
I would like to buy some parts for an electronics project. Specifically, a bread board, some wires, some basic components like resistors, transistors and LEDs in bread board form. I'm looking for a more specialised store that sells a larger variety of these things. Is there any store in Helsinki where I can physically go and buy this? Do you have a favourite online store that delivers to Finland where you can buy this stuff? ### Edit Thanks for all the replies! I now ordered from kouluelektroniikka, they processed the order within one day, very good service. And they had a starter kit with a bread board and some basic elements. This is nice because then I didn't have to pick everything myself, only the more special stuff.


> The explosion launched rocks hundreds of metres away from the worksite, damaging cars parked on a nearby street.


> Telecoms operator Elisa reported disruptions in its network in parts of Hämeenlinna and Janakkala on Sunday. Crossposted-ish from


I am studying Finnish and would like to try some of the foods talked about in the lessons. Internet searches are mostly returning results about the foods and not actual recipes. The recipes i would like to find are lörtsy (sweet, and savory, however i am a vegetarian so i am not after meat fillings), pulla, ruisleipä, karjalanpiirakka, and i recently heard about blueberry pies with rye crust on TikTok (no idea what they are called). Recipes can be in Finnish, i welcome translating them. I did that with my leipäjuustoa recipe. Edit: i found a [lörtsy with caramelized onion and gruyere filling](örtsy+with+Caramelized+Onions+and+Gruyere) recipe


Terve! I'm planning to visit the Moomin World with my family this summer. Since we're Estonian and coming via ferry, that involves driving from Helsinki to Naantali. However, I think that driving on a highway for the entirety of your road trip is a bad way to see a country and I'd much rather see the countryside. If it adds a few hours to the trip, so be it. Does anyone have suggestions on which roads to take, what to see on the way? Kiitos!


It's attractive, it looks friendly, it's genuinely good, yet for no good reason, it tries to convince you it's not really that great 🙂


> Finnish media reports that Windows95man will be able to perform under their existing name at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024. > The Finnish representative will not be required to change their name for Eurovision 2024 according to Ilta-Sanomat. There had been discussions regarding whether Windows95man would be required to change his name due to brand advertising being in breach of the contest rules. > However, Windows95man will be required to make changes to the outfit he will wear on the Eurovision stage. The Microsoft Windows 95 operating system logo will need to be adapted for the performance, Teemu Keisteri commented:

Finland JATtho 8mo ago 83%



Hey all, I like etymology. When I see a word I don't know - or even one I know but I can't quite guess where it might come from - I look it up. And so I do too with Finnish words. And there's something that has been puzzling me for quite some time: a surprising number of very common, everyday Finnish words, seem to have been coined very recently, in the 19th and early 20th century. I'm not talking about words that describe new things, like automobiles or electric devices. It would make sense that words describing those things came about when those things first appeared. And I'm not talking about words borrowed from other languages. I'm talking much more generic words entirely made up in Finnish. For instance: - [Lihas]( liha +‎ -s. Coined by Finnish teacher and linguist Gustaf Erik Eurén in 1860. - [Osake]( osa +‎ -ke. Coined by Finnish author and journalist Pietari Hannikainen in 1847. - [Kahvila]( kahvi +‎ -la. Coined by Finnish politician, historian and professor Yrjö Sakari Yrjö-Koskinen in 1861. Now here's the mystery: I'm pretty sure muscles, company shares and coffee houses existed in Finland before the mid-19th century. So what were those things called before? Why did some people decide to coin new words for them? Why did so many new Finnish words seem to appear in that time period? I've asked my Finnish friends but they don't know. They don't even seem to be aware that a lot of their language is actually quite recent. Any linguist out there who would know?


This one isn't in plaintext this time. I learned from last time that there are issues displaying plaintext on a phone, where there isn't any guarantee of 80 available columns. I thought that wasn't a tall order, but it turns out, it is. Also, I really wanted links. And I'm sorry I was so late in posting this. I have trouble finishing things...