Covid-19 admin 1y ago 61%

Hold Fauci Accountable for Crimes Against Humanity - Sign the petition today

It is time for Congress to hold Tony Fauci responsible for crimes against humanity for the following reasons...

  • Tony Fauci, former head of the National Institute of Health, is responsible for authorizing and initiating the Covid-19 vaccines under emergency use authorization (EUA), vaccines that have caused 300,000 excess US deaths;

  • Tony Fauci’s approval of Covid-19 vaccines, and his call to shut the economy down, caused $147 billion in damage to US economy;

  • Tony Fauci covered up the truth regarding the origins of Covid-19;

  • Tony Fauci attacked organizations like America’s Frontline Doctors for telling Americans the truth about the origin of Covid-19

  • Tony Fauci attacked organizations like America’s Frontline Doctors for promoting early treatment of Covid-19 and alternative drugs like ivermectin;

  • Tony Fauci is responsible for the 26.6 million US citizens who were injured directly from Covid-19 vaccines;

  • Tony Fauci is responsible for the over 1.36 million people disabled from the Covid-19 vaccines;

  • Tony Fauci lied in sworn testimony before the U.S. Senate, denying that his NIH sent millions to China to perform gain-of-function research—committing a felony;

  • Tony Fauci lied to the American people regarding the effectiveness of masks; knowing full well not one study shows masks prevent the spread of Covid-19; and,

  • Tony Fauci lied about the effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines, telling Americans that they would protect against the virus, when they never did.

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