If you are on the stable kernel and use ext4, do not upgrade to linux kernel package 6.1.64-1 It has a bad data corruption bug https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1057843

Sudden strangeness in PATH
  • r0b0 r0b0 11mo ago 100%

    You're going to have to remember what did you change. Is this bookworm? Things don't just change themselves in Stable

  • [Help] making a persistent Debian live install from Windows
  • r0b0 r0b0 1y ago 100%

    Yes, OP, this is the way. And if you cannot do this on this laptop, do the installation on another and use the resulting USB drive.

  • Smer + Smer odina.
  • r0b0 r0b0 1y ago 100%

    Som ochotný sa staviť, že sú dohodnutí - smer, hlas, sme rodina a sns. Iba ak by nevydalo, tak priberú aj republiku, potom vydá.

  • Fedora Asahi on Macbook Air M2
  • r0b0 r0b0 1y ago 100%

    Still no HDMI or any other external display?

  • Mesa on Debian Stable
  • r0b0 r0b0 1y ago 50%

    Mesa is usually included in the backports repository some time after a release

  • Systemd 254 - now with soft-reboot
  • r0b0 r0b0 1y ago 100%


    When the system hibernates, information about the device and offset used is now written to a non-volatile EFI variable. On next boot the system will attempt to resume from the location indicated in this EFI variable. This should make hibernation a lot more robust, while requiring no manual configuration of the resume location.

  • Question: Is btrfs's compress-force=zstd compatible with x-systemd.automount?
  • r0b0 r0b0 1y ago 100%

    Are other subvolumes of those volumes mounted somewhere else, with other btrfs options? The btrfs options, including compress, are not applicable per subvolume.

  • Ubuntu server to run Remmina only
  • r0b0 r0b0 1y ago 100%

    I would just set it up with normal KDE with autologin and have the home directory deleted and recreated at boot.

    Should they mess up anything, just tell them to reboot

  • Na pochopenie politiky na Slovensku nám pre voľby 2023 bohate stačia 2 osi.

    Has anyone used or contributed to OpenStreetMap?
  • r0b0 r0b0 1y ago 100%

    Don't just copy from google maps though. You are not supposed to do that

  • Vyberme si 1 nahradnu stranku
  • r0b0 r0b0 1y ago 100%

    Tu sú vítaní všetci. Nie sme ani prvá slovenská lemmy komunita ani posledná. Stačí dodržiavať pravidlá servera a všetko bude ťip ťop

  • Navrhy a otazky
  • r0b0 r0b0 1y ago 100%

    2 - Tak to je dobre, že ti udrie do očí, nie? Ale nie, kľudne pošlite nejaké návrhy na banner a logo

    3 - Tak fungujú komunity na lemmy - sú zviazané so serverom, kde boli založené

  • Aké sú vaše obľúbené alebo zaujímavé komunity na Lemmy?
  • r0b0 r0b0 1y ago 0%

    No keďže sme tu zjavne len my dvaja, tak za mňa akurát tak !aww@lemmy.ml

  • https://portal.minv.sk/wps/VolbyZoZahranicia/prihlasenie

    Voliť zo zahraničia môžete, ak spĺňate nasledujúce podmienky: Ste občanom / občiankou Slovenskej republiky. V deň volieb (30.9.2023) budete mať aspoň 18 rokov. Odošlete žiadosť 52 dní predo dňom konania volieb

    Opinionated Debian Installer
  • r0b0 r0b0 1y ago 0%

    Such as?

    i386? meh.

    arm64? I am a big fan, if there was a viable laptop/workstation PC with a good linux support, I would be first in line to buy one. Apple silicon? Last time I checked, it kind of works with a dedicated distro (asahi) and half of the things I take for granted doesn't work yet (such as external monitor.)

  • github.com

    Hello debian lemmies, If anybody is interested, I've made an alternative debian installer targeted for laptops and workstation PCs. It has some nifty features over the official installer, have a look. https://github.com/r0b0/debian-installer Comments are welcome!

    Slovakia r0b0 1y ago 100%

    Ľaľa ho papľuha, ogrcal mi krpce!
