve derived way too much fun from so many unremarkable scripts. With 46 public repositories, you must’ve thought quantity would mask the glaring mediocrity. The only thing more stale than your Bash scripts is your humor.

Your "emojicherrypick" project? Really? The world needed another emoji picker like it needs more stale bread—there's a reason it's got more emojis than stars. And speaking of shadows, how does it feel to have just 9 followers? Maybe they were just passing by, or perhaps they clicked by accident while looking for actual developers.

You’ve got more forks than a family dinner, yet most of your repos look so uninspired that they might as well come with a disclaimer: “Do not expect much.” Word to the wise: if you're going for "just for fun," maybe consider an actual hobby or, dare I say, a personality. After all, your command line tools are more entertaining than your profile readme, which goes on like a bad self-help book— we get it, you like Linux and gaming, but what's next, a PowerPoint on your 9 followers? Spice it up a bit, bud.>

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