
The Wuhan Cover-Up, by RFK Jr. Most of the leaders of the American Society for Microbiology were also leaders in the American Department of Defense/CIA-funded biowarfare program. This background and context are necessary to understand how the fundamental corruption of academic medicine, peer-reviewed journals, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, and biological and academic research have been so comprehensive, as has been revealed by the COVID-19 crisis. Just follow the money. []()


That is, evasion, deception, and misdirection about his support of high-risk virology research and its connection to the possibility that a lab leak in Wuhan caused a worldwide catastrophe.


According to records, the former NIH Director, Dr. Francis Collins, and former NIAID Director, Dr. Anthony Fauci, made huge profits from royalty checks during the Chinese virus-fueled pandemic. At the same time, thousands of people struggled to put food on the table.


The families of four people who died from COVID-19 are suing the Manhattan-based nonprofit that funded coronavirus research in China for “creating” the bug — and “releasing it, either intentionally or accidentally.” Despite partially-funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where the virus originated, EcoHealth failed to make sure critical safety measures were in place — then worked to cover up the origins of the outbreak, they claimed in court papers. “If we had known the source or origin of this virus and had not been misled that it was from a pangolin in a wet market, and rather we knew that it was a genetically manipulated virus, and that the scientists involved were concealing that from our clients, the outcome could have been very different,” Patricia Finn, the victims’ attorney, told The Post.


Everything government officials told us during the pandemic was a lie. It was not a mistake, it was not bureaucratic confusion, it was a lie. Even after this information became available, they KEPT GOING – They kept people locked down, kept them masked and they even tried to force-vaccinate the population. There were some Republican politicians that also went along with the panic, many of them Neocons (fake conservatives). However, the majority of red states quickly ended the restrictions once the contradictory data was made public. In the meantime, the blue states looked ridiculous and paranoid as they desperately clung to the mandates.


Johnson cited "Event 201," a pandemic preparedness event hosted in 2019 by the World Health Organization, Gates Foundation, and Johns Hopkins University that has been repeatedly cited by conspiracy theorists as a "practice run" for Covid-19.


The COVID-19 vaccines can provoke a response from white blood cells, or T cells. The cells are believed to protect against COVID-19. T-cells can theoretically trigger Mycobacterium leprae, a bacteria that causes leprosy, leading to leprosy or a leprosy reaction, the researchers said. Other vaccines have been shown to trigger leprosy or leprosy reactions, including tuberculosis vaccines, and some people who receive repeated COVID-19 vaccinations have been shown to have weakened immune systems.


The Machiavellians who concocted the Scamdemic and the media who sold it don’t regret what they did. It served their political, social and economic purposes. Thus, the truth can now be publicly admitted, though not fully. Denying some aspects of reality allows the Coronamanic to deceive the naive and to think of themselves as good, smart people for having supported lockdowns, school closures, masks, tests and shots.


In 2020, there was scientific evidence to support the use of some of the physical measures (e.g., frequent handwashing, the use of PPE in hospital settings) adopted against COVID-19. For other measures (e.g., face-mask mandates outside of healthcare settings, lockdowns, social distancing, test, trace and isolate measures), there was either insufficient evidence in 2020 to support their use – or alternatively, no evidence; the evidence base has not changed materially in the intervening three years. It has been argued that the restrictive measures introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in individual, societal and economic harm that was avoidable and that should not have occurred. Long before vaccine passports were imposed on Scots in autumn 2021, there was abundant evidence that vaccines did not stop infection and transmission. This should have blown the bottom out of the case for vaccine passports. That it failed to stop them is a disgrace.


Over time, it's become clear as the information has come out that what was used in engineering viruses, coronaviruses at Wuhan Institute of Virology was a technology that had been transferred apparently through Ralph Baric and EcoHealth Alliance into Wuhan Institute of Virology. That this tech transfer had allowed the engineering of novel sequences or manipulation of a viral backbone sequence without creating the hallmarks of classic recombinant DNA. Okay, so suddenly Michael's statement, if you unpack it, with that in mind, then “my people”, is a euphemism. He would also use terms like “the Secret Handshake Club” to relate to his network of colleagues and contacts.


Before going bankrupt, Universal Meditech was awarded its business license from the Newsom administration, “exactly one year to the day before Gov. Gavin Newsom’s State of Emergency Order locking down the entire state over the COVID-19 virus.” Universal Meditech continued operations under its new owner Prestige Biotech, which didn’t have a state business license and was only outed when someone noticed a garden hose illegally attached to the bio-lab’s building. The nearly 1,000 dead mice found at the Prestige Biotech lab, “were genetically engineered to catch and carry the Covid-19 virus,” Wang Zhaolin, a spokesman for Prestige Biotech, told the San Joaquin Valley Sun. “This is an unusual situation,” said Nicole Zieba, a city official with the town of Reedley, where the lab was found. “I’ve been in government for 25 years. I’ve never seen anything like this,” Zieba told local news outlet KTLA. “There was a special room that was built housing about 1,000 white lab mice.” Those would be the same lab mice that “were genetically engineered to catch and carry the Covid-19 virus” housed in a secret warehouse owned by reported CCP United Front agents. The same company that manufactured 54,000 FDA-flagged COVID rapid tests and received hundreds of thousands of dollars from Newsom’s office a year before he put California on a lockdown enforced by his and the Biden administration’s tyrannical mandates.


The UK government quietly released the official figures for Covid deaths in 2022. The data reveals that the triple+ vaccinated population accounted for 92% of Covid-19 deaths throughout the entirety of 2022. This means we’ve gone from 76.5% of Covid deaths being among the vaccinated and 23.5% of deaths being among the unvaccinated in 2021, to 94% of Covid deaths being among the vaccinated and just 6% of deaths being among the unvaccinated in 2022.


I have posted on the topic a little, here and there, but this was less my pet issue than others who are here. My brother-in-law, who was 34, developed arrhythmia and experienced heart palpitations after getting the very first shot of the vaccine. He had only done so because he was coerced by local regulations and employers that made it absolutely mandatory to do virtually anything. He gave up playing sports because his heart would race so badly, but he seemingly normalized over the last six months... But this reality was shattered when he had a sudden heart attack while visiting his parents home. My sister-in-law, who is a nurse, attempted to save his life and the ambulance came, but even when they arrived it was basically too late, so I am told. ... Everyone in the family believes it was the vaccine. People who were not political at all thought it was the vaccine right after he had these issues, but since he had seemingly _normalized_, they didn't talk about it anymore... and then this unexpected death really tore through the family. What is especially terrible is that his long-term girlfriend revealed that they were planning on getting married before the end of the year and, even worse, he had been unemployed for some time but his phone got a call hours after the funeral from someone trying to inform him he just landed a job that would also pay for him to complete his degree in chemistry... Really, it was the start of his professional and married life. This has been a nightmare. My wife was inconsolable for a couple days, understandably so, and I feel a lot of the wind taken out of my sails as well. Something else to highlight the tragedy: Hassan and my wife's grandfather died within the first few months of the pandemic. Reported flu-like symptoms and then was sealed away in a hospital where nobody could visit or touch him - they could just squish around a window and press their hands up against it for 5-10 minutes. He was hooked up to a ventilator and, of course, died alone... The man was well into his 80s and had been very healthy as he had digestion problems that caused him to eat a strict, nutritious diet and stay active by walking. This has put into perspective more the danger of medical tyranny and the _trust the science_ crowd. Oddly enough... Over the last few days... Hearing also about the ongoing war in the Ukraine... I haven't even felt so much anger as I have felt incredible sadness knowing that, every day, there are hundreds of Ukrainian and Russian families that have young men and women taken from them like this. It's sad when elderly people who have lived long, fulfilling lives pass away, but these sorts of tragedies really show us how precious life is, and how horrible it is that anyone would just _roll the dice_ on vaccines like this. I may not put out as much content as I used to for some time but I assure you that my resolve to fight this shit is high. I want to somehow be more influential. I want to take to the streets. I want to be a thorn in the side of the system. Pray for the peace of my family and Hassan's peaceful repose.


It has been reported there were vast differences in deaths and side effects depending on the batch #: > “So Pfizer undertook to import a batch of vaccine specifically for the employee vaccination programme, and that was so that no vaccine would be taken from government stocks that was being delivered to clinics as needed.”


This is how we prosecute all the politicians, bureaucrats, corporate executives, medical professionals, nonprofits, big tech, etc who violated our rights in respect of Covid: - free speech - religious freedom - informed consent with respect to medical treatments - etc. The covid vaccines killed so many people and these criminals have escaped accountability so far. Many people believe they deserve the death penalty. Special thanks to Jack Smith for bringing this provision to our attention.


cross-posted from: > Chase told Florida’s Voice that the accounts were closed due to the federal government’s “scrutiny” of the customer for “engaging in illegal activity” related to his products. > > The U.S. Food and Drug Administration sent a warning letter to Dr. Mercola Feb. 18, 2021 about Mercola Market’s website and social media. The FDA said Mercola selling Liposomal Vitamin C, Liposomal Vitamin D3, Quercetin and Pterostilbene Advanced as a way to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose or cure COVID-19 is in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. > > “We request that you take immediate action to cease the sale of such unapproved and unauthorized products for the mitigation, prevention, treatment, diagnosis, or cure of COVID-19,” the FDA’s letter said.


How many more people do they want to kill?


This reviled destroyer of kidneys has been approved by the FDA for COVID treatment of kidney patients. "My husband went into the hospital in kidney distress. They exacerbated it with Remdesivir. Then they ventilated him, and he died." "My husband Jeff had strong kidney function when he went in the hospital. They gave him Remdesivir, and three days later, he was in kidney failure." "Jamie was 36 and looking forward to getting married. The hospital refused to consider any other modalities of treatment for her. They insisted on Remdesivir. Then they put her on a vent and murdered her. I think the FDA is using Remdesivir to fulfill their own agenda." "They're going to use this decision as a way to clean house of renal patients and people on dialysis. It's saving a ton of money for Medicare over the next twenty years." "My son was 37 years old. He went into the hospital with two blood clots, but his kidneys were functioning. They gave him Remdesivir, and in twelve hours, his kidneys stopped working, and his organs began to fail. We never saw him open his eyes again." "I took my husband to the E.R., and the next day, they told me he was going on Remdesivir. I said absolutely not. I wanted him on other treatments, but they refused all of it. They isolated him and told him he had to have Remdesivir or he'd die, and he agreed. I got to watch his last rites over a video conference. I know he was murdered by Remdesivir." "I refused Remdesivir, and I refused the ventilator. But they find other ways to take you out. The doctors were pissed at me. They called my husband to pressure him. They fear-monger you with all these lies. And they pull your loved ones away from you. I was all by myself trying to make decisions." "Multiple times in my husband's record, it said he was not a candidate for Remdesivir," Lisa said. "They gave it to him anyway, and he went into renal failure and died." "The Remdesivir fact sheet clearly states that it may cause kidney and liver failure. And that's exactly what happened to my husband Richard," ""It's so important that in their own literature of Remdesivir, they state that it's supposed to be given early," Catherine said. "Yet they kept stalling my husband. They sent him home and said to sign up for monoclonal antibodies. But when he showed up for it, they said they were too backed up. By the time he was hospitalized, he was really sick. They gave him Remdesivir, and he had a stroke." Everyone in the group knows about the financial incentives that drove the hospital's insistence on Remdesivir. The federal government paid hospitals a staggering 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill of patients treated with Remdesivir. They also handed out lavish extra payments for ventilating patients. And, perhaps most tellingly, the feds rewarded hospitals with more money for patients who died of COVID instead of those who were healed. "They gave me $37,000's worth of Remdesivir, but it obviously didn't help because I wound up on a ventilator. My hospital bill was $920,000 for the 44 days I was there. Nobody offered me ivermectin, which is cheap, effective, has no side effects, and you can take at home."


cross-posted from: > women were becoming pregnant at the same rates as before the pandemic. > > Using German health insurance data — because Swiss data are not yet available — he showed the number of women seeking pregnancy tests and visiting doctors to be treated for pregnancy remained constant throughout 2021 and 2022. > > There was even slight ongoing growth, and a spike related to the mini-baby boom of 2021. > > That makes COVID-19 vaccine-induced spontaneous abortion the most plausible hypothesis for the drop in birth rates — because the same number of women were becoming pregnant, but fewer of them were carrying their pregnancies to term. > > Supporting that claim, data from German health and Swiss insurers show that beginning in the fourth quarter of 2021, there are clear and significant increases in the number of pregnancy complications treated and in the length of hospital stays following birth — both of which had been trending downward for years. > > German data also indicate that the number of stillbirths was up 20% in the fourth quarter of 2021.


cross-posted from: > “The WH has previously indicated that it thinks humor should be removed if it is premised on the vaccine having side effects, so we expect it would similarly want to see humor about vaccine hesitancy removed,”


cross-posted from: > The White House demanded to know why Facebook had not censored a clip from Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News. In response, Facebook was “ready to tell the White House that it had demoted a video posted by Tucker Carlson by 50% in response to the White House’s demands, even though the post didn’t violate any policies.” > > Jordan also revealed that the U.S. Surgeon General also intervened to ask why Facebook had not censored the so-called “disinformation dozen” — a group of accounts questioning official COVID-19 policy.


One in 35 health care workers at a Swiss hospital had signs of heart injury associated with the vaccine, mRNA-1273, researchers found. “mRNA-1273 booster vaccination-associated elevation of markers of myocardial injury occurred in about one out of 35 persons (2.8%), a greater incidence than estimated in meta-analyses of hospitalized cases with myocarditis (estimated incidence 0.0035%) after the second vaccination,” the researchers wrote in the paper, published by the European Journal of Heart Failure.


“Both the preclinical (animal) studies of Moderna and of Pfizer revealed skeletal abnormalities in the offspring of vaccinated mice and rats at higher-than-normal rates and revealed vaccine components traveled throughout the body into all organs. Both the Pfizer and Moderna trial data in humans reveal concerning deaths and side effects that were attributed to other causes, but likely were vaccine side effects.” Nass speculates that the rush to produce vaccines (Operation Warp Speed) may have contributed to what she believes was the FDA’s failure to “proper[ly] review” the clinical data. According to Dr. Peter McCullough and other respected doctors and scientists who have looked into the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA shot contents, aggressive cancers are on the rise. McCullough says there is a cancer-promoting segment called SV40 present in some of the vials. Well-respected pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole asserts, “Humans were used as lab rats during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Cole recently told the Epoch Times that “cancers are taking off and coming back like wildfire.” And Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a top cardiologist in the UK, called for a “pause” in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine program because of severe adverse events and death he believes are associated with the shots. Florida State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo recommended males, ages 18-39, refrain from getting the shots due to significant increases in “cardiac-related mortality” in the age group.


It is time for Congress to hold Tony Fauci responsible for crimes against humanity for the following reasons... - Tony Fauci, former head of the National Institute of Health, is responsible for authorizing and initiating the Covid-19 vaccines under emergency use authorization (EUA), vaccines that have caused 300,000 excess US deaths; - Tony Fauci’s approval of Covid-19 vaccines, and his call to shut the economy down, caused $147 billion in damage to US economy; - Tony Fauci covered up the truth regarding the origins of Covid-19; - Tony Fauci attacked organizations like America’s Frontline Doctors for telling Americans the truth about the origin of Covid-19 - Tony Fauci attacked organizations like America’s Frontline Doctors for promoting early treatment of Covid-19 and alternative drugs like ivermectin; - Tony Fauci is responsible for the 26.6 million US citizens who were injured directly from Covid-19 vaccines; - Tony Fauci is responsible for the over 1.36 million people disabled from the Covid-19 vaccines; - Tony Fauci lied in sworn testimony before the U.S. Senate, denying that his NIH sent millions to China to perform gain-of-function research—committing a felony; - Tony Fauci lied to the American people regarding the effectiveness of masks; knowing full well not one study shows masks prevent the spread of Covid-19; and, - Tony Fauci lied about the effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines, telling Americans that they would protect against the virus, when they never did.


cross-posted from: > Prolonged lockdowns, deadly hospital protocols, censorship of doctors, fraudulent “studies” and dangerous defamation of safe, effective medications, and an unprecedented, worldwide experimental injection campaign... > > The cost has been catastrophic. > > Now, allegations and evidence will be presented to the public. Due process will be upheld; and so will the law. Retribution will be demanded—and justice must be served. > > It is time for The Reckoning > >


It seems they purposely decided not to investigate suspicious deaths in case the Moderna vaccine might be the cause,” the group stated. There were also numerous examples in the clinical trial data of participants diagnosed with post-vaccination Bell’s Palsy and Shingles, with numerous vaccinated trial participants seeing the onset of Shingles less than 10 days after getting the shot. The studies also showed that there were a number of serious adverse events noted in the vaccinated groups, with a number of participants experiencing heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, and spontaneous miscarriages.


“That’s why we ended up referring Fauci again this week to the Department of Justice for prosecution for lying to Congress,” Rand Paul revealed. Paul also pointed to an “exchange of emails between Anthony Fauci and half a dozen prominent international virologists, and these emails go back and forth.” “These virologists from around the world are saying they’re looking at the genetic sequence of COVID-19, and they find that there are some striking, strikingly unusual characteristics of it that make it look like it’s been manipulated in the lab,” he said. “And this band of close virologists that are his close buddies–and these are all people who have been proponents previously of gain of function research, creating viruses that don’t occur in nature to experimentation — they all tell him it looks manipulative,” he added, explaining that they then had a phone call discussing it on February 1, 2020.


The studies reveal the causes of deaths, serious adverse events, and instances of neurological disorders potentially associated with Spikevax. One of the key takeaways from the documents is that many of those who died after receiving the Moderna vaccine were not given an autopsy.


Allegedly vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna, including both monovalent and bivalent vaccines, are or contain GMOs, and “that they have failed to apply for the necessary licenses. In Australia it is a serious criminal offence to ‘deal’ with GMOs without a GMO licence first being granted by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator.” AstraZeneca, another vaccine producer, is cited as a contrast, having properly sought a GMO License before seeking TGA approval for its COVID-19 vaccine.


Remember when this was a conspiracy theory


Communications between officials and scientists who wrote the key paper promoting a natural origin for Covid-19 show doubts, interference, politicized science, and more


The U.S. Marshals are taking him around in limousines and giving him around-the-clock security. @RandPaul says the government lied to him about it. He’s asking if Dr. Fauci still gets legal representation, because he might very well need it.


Western Australia had implemented a stringent lockdown of borders and there were virtually NO cases of Covid-19 in Western Australia during 2021. The vaccine role out began February 2021. So that demonstrates the adverse reactions resulted directly from the Covid-19 vaccines and NOT the Covid-19 virus. Is there something here for the rest of Australia and indeed the world to learn from? Of all the adverse events following immunisation that took place in the WA population, what percentage would you estimate were actually reported to the Western Australian Vaccine Safety Surveillance (WAVSS)? What do you think the culture was in the health care services during the vaccine role out, was it to encourage reporting of potential adverse events or was the culture to discourage reporting to WAVSS? In WA in 2020, 2,071,167 doses of pre-covid (traditional) vaccines were given to the population as a whole, this resulted in 270 reports of adverse events following immunisation. For the 3,948,673 COVID-19 vaccines given in 2021, there were 10,726 individual AEFI reports in 2021. (97% of these reports followed covid vaccination) What do you think this tells us about the frequency of adverse events following covid vaccines in comparison to traditional vaccines? This is a horrendous volume of adverse events following immunisation. Do you feel the rate of adverse events would be equally high throughout the rest of Australia? (or was WA a ‘special case’) Total reported AEFI rate following a COVID-19 vaccine was 264.1 per 100,000 doses. For non-covid (traditional) vaccinations in WA, during the same 2021-time frame there were 11.1 events per 100,000 doses. Why did we had to waite until July 2023 to get this data? Should this have been seen as a ‘red flag’ by the regulators contemporaneously in 2021? If so, what should they have done about the problem? Some of the important AEFI that have been specifically monitored by the TGA-coordinated national surveillance vaccine safety program include, Anaphylaxis, Thrombosis with thrombocytopaenia syndrome (TTS), Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Myopericarditis, Chest pain, Deep venous thrombosis, Pulmonary embolism and Bell’s palsy, to name but a few. Given that we know all of this now, how should this effect the regulatory approval of the current mRNA vaccines? In 2021 there were 1,125 appointments made at the adult vaccine safety clinic at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, up from seven appointments made in 2020. Do you consider this level of referrals indicated the vaccines were safe? In 2021 there were 439 appointments made at the Perth Children’s Hospital specialist immunisation clinic, up from 214 in 2020. Does this have any implications for vaccinating children with covid vaccines?


Researchers believe metformin could be used as a therapeutic drug for outpatients infected with COVID-19. It has the merits of proven clinical efficacy, is available all over the world at a low cost, and is safe to use.


cross-posted from: > Ramaswamy founded Roivant Sciences, and was CEO of the biotech research company from 2014 until 2021. He continued as its board chairman until February of this year before he stepped down. He is not involved in the lawsuit.


There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.” “We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact,”


Key Takeaways - Former NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci and Former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins were directly involved in the drafting, publication, and public promotion of Proximal Origin — a paper written to suppress the COVID-19 lab-leak hypothesis. - There was a coordinated effort between public health officials in the United States government and expert scientists to craft a narrative that would advance the zoonotic origin of COVID-19 in order to protect the Chinese government from any potential criticism and repercussions. - The conclusions drawn by the co-authors of “Proximal Origin” rest on insufficient evidence, draw inaccurate assumptions, and have never been proven or verified by the wider scientific community. - Dr. Kristian Andersen confirmed the U.S. funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology fell below recommended bio-safety markers. - Scientific integrity was abandoned by Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, and the co-authors of Proximal Origin in favor of political expediency. Suppressing a legitimate scientific theory to advance the preferred narrative of senior government officials is egregious and must be fully investigated. - There is still more work to be done to hold public health officials accountable for their actions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Select Subcommittee emphasizes its outstanding request for transcribed interviews and documents from Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins.