
The billionaire companies behind Zionism’s bombs

The U.S. company Boeing Defense, Space and Security manufactures the bunker-buster bombs and the guidance systems [that the occupation] relies on. Lockheed Martin makes the Multiple Launch Rocket System used to strengthen the IOF ground forces. Ghost Robotics produces the robotic “dogs,” complete with weapons, that [the occupation] uses to patrol areas of northern Gaza.

Northrop Grumman sells extensive amounts of weapons and military technologies to [the occupation]. According to The Mapping Project: “Northrop Grumman is deeply complicit in [Zionism’s] ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland and theft of Palestinian resources. Northrop Grumman developed manned aircraft missile systems, which the […] Air Force uses in attacks on Palestinians.

“In collaborative ventures with Lockheed Martin (another major U.S. weapons manufacturer), Northrop Grumman provides [the occupation] with the Longbow System used in [Zionism’s] fleet of Apache AH64D helicopters […] and in the production of the F-35 fighter jets. […] Northrop Grumman also produces parts used in F-16 fighter jets sold to [Zionism’s régime].” (

[Zionism’s régime] has employed these and other weapons systems “containing Northrop Grumman component parts in its repeated attacks on densely populated areas in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as in Lebanon. In these attacks, [the régime] has targeted civilian homes, civilian infrastructure and refugee camps.”

While Biden and Netanyahu are well-deserving of growing global outrage, so too are the millionaires like Boeing’s President and CEO Ted Colbert, Lockheed Martin’s President and CEO Jim Taiclet and Northrop Grumman Chair, CEO and President Kathy Warden, who oversee these killing corporations.

These multibillion-dollar weapons producers have everything to gain from Blinken and Biden’s consistent refusals to put any restrictions on weapons sales to [Zionism’s neocolony].

The U.S. “money for weapons purchases” is by no means unique to its support of [Zionism]. The billions of dollars that Biden and Congress give to Ukraine is usually in the form of weapons produced by the same U.S. companies profiting off the war in West Asia.

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