My apartment provides public WiFi for all the tenants, but the networks they have set up are open for anyone to join, no password or anything. There was also no router in my unit, but there was a Ethernet port in a wall, in my room. I did some research and found out I can hook up a router to that Ethernet port and have my own private network with a password, so that's what I did. I hooked up a Netgear NightHawk R8000. I did a speed test on my ps5 while having the Ethernet plugged from the PS5 into the router (which is plugged into the wall), and I had 98 Mbps download. Then I did the same test, but instead plugged the Ethernet from the ps5 directly into the wall(no router), and got 300mbps. edit: I also did the same tests on my ps5 over WiFi for both networks, and they were about the same. The router connection had a faster upload speed if i remember correctly. ​ Can someone explain why that happens? Is that much of a drop normal? I'm new to networking and I'm trying to see if there's anything i can do to bring up the download speed while I'm connected to my own router.Also, on a side note, I'm curious as to where the Ethernet port that's in the wall is getting internet from? Also how was I able to connect to the WiFi when there was no router in my unit? I can stay on the apartments public WiFi no matter where I am within the complex so does that mean they have an extremely strong router somewhere? Thanks in advance I know i probably sound dumb lol.