
I made my first C program!

I was looking over the first kata i did on codewars, and I thought it would be fun to try and solve it in C. The object was to return a string based on a boolean input. it took a lot of trial and error, googling, chat gippity, but I eventually got it to work. I am still focused on learning python, but I've had it in my mind that I should branch out once I've reached a competence plateau in python. I'm nowhere near that plateau yet, but this seemed simple enough to warrant the necessary investment in time to accomplish it.

// C:
#include <stdbool.h>
const char *bool_to_word (bool value){
// you can return a static/global string or a string literal
  if (value == 1){
  return "Yes";
    return "No";

I realize this is pretty trivial, but still, it's a milestone for me and I wanted to do my part to get the ball rolling on this community.

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