Exchange updated: LMG 08/18, C96 Pistol, Bartek Bludgeon puzzle piece. New Ops Campaign: Fall of Empires (Iron Walls and Conquer Hell). New Weekly Rotation: “Best of Battlefield” (CQ on Fort de Vaux, Suez, Achi Baba, Ballroom Blitz, Soissons, Rupture, and Argonne Forest).


The exchange has once again “updated,” however the heavy tank just replaced the bomber. The M1897 shotgun and the Modello remained.


The exchange has finally (kind of) updated after 3 weeks. But only the Model 10-A shotgun was switched out for the Modello 1915; the M1897 and the grappling hook still remain in the exchange.


While squad XP boosts contribute to your overall rank and class, they do not tally towards earning ops/battle packs! Use them for ranking up quickly if you’re not max rank, or scrap them to use in the exchange. I also use them when I want a full squad (more spawn points!) I’ve sequestered several as “savings” to scrap if/when the elusive Thord-Grey skin for the Sjögren Inertial shotgun drops in the exchange. (It’s been nearly 4 years.)


There is a website with detailed weapon stats, charts, mechanics, comparison tools, damage multipliers, and more! Check it out at [Sym Game Science]( (formerly Symthic). It’s a great resource to help find the perfect weapon for your play style. The only weapon I’ve found which is not accounted for is the General Liu in bolt-action mode. (This is the only non-scout rifle with a sweet spot, and has a damage profile identical to the Gewehr 98). ![]( ![]( ![](


This is a filter you should save, then tweak later to your liking: From the main menu Home Screen go to Multiplayer > Server Browser > Filter - Game modes: set to blank (tweak later) - Maps: set to blank (tweak later) - Classes/Vehicles: all fields are likely set to ON even though it looks blank. **Change** all fields to blank - not off, not on, but BLANK. - Weapons: same as above - manually change all to blank. - Advanced: same, manually change all fields to blank. Tedious, yes. But do it. - Rules: same, manually change all to blank. - Slots: select NONE (this will show the full servers), 1-5, 6-10, and 10+. **Do not select ALL unless you want to see empty servers.** - Regions: set to blank (tweak later) - Name: go into this field and make sure it’s blank. Don’t just glance and it seems blank, but check to make sure there’s no spaces or what-have-you. **Now save this filter before you go any further.** Name it whatever you'd like (mine is named “ALL POPULATED”). This filter will show you everything. From this filter you can create others (and save them), tweak fields such as region for lower ping, select favorite game mode(s), or specific maps you want to play. [This filter will sometimes truncate the list at 100 since there can be that many populated servers.] The most popular game modes are Conquest, Operations, TDM, and whatever happens to be in the weekly rotation. On Friday nights, weekends, and holidays, you can often times find the less frequented game modes/maps. Good hunting!