A Perfect Storm - what a crock of shit
  • talung talung 1y ago 6%

    Huh? I literally said in my post that I’ve never run into an instance of someone not being hired by their merit. I don’t understand how anyone could not hire someone if they didn’t have talent and passion, so we are in agreement there, unless you have a different definition of merit.

    This is lucky for you, I have not been so lucky and had to be forced to train people that did not have the ability to do the job but were hired solely based on other factors even though their were better candidates. But of course YOUR experience invalidates everything else.

    Did I even mention all the stuff in the game? If fact It even said it was GOOD WRITING by QUALIFIED people. No I did not... again projection on your part trying to force a narrative that is not there.

    My point always has been and will be.. Hire on merit and not to fit quotas. This is not political or any such thing, it again is YOUR projection for YOUR narrative.

  • A Perfect Storm - what a crock of shit
  • talung talung 1y ago 11%

    you seem to want to bring conservative political talking points to a baldurs gate forum. Why? Please stop.

    Firstly, you know nothing about my political leanings. If I had to myself in one of your "boxes" it would definitely be left leaning not conservative, so that makes your point moot.

  • A Perfect Storm - what a crock of shit
  • talung talung 1y ago 13%

    I said nothing about diverse viewports. That is your own skewed perceptions jumping in. I am all for diversity and equality. Everybody should be treated equally!

    What I am against is FORCED hiring practices. I know nothing about the hiring practices of Larian, and you can see they have a very diverse team, but you can also see, from their various podcasts, that the people there are capable and love doing what they are doing. There is no "in your face" agenda pushing from their material.

    Why are you so afraid of hiring by merit? But, just continue to push your own narrative in your head if it makes you feel better.

  • A Perfect Storm - what a crock of shit
  • talung talung 1y ago 19%

    What a concept!

    PS. For those downvoting the previous comment... Obvious sarcasm is obvious.

  • A Perfect Storm - what a crock of shit
  • talung talung 1y ago 13%

    No just the industry at large with their "Quota" hiring policies and other such crap.

    EDIT: For those doing the downvoting.... you don't improve your civilization by bringing it down to the lowest level, you try raise the lower level up. "Quotas" bring things down being you cannot use the best people. "Quotas" are the easy path for virtue signaling and you end up worse for it. Proper education and training is the only way to improve things, but that takes time and money.

  • A Perfect Storm - what a crock of shit
  • talung talung 1y ago 53%

    Yeah, it negates the effort the person put it. This is the reason people tend to dislike the Mary-Sue characters of "modern movies".

  • This is what I am hearing endlessly about why Baldur's Gate 3 is a success. I say that's a crock of shit sold by bad companies and developers and an insult to Larians hard work. These are the things for my opinion: - They have 20 years of experience making CRPGS with the Divinity series - They do Early Access to test and perfect their systems - The listen to customer feedback and distill the good from the bad, ending up with a better product - They don't insult their customers and respect them - No microtransactions or Day 1 DLC, or mention of upcoming DLC and Season Pass - They hire Writers, Composers and Developers BASED ON MERIT! - You can see the love they put in the games from the Panels from Hell and social media I am sure there are many more things that add to their success but random chance and luck is not the reason; hard work, dedication and good management is! Just a little rant and pet peave I wanted to get off my chest.

    Baldur's Gate 3 is defying game industry trend-chasers — and is being rewarded for doing so | Windows Central
  • talung talung 1y ago 100%

    Why do people say "perfect storm of conditions"? Larian has worked hard to perfect their style of crpgs through the divinity series. They put an emphasis on good storytelling and listening to fan feedback. They do early access to perfect their systems. They hire writers, composers and developers based on merit. They care about what they are creating. This is not a perfect storm but good management and development cycle. There is nothing random or lucky about it.

  • Definitely Oscar material.

    First Character to play
  • talung talung 1y ago 100%

    With a Full respect guy later on... you have the opportunity to try anything in one play through... however, I feel this is a game you will play many times because of all the variety of choices etc.

    So go Wild!

  • First Character to play
  • talung talung 1y ago 100%

    This is the biggest issue.... Waiting for the release... Lol

  • First Character to play
  • talung talung 1y ago 100%

    I was mainly thinking for the extra expertise I can put in sleight of hand, stealth + the back stabbiness of the rogue.. all at really level 1. Not really much for bard at 11 and 12 tbh.

    I was thinking of Warlock, but decided to go for Rogue for the lockpick thing, as the bard will then replace rogue in party. Warlock might be the stronger DPS, but I need ALL the lewts. :)

    Bard is versatile front man, that's Why I like it. I just think the Rogue will "complete" it for me. Well, at least that is my thoughts for the choice... too many options lol.

  • First Character to play
  • talung talung 1y ago 100%

    Ah yes I forgot about the human refactor.

  • So been thinking of what to play for my first run through of Baldurs Gate 3 when released. I will be streaming it, so looking for something entertaining, I I think I have come up with something that sings… :) Half-Elf Drow rogue ( to get the drow hate, or maybe dragonborn… not decided fully) for the first 2 levels then switching to Bard. Or maybe Bard then switch to Rogue… not sure yet. Only 2 levels or Rogue in total. Of course there is no other choice but going with Dark Urge!!! What is your first Character going to be, have you decided yet?

    Dealing with Bot Accounts
  • talung talung 1y ago 100%

    Thanks, I have gone through and identified the REAL accounts gathered the ID's and deleted the rest from local_user and person tables.

    Haven't really played much with Postgress so took some time to look up all the functionality with that.

    EDIT: yup, made sure the person one was local only :)

  • Confusing...
  • talung talung 1y ago 100%

    The one I learnt at the dawn of time was BODMAS.

    bracket of Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction.

    I learnt this in the 70's early 80's in South Africa, so not sure if things have changed.

  • Dealing with Bot Accounts
  • talung talung 1y ago 100%

    lol, this made me chuckle... Are you an AI bot?

  • Dealing with Bot Accounts
  • talung talung 1y ago 100%

    And How would I do that in the UI? This is the issue, haven't found a way to even find those users on my system, even though it marks at 15 extra users.

  • Dealing with Bot Accounts
  • talung talung 1y ago 100%

    thanks I will try this.

  • Hi there, Been running my own little Lemmy instance basically to see how it runs with federation and stuff like that. I have had open (email validation) for the odd person or 2 that might want to use it. Early this morning (my time 4:43am) I had about 15 new users all at the exact same time registering as users with same structure names (random words) followed by 4 numbers. Being all within 1 minute of each other they are obvious bots. Going through the UI I have not been able to find a way to remove them. I have since changed my registration policy to make the person fill in an application, captcha, email validation etc. to help stop polluting the ecosystem with bots. Any help would be appreciated. I am running it all under docker


    Since we doing Old memes, here is one I recreated in Blender about a year ago. :)

    12 years ago. Wonder what Lemmy will look like in 12 years?
  • talung talung 1y ago 100%

    I agree, and the level of user on G+ was of a techy IT variety of person. It was great and you could have good conversations. Lemmy really has that feel now. Enjoy it till either the general public gets hold of it and it turns into a cesspool or it slowly dies a death.

    Personally I hope to face neither of those scenarios, but history is not on our side.

  • Evernote Lays Off Most of Staff, Triggering Fears of Closure
  • talung talung 1y ago 100%

    Been using Joplin for ages now. used to use Evernote and was trying to find something to replace it. Joplin fitted that need, and being able to store all the stuff on my dropbox in encrypted format made it great for use on all my devices. Combination of Joplin and Bitwarden is pretty much my secure solution to everything. lol
