Games 10mo ago
Portal: Revolution is out now (mod)
  • russjr08 russjr08 10mo ago 100%

    Was playing it a bit in the morning while it was slow at work, seems fantastic so far!

  • Linux users when
  • russjr08 russjr08 10mo ago 100%

    I hate how installing or removing (or even updating) a flatpak causes the whole software center to completely refresh, and it doesn't keep its state so if you were in the middle of a search or scrolled down through a category... say goodbye to it.

  • Hello folks! I've just written a pretty massive comment on [what exactly happened during our update to Lemmy 0.19.0]( - to make a long story short, both of my "legacy" servers, so to speak, are quickly starting to fall apart at the seams and I'm having a hard time trying to figure out why that is. Given that it took me over 24 hours just to complete the update (and revive the instance during that process as the update failed on the first attempt), it doesn't seem like this server is going to hold out for much longer. Given the expense that both of these systems cost every month (about $130 or so), I do not think its worth keeping them around for much longer. Now that The Outpost is on Lemmy 0.19.0, you can export your profile settings from the [settings page](/settings) which will export your subscriptions, profile metadata (your "about me" and such), and any blocked users/communities. Unfortunately it does not export posts/comments, which I suspect is more of a limitation of how the ActivityPub protocol (the protocol Lemmy is built off of, and is what allows Federation to occur) works. Technically speaking, I suppose you *could* pull it off, but upon import all posts/comments would be created at the exact same time. So, The Outpost will be officially decommissioned at the start of February (on the 5th, plus/minus a day or two), so that everyone here has throughout December and January to perform the export, account deletions (if wanted - this will remove your comments and posts from your profile throughout the Fediverse, should you not delete your account, those will all remain with the exception of any images that were uploaded directly from here - so that choice is up to you), along with finding a new instance that suits you. As previously mentioned, myself and Myth are running a new Lemmy instance known as [The BitForged Space]( and you are more than welcome to join there! If not however, there are [tons of Lemmy instances]( - some of them small like we are, and some of them magnitudes larger. I wish we hadn't hit this fork in the road, but unfortunately it just makes more sense to rebuild things from the ground up, as the saying goes "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it". Until then, hopefully as long as I don't attempt to perform any more upgrades, things will continue to work until that point. You're welcome to continue using The Outpost, but I urge you to not wait till the last day just in case any issues do come up. I thank everyone who has been here to join us on our adventure through the Fediverse, and I hope to continue to see you all out there - whether that's over at The BitForged Space, or another instance, that is the beauty of the Fediverse, we continue to march on! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know. \- Russ

    [Complete] Upcoming Maintenance: Upgrade to Lemmy 0.19.0
  • russjr08 russjr08 10mo ago 100%

    Well, that took a lot more blood, sweat, and tears than I thought it would.

    Usually when performing an update, I do the following:

    • Take a snapshot of the VM
    • Change the version number in Lemmy docker-compose.yml file for both the lemmy and lemmy-ui containers
    • Re-create the containers, and start following the logs
    • If the database migration (if any) appears to be taking longer than expected, I temporarily disable the reverse-proxy so that Lemmy isn't getting slammed while trying to perform database migrations (and then re-enable it once complete)
    • Upon any issues, examine where things might've gone wrong, adjust if needed, and worse-case scenario rollback to the snapshot created at the start

    Everything was going to plan until step 4, the database migrations. After about 30 minutes of database migrations running, I shut off external access to the instance. Once we got to the hour and a half mark, I went ahead and stopped the VM and began rolling back to the snapshot... Except normally a snapshot restore doesn't take all that long (maybe an hour at most), so when I stepped back 3 hours later and saw that it had performed about 20% of the restore that's where things started going wrong. It seemed like the whole hypervisor was practically buckling while attempting to perform the restore. So I thought, okay I'll move it back to hypervisor "A" ("Zeus")... except then I forgot why I initially migrated it to hypervisor "B" ("Atlas") which was that Zeus was running critically low on storage, and could no longer host the VM for the instance. I thought "Okay, sure we'll continue running it on Atlas then, let me go re-enable the reverse-proxy (which is what allows external traffic into Lemmy, since the containers/VM is on an internal network)"... which then lead me to find out that the reverse-proxy VM was... dead. It was running Nginx, nothing seemed to show any errors, but I figured "Let's try out Caddy" (which I've started using on our new systems) - that didn't work either. It was at that point that I realized I couldn't even ping that VM from its public IP address - even after dropping the firewall. Outbound traffic worked fine, none of the configs had changed, no other firewalls in place... just nothing. Except I could get 2 replies to a continuous ping in between the time the VM was initializing and finished starting up, after that it was once again silent.

    So, I went ahead and made some more storage available on Zeus by deleting some VMs (including my personal Mastodon instance, which thankfully I had already migrated my account over to our new Mastodon instance a week before) and attempted to restore Lemmy onto Zeus. Still, I noticed that the same behavior of a slow restore was happening even on this hypervisor, and everything on the hypervisor was coming to a crawl while it was on-going.

    This time I just let the restore go on, which took numerous hours. Finally it completed, and I shut down just about every other VM and container on the hypervisor, once again followed my normal upgrade paths, and crossed my fingers. It still took about 30 minutes for database migrations to complete, but it did end up completing. Enabled the reverse-proxy config, and updated the DNS record for the domain to point back to Zeus, and within 30 seconds I could see federation traffic coming in once again.

    What an adventure, to say the least. I still haven't been able to determine why both hypervisors come to a crawl with very little running on them. I suspect one or more drives are failing, but its odd for to occur on both hypervisors at around the same time, and SMART data for none of the drives show any indications of failure (or even precursors to failure) so I honestly do not know. It does however tell me that its pretty much time to sunset these systems sooner rather than later since the combination of the systems and the range of IP addresses that I have for them comes out to about ~$130 a month. While I could probably request most of the hardware to be swapped out and completely rebuild them from scratch, it's just not worth the hassle considering that my friend and I have picked up a much newer system (the one mentioned in my previous announcement post and with us splitting the cost it comes out to about the same price.

    Given this, the plan at this point is to renew these two systems for one more month when the 5th comes around, meaning that they will both be decommissioned on the 5th of February. This is to give everyone a chance to migrate their profile settings from The Outpost over to The BitForged Space as both instances are now running Lemmy 0.19.0 (to compare, the instance over at BitForged took not even five minutes to complete its database migrations - I spent more time verifying everything was alright) and to also give myself a bit more time to ensure I can get all of my other personal services migrated over, along with any important data.

    I've had these systems for about three years now, and they've served me quite well! However, its very clear that the combination of the dated specs, and lack of setting things up in a more coherent way (I was quite new to server administration at the time) is showing that its time to mark this chapter, and turn the page.

    Oh, and to top off the whole situation, my status page completely died during the process too - the container was running (as I was still receiving numerous notifications as various services went up and down), however inbound access was also not working either... So I couldn't even provide an update on what was going on. I am sorry to have inconvenienced everyone with how long the update process took, and it wasn't my intention to make it seem as if The Outpost completely vanished off the planet. However I figured it was worth it to spend my time focusing on bringing the instance back online instead of side-tracking to investigate what happened to the status page.

    Anyways, with all that being said, we're back for now! But it is time for everyone to finish their last drink while we wrap things up.

  • The new 0.19.0 release of Lemmy [has been released](,_Scaled_sort,_and_Federation_Queue)! 🎉 To take advantage of some of the new features, such as the previously mentioned account import/export feature, The Outpost will be performing some maintenance at 9PM EST to start this upgrade. That is in about 11 hours from the time of this post. The release notes indicate that the upgrade should take less than 30 minutes, but given the hardware of the system that The Outpost is running under, this might take a bit over the 30 minute window to account for the backup time, and the actual database migration time. Of course, we'll keep you updated on the progress over at [our status page]( just so that you're kept in the loop! Keep in mind, that 0.19.0 has some breaking API changes that may impact third party clients and alternative frontends that have not been updated in a while, however most have already published updates beforehand to take this into account. The BitForged Space will also be updating to this release [about an hour before The Outpost]( just to ensure that there are no major problems that would cause a need to fully reverse course (at the moment, it is just Myth and I on the instance so worse-case scenario it would impact us) - but this also means that assuming all goes well, you can import your settings from The Outpost over there once the upgrade has completed for both instances. On an additional note, even though 0.19.0 is out now, I don't have any plans on immediately decommissioning The Outpost right afterwards of course. There is still no timeline on this as of yet given that we're still trying to sort out what hardware we're going to keep, what will be getting dropped, etc - the results of this will be when a timeline starts to be established. Once that has been drafted up, it'll be posted here to keep everyone updated as well. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know!

    The Outpost is becoming The BitForged Space!
  • russjr08 russjr08 10mo ago 100%

    At some point, yes - while I don't have a concrete date of when The Outpost will be officially decommissioned (as the server it's running on still has plenty of things that I can't move over just yet), you might've noticed that the performance of the site is pretty shaky at times.

    Sadly, that's pretty much just due to the older hardware in the server, I've tried for the last four months to work around it by trying to configure various tweaks for Lemmy and postgres (the database software - which is where the heart of the issues come from), but it hasn't had much of an effect. I'm pretty much out of options of what I can try at this point, since it not only affects Lemmy but all of the other stuff that I run on the server for myself (hence why I've decided to invest in a better system).

    So you don't have to move over right this second, but I would recommend it sometime in the future. The plan is to at the very least wait till Lemmy 0.19 comes out since it should let you migrate your subscribed communities (and blocked ones, if any) as far as I'm aware - but it won't transfer over posts and comments sadly. They're still working out some roadblocks for 0.19, so I suspect it won't be out this month (they don't have an estimate just yet of a release date).

  • Hello everyone! Today marks the step in the new evolution of The Outpost, which is now becoming [The BitForged Space]( It has been decided to start The BitForged Space off with a clean slate, instead of migrating The Outpost's data. One important reason for the change was to move our instance over to a new domain (without using a subdomain), which unfortunately due to how ActivityPub, the underlying protocol of Lemmy, doesn't really allow for domain changes since users and identities of communities are intrinsically tied to the domain name. Is it theoretically possible to migrate? Maybe, but due to the "hacks" that would be required, it's likely to only cause more issues than its worth, and would defeat the whole purpose of a clean-slate anyways. Given that The Outpost isn't a massive instance by any means (and if I'm being completely honest, aside from myself, I think pretty much everyone else has left), I figured it wouldn't make that much of an impact. I'm not surprised, given that The Outpost has encountered a lot of issues due to just the hardware constraints of the system that it runs on. You can find out more about our migration to The BitForged Space, over [at it's announcement post]( For now, The Outpost will continue to run - however, it will eventually be decommissioned officially, and depending on how things turn out, I might not be able to provide much advance warning when that happens - so this post will serve as the official warning. The Outpost will not receive much maintenance in terms of quality-of-service improvements, however I am willing to at the very least update The Outpost to Lemmy 0.19 once that update is released since it will include profile data imports/exports as part of it. If you are still using an account on The Outpost, I'd appreciate it if you could give a shout here indicating so, that way I can push for going forward with that update when that time comes. For security and privacy reasons, I do not keep activity logs for all that long - they are kept for 24 hours and then flushed out (and IP addresses don't even get included). Realistically, the only reason anything is logged at all is for debugging if say, Federation does stop working. In the meantime, registrations at The Outpost has been closed, and communities can no longer be created. It's not in a completely read-only mode, as you'll still be able to make posts and comments to remote communities (and federation will continue to work) - but I'd recommend moving when its convenient for you. After the decommission date passes for The Outpost, all data will be permanently deleted - however, due to the way federation works, if you want your posts and comments removed from other instances, it's **heavily** recommended to *delete* your account from here at The Outpost via your account settings. That'll trigger a delete request to all communities that you've posted to, as otherwise your posts/comments will still be visible there. This does mean that whether you want your comments/posts to live on is fully up to you, if you do want them to live on - then do not delete your account. If you want them to disappear, then do proceed to deleting your account. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me - I can still be contacted over Matrix, or you can send me a DM to my new account at over at []( (please avoid DM'ing my account here as it'll result in a delayed response). I appreciate everyone who has participated in our home here at The Outpost, and I hope that you'll join us over at The BitForged Space however if you choose not to do so, there's no hard feelings at all! I look forward to seeing you all here on the Fediverse, no matter where you choose to make your new home! For now, this is The Outpost team signing off, to turn to the next chapter.

    Linux 11mo ago
    This week in KDE: changing the wallpaper from within System Settings
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 100%

    Generally it's just through my distro, it's always occurred since I've used KDE unfortunately (since that was one of my first thoughts). This has been across Fedora (and derivatives), Nix, Arch, and Kubuntu.

  • What would be some of your top choices of things to see if you were the size of an ant?
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 100%

    Traversing a motherboard sounds like it would be interesting!

  • Which song are you currently obsessed with?
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 100%

    Only Human - Memphis May Fire (feat. AJ Channer)

    (Note, the linked music video has a seizure warning at the start of it)

  • linux
    Linux 11mo ago
    days 3 and 4 of Debian December
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 100%

    As far as I know, if you don't have it on Steam then yes.

    The Steam build still gets all of the updates to the game... for now, so if you grabbed it on Steam before it was delisted you can continue to play through that.

  • How do you justify continually using take out delivery services?
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 100%

    I used to justify it with "I've had a shit day, I deserve to be able to have something for the convenience" - not to mention, I don't have a car so realistically it was "Do I want fast food or not".

    Then I started to realize that every day tends to be a bad day for me, due to a multitude of reasons. I live paycheck to paycheck (which is why I don't have a car in the first place) and the amount I was spending on takeout was way too high.

    Now the only time I do so is on Fridays because my workplace lets us spend $25 on their tab just for joining the weekly staff meeting. Aside from that, I might order a takeout once, maybe even twice, during a pay period as a "congrats for making it through last month" but I'd like to even stop doing that ideally.

  • Google could be working on a shared phone number blocklist for Android
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 100%

    This doesn't read as a global Blocklist for all Android phones in the world. It reads more as a local database/API for blocked numbers on your phone.

    So blocked numbers would theoretically be applied to your messages apps and other "telephony" based apps that use phone numbers such as WhatsApp (should said apps implement the API).

    Google already seems to have a spammer database for numbers, though I'm not sure if that applies to just Fi users, Pixel users, or anyone who uses the Google Phone app. If I have call screen disabled, I'll see numbers on an incoming call have a red background with a "likely spam" description.

    But based on the comments on this post, I feel as if I've overlooked something in the article here (I've just woken up so it wouldn't surprise me) - is there a mention of it being a worldwide list?

  • games
    Games 11mo ago
    Halo The Series | Season 2 First Look Trailer | Paramount+
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 93%

    It would be an alright show... If it didn't use the Halo name and was written to just be another science fiction/fantasy TV show.

    But unfortunately I don't think the show was ever made for hardcore Halo fans - whether that's because of the writers or just Paramount going over the writer's heads I couldn't say.

  • games
    Games 11mo ago
    Gamers using GeForce NOW to play Call of Duty are reportedly being banned
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 100%

    Once I woke up a bit more I had another look at the article, and this phrasing certainly makes it sound like it needs approval at some point:

    Due to a licensing dispute between NVIDIA and Activision in 2020, GeForce NOW lost access to all Activision-Blizzard games.

    Perhaps though it's a case of "Better to ask for forgiveness than permission" and they just add games until someone tells them to pull it off, I'm not sure. It's been 4+ years since I looked into GFN, I tried it out during the beta period but I don't believe I've used it since then.

  • Simple Mobile Tools is being sold to a for-profit firm ZipoApps
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 50%

    They might've done so out of necessity. I don't know if the dev(s) of the Simple Tools apps were working on it full time, but if they were and just not enough contributions were coming in from it... Well everyone has to eat.

    As the saying goes, "everyone has their price". It's easy to condemn the developers for their choice until you're in the exact same scenario as they were. Whether that's because they were starving, or even just offered enough money to make their lives a lot easier - not too many people would turn it down.

  • linux
    Linux 11mo ago
    Arch or NixOS?
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 100%
  • linux
    Linux 11mo ago
    Arch or NixOS?
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 100%

    I'm a bit surprised to see that you disagreed with the "NixOS is hard to configure" bit, but then also listed some of the reasons why it can be hard to configure as cons.

    By "configure", they probably didn't mean just setting up say, user accounts, which is definitely easy to set up in Nix.

    The problems start to arise when you want to use something that isn't in Nixpkgs, or even something that is out of date in Nixpkgs, or using a package from Nixpkgs that then has plugins but said plugin(s) that you want aren't in Nixpkgs.

    From my experience with NixOS, I had two software packages break on me that are in Nixpkgs - one of them being critical for work, and I had no clue where to even begin trying to fix the Nixpkg derivation because of how disorganized Nix's docs can be.

    Speaking of docs inconsistencies you still have the problem of most users saying you should go with Flakes these days, but it's still technically an experimental feature and so the docs still assume you're not using Flakes...

    I was also working on a very simple Rust script, and couldn't get it to properly build due to some problem with the OpenSSL library that one of the dependent crates of my project used.

    That was my experience with NixOS after a couple of months. The concept of Nix[OS] is fantastic, but it comes with a heavy cost depending on what you're wanting to do. The community is also great, but even I saw someone who heavily contributes to Nixpkgs mention that a big issue is only a handful of people know how Nixpkgs is properly organized, and that they run behind on PRs / code reviews of Nixpkgs because of it.

    I'd still like to try NixOS on say, a server where I could expect it to work better because everything is declarative such as docker containers - but it's going to be a while before I try it on my PC again.

  • Am I a loser?
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 100%

    Realistically, a lot of relationships are "situational" (especially at that age) - but that doesn't erase the fact that they existed in the first place.

  • games
    Games 11mo ago
    Gamers using GeForce NOW to play Call of Duty are reportedly being banned
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 100%

    Correct on all accounts. Just to be more precise, I'm not placing any blame on the players in my prior comments - the blame goes to GFN and Activision since the player expects to be able to play a game that they've paid for, on a service that they have paid for.

  • games
    Games 11mo ago
    Gamers using GeForce NOW to play Call of Duty are reportedly being banned
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 100%

    Right, I didn't mean to imply that playing on GFN was cheating by any means - I probably should've worded that a bit better.

    I meant more of "If Call of Duty explicitly allowed GFN to add the game, then players who play via GFN shouldn't have a chance to be banned just for playing through it"

  • games
    Games 11mo ago
    Gamers using GeForce NOW to play Call of Duty are reportedly being banned
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 100%

    Doesn't the publisher of the game have to approve for a game to be put on GeForce Now?

    I mean, don't get me wrong - I know anti cheat detection has never been perfect, but you'd think this would be something they heavily try to make sure they get right.

  • linux
    Linux 11mo ago
    This week in KDE: changing the wallpaper from within System Settings
  • russjr08 russjr08 11mo ago 100%

    No VPN, it's strange because I haven't had a problem with any other services that use IP geolocation (which I assume is what KDE uses) - even Gnome's auto location tool seems to work fine.

  • I hope this doesn't violate the low-quality rule. For those who don't know, when you right click an archive in Dolphin, the extract menu has a "Extract archive here, autodetect subfolder" option and its absolutely brilliant! If you've ever extracted a zip, tar, etc and ended up with files splattered everywhere this feature will prevent that. Basically when you choose this option it will: - Look to see if the archive has a top level folder, if it does, it will extract it normally - If it does not (so all of the files are at the top level), it will automatically create a folder for the archive and extract those top level files into it It's something I really wish other file managers had, and is just another one of those features from the KDE team that gives me the "The developer(s) who created this also use this in their daily lives" impression (which is not to say that others don't). You can of course just open your favorite archive utility and manually check, then manually make the folder yourself and extract the files into there, but this lets me skip those couple of steps and I appreciate that so much.


    I've been anticipating this patch for a while now! It looks great, and I can't wait to get into using the new Runemaster specialization!


    It's update time again! The Outpost has been successfully updated to [Lemmy 0.18.4](, the most notable change in this release is that the "View Context" button should now be resolved, allowing you to for example see your original reply when you receive a notification that someone replied to your comment. That same fix should apply to mobile applications as well, and shouldn't require updates on those apps (assuming the functionality worked in those apps before 0.18.3). As always, I'll keep this post pinned for 24 hours or so, just for visibility and in case anyone experiences any potential issues that crop up.


    #### Addressing Feedback - In Season 22, we’re updating those weekly ritual challenge requirements so players can complete their nine challenges in any ritual playlist they’d like, as opposed to having to complete three each across Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit playlists. We’ll also be increasing the frequency of ritual engram drops after completing ritual activities, and we’re making the latest ritual loot pool weapons focusable at their respective vendors at the start of the Season for the first time, rather than needing to wait until the following Season to chase those god rolls. ##### PvP - New PvP Map (Season 22): Multiplex - New PvP Modifier - Checkmate: Checkmate is a modifier where rich Primary weapon fights can happen more often, and gun skill can be augmented by communication and strong positioning. Primary weapon damage has been tuned to feel different than the rest of the game without being jarring, reducing the gap between the faster killing weapons and the average time-to-kill, and in general pushing longer range Primaries into slower killing profiles. Player health has been increased, all ability cooldowns are lengthened, and Special ammunition must be earned via gameplay and is not dropped on death. This all results in slightly longer combat encounters that reward skill and consistency. - Checkmate will be available in Crucible Labs from Week 5 to Week 10. We will start off with two weeks of Checkmate Control, then switch it up with two weeks of Checkmate Survival, and finally, two weeks of Checkmate Rumble to finish off its trial run for Season 22. - New PvP Mode - Relic: Relic is a 6v6 party mode where players wreak havoc and destruction on their foes with relic weapons. Relics include the Aegis from Vault of Glass, the Synaptic Spear from Season of the Risen, and the Scythe from Season of the Haunted. Each player charges their personal relic energy by defeating opponents with their normal loadout. Upon reaching full charge, players can acquire a relic from a relic depot. Defeating relic holders and using the relics to defeat opponents earns points for the team. - Whereas Checkmate is heavily focused on gunfights, Relic is intended to provide lighthearted gameplay that can be enjoyed by anyone, similar to Mayhem and Team Scorched. Relic will be available in Crucible Labs from Week 1 to Week 4, and again in Week 11 until the close of the Season. We look forward to hearing your feedback on both Checkmate and Relic when they roll out next Season. - Matchmaking Updates: Our quest to constantly improve matchmaking is always ongoing, and in Season 22, we’re modifying our loose skill-based matchmaking settings for Control and Iron Banner. These new settings will look to improve matchmaking times and experiences for players who find themselves at the upper or lower ends of the skill spectrum, and for those playing in low-population regions or times. - The team is also adding loose Fireteam Matchmaking to the Crucible rotators, including Labs, to ensure players are being evenly matched against similar Fireteam sizes without the need for a Freelance node. Additionally, we’ll be tackling an issue with lobby balancing that can misallocate players over certain skill levels. - Also coming in Season 23: Looking further ahead, we’re planning to deliver a new Iron Banner mode for Season 23, along with a brand-new Häkke Aggressive Frame Strand Pulse Rifle as our newest Competitive Division weapon reward. The Mercurial Overreach Adaptive Frame Arc Sniper Rifle will remain available for competitors throughout Season 22. - As a reminder, we’re also focusing our map reprisal efforts on porting The Citadel from 2018 to the Crucible in Season 23. We all have fond memories of dominating Control with our fireteams on this one and can’t wait to see what you do with the latest arsenal out there in The Dreaming City. ##### Vanguard - Vanguard Medals: will be available in Vanguard Ops and Nightfalls starting in Season 22. After first being introduced in last year’s Guardian Games and their continued success in this year’s event, we have decided to bring them in full-time to spice things up in our Vanguard playlists. - Medals will contribute to scoring, allowing players to attain higher scores and reputation multipliers by performing unique actions and doing cool things. Our goal here is to reward players for playing well, and not require players to go out of their way to grind for score. In short: we don't want you to feel like you have to compromise your build in order to boost your score with additional medals. - Some medals from Guardian Games will be exclusive to Guardian Games, such as finishing champions/elites. - We’ve also recently focused more of our teams’ resources into more varied and frequent Seasonal activities, such as Battlegrounds, that can later make their way into Vanguard playlists alongside our Strikes and eventually serve as new additions to Nightfall and Grandmaster playlists. While this can come at the cost of other content in a given year, we feel this exchange has been worth the extra investment for the overall health of our playlists. As a result, we’ll have additional Battlegrounds coming into the Nightfall and Grandmaster Nightfall rotations in Seasons 22 and 23 to keep players on their toes before The Final Shape launches. ##### Gambit - While we don’t have plans to dedicate more resources to significantly transform Gambit, we do have a few updates planned for the year of The Final Shape. These include porting the Cathedral of Scars map and its beautiful Dreaming City setting into the latest version of Destiny 2, as well as adding the Shadow Legion and Lucent Hive enemy types. - We’re also reducing the number of Gambit-specific Seasonal Challenges starting in Season 22, so players won’t need to bank motes to be able to earn that big purse of Bright Dust for completing nearly every challenge in the Season. Finally, we’re adding Fireteam Matchmaking to Gambit next Season, which will replace the Freelance node and should result in faster, better matchmaking by combining both Gambit playlists. We’ll keep an eye on reception and player engagement after these additions take place, and we hope you’ll visit ‘ol Drifter next Season to get your hands on his new Void Machine Gun. ###### Armor Set Updates - A long time ago, we shared a plan to address concerns on reward balance. Players have pointed out that we didn’t release a new armor set for the ritual playlists (Vanguard, Crucible, Gambit) with Lightfall as previously called out in our yearly release schedule. Delivering ritual armor sets at the rates we have in the past has become increasingly challenging, especially considering these sets have historically had very low adoption by players as both base armor and cosmetic ornaments. - At this time, we are amending our delivery plans for how often we refresh these sets and will no longer be creating a new set for every expansion. However, we are prioritizing the delivery of a new ritual armor set alongside The Final Shape to infuse some new looks you’ll be able to show off from your time in the Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit playlists. We also have a new armor set for Trials of Osiris releasing in just a few short weeks! ###### Game Security - Over the course of the year, we have invested further in data science and machine learning, building confidence in the detections they produce. These tools allow us to observe and evaluate player behavior in new ways and issue an increasing number of actions in response. - In addition, we have continued to adapt new policies to protect players, including the [Abuse of External Accessibility Tools]( policy. The development of this policy has allowed us to catch cheaters that we may not have otherwise. This policy not only gives us an avenue to action this form of cheating, but it has also spurred us to investigate player behavior in new ways. - Finally, we've worked with BattlEye to address network manipulation tools, improving our data collection, detection, and mitigation strategies. Competition is best when fair, so we will continue to issue bans or restrictions to those abusing these methods. ###### Stability Updates - Moving toward 7.2.0 (Season 22 launch), we are beginning to do internal “chaos testing” using the new code we added and are already using that data to make more improvements in the 7.2.0 update, as well as verify current fixes we have planned for the Season. As we do this work, we aren’t just focusing on the Claims system outlined in our roadmap. Our efforts also cover stability across all 50+ services that help to make Destiny 2 run. These include taking a close look at our load balancing code, service-to-service communication code, internal message processing pipelines, and more. - If 7.2.0 is focused on detecting and fixing current stability issues, the theme of 7.3.0 (Season 23 launch) will be helping to protect us against stability issues that might occur in the future. Work here will focus on systems like auto-recovery, making internal systems healthier, and further isolating systems from one another so that a problem in one area is less likely to cascade into issues in other areas. We want our players to have the best possible experience, and we view our work with Destiny Services as a long-term project that we will continue to invest in beyond Season 23 and into the future. ###### Seasonal Structure - As we mentioned back in February, we’ve been working behind the scenes to shake up the Seasonal paradigm this year to subvert player expectations and make each Season feel unique. We know our players are looking for more variety in repeatable Seasonal activities, and more than anything, we want to constantly surprise everyone with what comes next in each Season. ##### Quality of Life Upgrades - Cosmetic Favoriting: At long last, you’ll be able to pin up to 100 of your favorite shaders, ornaments, and emotes to the top of the list starting in Season 22. - Stasis Aspects and Fragments moved to vendor system: Any character who has completed the Beyond Light campaign will be able to acquire all available Stasis Aspects and Fragments from Elsie Bray on Europa starting next Season. - Transmats will now be unlocks: Like shaders before them, transmats will now be stored as unlocks on your account, rather than consumable items. Feel free to change transmats at will without needing to grab copies from Collections or find them in the wild. - Wish-Ender pursuit improvements: The Wish-Ender quest has gone through a number of changes throughout the years, and in Season 22, it becomes a real quest. No more charged or uncharged discs sitting in your inventory – just a single quest strand in your quest log. - Resources tab added to Collections: This is a change we are really excited about – we now have a Resources tab in the Collections, which shows you all of the currencies, upgrade materials, and engrams in the game, appropriately categorized, with information on how to acquire it, as well as what to do with it once you have it. - Iron Banner Challenges split: - With Pinnacle rewards not being as big of a draw as they once were Season-over-Season since Season of the Deep began, we felt it was time to split the Pinnacle acquisition and reputation multipliers we added back in Season of the Haunted. - Starting in Season 22, Iron Banner will have two different stacking challenges each day: one for players who just want their reputation multiplier which does not require using specific Seasonal subclasses, and one for players who are going after their Pinnacle rewards, which does require using Seasonal subclasses. - Ritual Rank Ups immediately: Dating all the way back to Season 3, ritual reputations (previously known as Valor, Glory, and Infamy) waited until you hit orbit to process any rank-ups, because the almost-full screen banner would overwrite the scoreboard if it showed up earlier. When we revamped and streamlined reputations over the past few years, we moved the rank-up banner to the bottom of the screen and made them less conspicuous, but we left the processing of the ranks until you hit orbit. Now we’ve finally taken the step and made the rank-up process immediately at the end of an activity. No more waiting for your rewards... now they’ll show up right away in your loot stream. ##### Sandbox Updates - New Strand Aspects: At the start of Season 22, we’re adding three new Strand Aspects to enhance the Strand kit of each class by adding a unique dynamic gameplay element. These Aspects will be Whirling Maelstrom for Hunter, Banner of War for Titans, and Weavewalk for Warlocks. Stay tuned for more info as we get closer to the launch of the Season. - Exotic Armor Reworks, Pt. 2: Similar to our first wave of Exotic revamps in Season of the Deep, the team is reworking another batch of underused Exotic armor pieces in Season 22 to shake things up and give players a new reason to dive into their Vaults. Watch for a new Developer Insights article going live next week to cover all the changes we’ve got coming. - New Weapon Subfamilies Incoming: Looking further into the future, we’ll be introducing some entirely new weapon subfamilies with The Final Shape. Tune into the Showcase on August 22nd to get your first look at some of these in action, as well as some other unexpected additions to Destiny 2’s arsenal yet to come. - Previously mentioned [Weapon tuning updates](


    Hello folks! This is just a quick post to notify everyone that The Outpost has been updated to [Lemmy 0.18.3]( - just like the last couple of releases, I wanted to get it out as quickly as possible (while also giving it enough time to make sure there were no show stopping bugs, release was just barely over 24 hours ago) since it includes some nice optimizations. Some of those nice optimizations include: - Security improvements - SQL query optimizations (which should lead to better and more consistently stable response times hopefully) - Fixes to the post rank calculations (should resolve random 1 month+ old posts from showing up in the "Hot" / "Active" feeds) So far everything looks good, but if you happen to see anything that looks out of place please don't hesitate to let me know!


    Finally, some updates on material caps! They're as follows: - Ascendant Shards: 10 => 30 - Ascendant Alloy: 10 => 30 - Enhancement Prism: 50 => 100 They also announced some incoming weapons to the various ritual playlists, along with the fact that focusing for new ritual weapons will be available right away, rather than having to wait for the next season to come around to focus weapons that have newly entered. A good read all around.


    _Are you a fan of good-looking graphs? We've got them!_ Hello everyone! A couple of weeks ago I made [a tool for Lemmy instance admins]( to export statistics from a Lemmy Postgres database over to InfluxDB, which is a database that specializes in time-series based data. The idea being to allow people to track stats about their instance (such as the amount of comments, posts, etc that it knows about) over time. I've put together a Grafana instance for The Outpost, and a [dashboard is available here]( to allow everyone to get an overview on how things are looking over here. I try to be as transparent as possible when providing services that others use, so I have no problem with this being public. There is no sensitive data, the InfluxDB source itself *only* has totals/counts - for example, it "knows" how many comments have been made by people on this instance, but it doesn't know *who* made those comments. That data is only known to Lemmy itself, and its own database which cannot be connected to from the outside world. I also do not mind the dashboard link being passed around to others, which probably doesn't need to be explicitly stated for obvious reasons (if its on the internet, its already public by nature of the internet) but I figured I'd do so just in case! The metrics at the top section (labeled "Extras") should be taken with a grain of salt, as I'm definitely not a statistics expert so putting those functions together to get that data is purely a "best guess" at how to calculate those (more so the second row - "Rate of Incoming Comments", and "Avg # of New Comments/Posts Every 5m" as the heatmaps are pretty easy and self-explanatory to put together). For some reason the breakdown charts under the Registration section don't render correctly on the public/unauthenticated version of the dashboard (along with the "nice" labels I've set on *all* of the graphs on that page) but they're just pie charts of the user/email overview charts that they are right next to. Public Dashboards in Grafana are considered a beta feature so I suspect its just a bug. Just to make sure the backend metrics database doesn't get inadvertently slammed, the unauthenticated version of the dashboard is set to only auto-refresh every 5 minutes but manually refreshing the page will pull updated versions of all the stats in case you're curious about how it changes on a minute basis (the data is only exported from Lemmy->Influx every minute, so refreshing the page every 30 seconds for example won't really have any effect). I also have totally not spent a large amount of time having this dashboard open on my second monitor just watching the numbers, colors, and graphs change - that would be silly! It would also be incredibly silly for me to encourage you to do the same thing! I'll skip pinning this post as its not really a critical announcement, but nonetheless if you have any questions about this I'm happy to answer them for you!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    The Hello World russjr08 1y ago 100%
    Hello, Fediverse (Again)!

    Another "Hello World" from our corner of the internet here!


    First things first, this instance **has not** been affected by the [cross-site scripting exploit that has impacted a few of the larger instances]( - just wanted to quell any potential sources of panic. TL;DR for the rest of the post - we're not impacted by this issue, but just as an added precaution everyone has been signed out and you'll need to sign back in. This exploit appears to be coming from Lemmy's Markdown parser when handling custom emojis - we do not have any here. Custom emojis from remote/federated instances do not seem to trigger the issue either. That being said, since this exploit was using custom emojis as a way of hijacking gathering JWTs to then be able to login on behalf of others, I've force expired all login sessions across the instance as an added precaution. This impacts both the standard web interface, and any mobile/third party apps that use the Lemmy API. If you're reading this after logging back in, you're good to go - some mobile apps may not properly notify you however that you're not logged in since not all API actions require authentication (for example, the API wouldn't require auth to access this post) and thus may not re-prompt you. I'd recommend just logging out of any mobile apps you were signed into, and then log back in, which will generate a new token and prevent you from getting `not_logged_in` errors when you do finally try to perform an action that requires authentication (such as viewing your inbox, or casting votes). Additionally, as of the time of current writing, Beehaw is offline from their end so if you're subscribed to any of their communities you won't see updates from that community at all (in terms of new comments, posts, votes, etc) until they come back online - any content that our instance already knows about of course is still available, but if you try to reply to one your comment won't be visible on their side. I'll be watching the various instance admin groups for updates on this issue, and I see there is already a [pull request]( opened against Lemmy-UI (the frontend for Lemmy) to fix the root issue. As soon as a release is provided with the patch I'll do another immediate upgrade to as well. If anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know - apologies if you're like me and have 7 different Lemmy apps downloaded that need to all be re-signed into 😅


    Hello all! As a heads up, I've gone ahead and processed a rollout of Lemmy 0.18.1 which was just released. Generally, for updates I like to create a maintenance window a couple of days ahead of time and communicate this, just in case something were to go wrong then no one is left in the dark as to what is happening - however, [Lemmy 0.18.1 contains some very important performance and federation fixes]( so I felt it was best to just go ahead and upgrade ASAP. Of course, the VM that this instance runs on is backed up automatically every day twice, and I always take a backup right before making any changes as well. Backups are taken as snapshots of the whole VM, but snapshots can be a bit slow to restore due to the time it takes to pull the VM's storage from my backups server (which is in the same datacenter but there are still other factors that impact the time it takes to read->stream/transmit->write the backup back onto the VM) so in the case of a restore being needed, performance would most likely experience some degradation and is also time that federated data would vanish (from the period that the restore was started to the time it ended). This is why the maintenance window for upgrades is always an hour at minimum. Thankfully, from what I understand, 0.18.0 -> 0.18.1 didn't result in too many major database changes, which is where the biggest chance for things to go wrong come from (due to database migrations not getting properly applied), but there were still some in general. Anyways, enough rambling from me - we're all set now, but as always if you happen to see anything go wrong, please don't hesitate to let me know and I'll personally be of course looking out as well (which is why I don't do upgrades when I'm about to go to sleep!) through general usage and keeping an eye on the server logs (its amazing how fast they fly through given that every single federated action generates a new line). I'll keep this post pinned for a couple of days just as an easy way to report any potential problems.


    I came across a thread earlier [that was asking others]( about this, and I shared how it came about for this instance, and decided that it would be a good dedicated post here in general just in case anyone is curious: I started a habit a while back ago of naming any servers I run based off of names from Greek mythology - my primary server is Zeus but most forms of just "Zeus" in domain form are already taken. Similarly, I call the quasi-internal network that this server runs (since it's a hypervisor) "ZeusNet"... Problem with that name is "" is redundant and would irk me, I wanted something that still ends with the .net TLD (though my personal domain ends with .network). Thus, is what I came up with given that "link" can mean "network" and the combination isn't as redundant as ""! Funnily enough, originally my instance was originally under the `colony` subdomain which I quite liked... But unfortunately I didn't set things up properly due to how I have everything else setup, and I had already dipped just enough in the federation that when I reset everything so that it actually worked properly, the keys that my server identified with no longer matched which broke my ability to federate properly. Which then forced me to reset everything *again* under a completely different subdomain (I'm glad it **was** on a subdomain instead of the root domain for that reason) since Lemmy doesn't have a "self destruct" option like Mastodon has (which tells all connected instances "Hey, I'm going down - forget you knew me" as far as I understand it). And that, is the story of how we ended up with the name "[The] Outpost" on the domain ``!


    Hello folks! My apologies if this is not the appropriate place for this, I'll take it down if so. I spent the better part of the last 11 hours getting this project put together. The `README` in the repository goes over just about everything regarding what this tool is about (and how to get it up and running), but the quick elevator pitch is that I wanted a way to monitor the stats of my instance because of the bot spam issues that have been going around in a lot of places. As of now, Lemmy keeps track of a lot of data that could be useful to at least be cognizant of what is going on, but doesn't actually expose it on the UI side. Originally my idea was to just read the database info straight into Grafana, but of course due to my very little experience with Grafana I didn't realize that this wasn't going to quite work out the way I wanted, as the data in Lemmy's table isn't super well suited for what Grafana expects in terms of time-series data. Which then lead me to wanting to connect it with InfluxDB - another thing that I "knew of" but didn't have any experience with. The end result was building a tool that could export/stream data from Lemmy's PostgreSQL database over to Influx, allowing me to then make some really nice visuals in Grafana! There are a couple of screenshots at the bottom of the README (I don't know how to scale images when inlining them into posts here and don't want a massive image in the post), along with a link to a [snapshot/demo]( version of the dashboard. Maybe it'll help some other instance admins, or maybe everyone will think its terrible (I do mention that I'm quite new at Rust), but either way its been frustrating, yet fun, and a good learning experience thus far!


    Hello everyone! Its almost time for another Lemmy update, this time to a fairly [major release](! I've held back on updating our instance here immediately just to make sure there are no ground-breaking issues, however it seems like no one is reporting any major issues with 0.18.0 which is a good sign. Assuming nothing comes up, The Outpost will be updating to 0.18.0 on **Tuesday @ 3AM UTC** and a maintenance notice will be provided [on the status page]( just like last time to provide communication of the update. --- One small caveat is that the captcha will not be available in 0.18.0 (and will return in 0.18.1) which while isn't a guaranteed deterrent against bots, it is at least *something*. Like a good chunk of instances out there, signing up requires approval via an application which looks like this: ``` To verify that you are human, please explain why you want to create an account on this site (or simply, your favorite food will do as well!) ``` However it wouldn't exactly be *that* hard to tie in a LLM to provide a generated response, and [there are reports of exactly that occurring already]( So, in effort to try to combat against bot/spam registrations, The Outpost will be requiring email verification in order to register for an account (which was actually already the case at the very start of this instance's lifecycle, but due to reported bugs with 0.17.3 it was disabled to make sure it wasn't preventing legitimate users from signing up / logging in). _To those who do not know why bots/spam is a bad thing aside from the obvious, it can cause harm to remote communities/instances, and that goes against one of the core rules of this instance._ That being said, anyone who has an account here has been "grandfathered in" so to speak - or in other words, all current accounts have been marked as having their email verified (and if an email wasn't originally provided, a `` was filled in just to make sure Lemmy didn't "freak out" over a verified-but-blank email address). **Do note:** Updating your email address will trigger re-verification as to be expected, and to my knowledge you won't be able to log back in until the new address has been verified. At some point if there is a better alternative to combating bot/spam applications then email verification can be disabled again (thus making providing an email address optional). --- For new folks who are wanting to potentially register at The Outpost (or many of the other Lemmy instances that require email verification) if you do not want to give out your main email address I'd recommend using something such as [Firefox Relay]( (which is what I use), Apple's ["Hide My Email"]( service, any other similar service, or even just a burner email address (you only need it to confirm your account, though it is also the only way to reset your password should you lose access to your account). If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let me know (via a comment, a DM, or on [Matrix]( --- Edit: We should be all set now! I'll leave this post pinned over the next day as a "just in case" though.


    Hello! The Outpost will be undergoing maintenance to [perform an update for Lemmy]( at 3AM UTC. The maintenance window covers an hour, though I do not expect the update will actually take that long to process. Should any hiccups arise during this period, notes will be posted [on The Outpost's status page](

    Outpost Home russjr08 1y ago 100%

    Hello, World! Welcome aboard to Lemmy and The Fediverse! I hope you enjoy your stay. Please feel free to say hello, ask questions, or to report any issues you see.


    Plasma 6 looks to be shaping up quite nicely already! Some really nice quality of life style updates, and I'm quite shocked (though the reasoning makes sense) to see them moving to double-click actions by default instead of single-click.
