News 7mo ago
Firefighters booed New York attorney general who sued Trump for fraud. Officials are investigating
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 7mo ago 100%

    Far as I know it's just the one song by Vincent E.L. And it's, uh, not serious. But kinda fun.

    Fuck the fire department
    Dropping by unannounced just to fry your apartment
    If they can't find a fire they’re like "Why don't we start them?"
    I'm tired of arson
    Fuck the fire department

    I cry out in bargaining, eyes to the garden
    Begging release from the fire department
    I might get a pardon if I do what they ask of me
    Act passively
    And don't do anything drastically

    Clap at their pageantry, bow and scrape
    Say it's sour grapes from people out of shape
    You're here for our sake
    And we're grateful for all you do
    You're still gonna burn my house down, aren't you?

    I'm out of house, home, and every single possession
    Out of the frying pan and into depression
    Escaped physical aggression
    Into fiscal oppression
    Still don't know what they meant by
    "Let this be a lesson!"

    We're living in an infernocracy
    Things are not how we
    Think they ought to be
    It's a mockery but I ain't laughing
    My world's on fire and I'm dying gasping

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 7mo ago 100%
  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 7mo ago 100%

    Under cabinet manual jar opener. It's flat and mounts under your cabinet of choice. Easy to use, but also easy to forget it's there! I sometime find myself jar in hand and half-way to wherever my husband is before I remember that I no longer need his skills.

    Electric candle lighter. Rechargeable lighter with long neck. Eliminates the need for matches or standard lighters. The noise it makes does scare one of the cats, though. I haven't tried it on campfires yet, but I think that was something the ad said it could do.

  • news
    News 7mo ago
    Three top nitrogen gas manufacturers in US bar products from use in executions
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 7mo ago 100%

    For me, it was an accident. I had a degree in a hard science, but realized that academia would drive me mad. My first job was in a relatively small industry and I just kept on with it until I knew the requirements to making a safe and quality product.

    The fear of being fired exists, but you have to know when and where to ask those questions. I ask our vendors whether their employees have a right to form a union if they want one, for example. I also know that our plant managers are deeply opposed to our own employees having that option.

    Eventually that question is going to come up. It'll probably come from a consultant that we hire to evaluate us. It won't be me unless there's a situation where it would be awkward not to ask about it. For example, if an HR rep is dumb enough to tell us we're perfectly free in that regard, I'd be sorely tempted to ask when that policy changed.

  • 11 March 2024
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 7mo ago 100%

    It is still funny. I also like to think of Larsen debating whether enough people would get the joke without the Linda Blair reference. At the time he clearly thought it was helpful.

  • news
    News 7mo ago
    Three top nitrogen gas manufacturers in US bar products from use in executions
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 7mo ago 100%

    ES&G (Environmental, Social, & Governance) policies are starting to become a common thing. They seem to have started at large corporations and they, in turn, drive their smaller partners to adopt similar policies. They want to present a face of sustainable and accountable practices, free from corruption, blah blah blah.

    I work for a medium to small company and it has become part of my job to ask awkward questions of our vendors. Our corporate customers are pressing us on our practices, and we press our vendors as part of a "sustainable and ethical supply chain". Not all companies are well prepared to answer these questions, but some are. In general, the US lags behind Asia and Europe when it comes to this. At least in my industry. So that's a big caveat.

    How do we know they're not lying? One tool is that independent third party auditors can assess a company and gauge its strengths and weaknesses. (Ecovadis is a name I've seen many times during these discussions, but there are others.) These auditors live or die by their reputations, so they have an interest in staying honest.

    In the case of these nitrogen vendors (one of which is used by my employer), this is an easy ES&G win. The amount of nitrogen sold to executioners is vanishingly small, whereas we buy it by the tanker. It's definitely on the short list of awkward questions I would ask them.

    The term 'greenwashing' will come up. And trust me, because I'm a cynical bitch with a hair-trigger bullshit meter, I've used it myself. But I'm cautiously optimistic that questions like this can move companies in a better direction. Part of that has to do with the look of confusion and horror when I visit vendors in deep red states and start asking questions about labor, safety, and the environmental impact of their operations. They don't want to do waste or emissions remediation, but they also don't want to lose our business. (I'm honestly enjoying this new direction my work is taking.)

  • 8 March 2024
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 8mo ago 100%

    I think auto-defenestration is absolutely still on the table for Eugene.

    On a clear day
    Rise and look around you
    And you'll see who you are

    How it will astound you
    That the glow of your being
    Outshines every star

    Unfortunately for Eugene, not so much with the second part.

  • Whats the nost bizzare local story from your city?
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 8mo ago 100%

    Chicago suburbs. It's sort of an interconnected area, so this takes place over two adjoining towns.

    There was a very public and stupid feud that took place between two middle aged men. Some of it played out in real life and some was documented on that now defunct website, Topix. One of them had been close friends with the the police officer who was convicted of killing at least one wife. I think he was also a cop. In any case, he was very vocal in defending Drew and anything the other guy said about the murder trial really seemed to get his goat.

    The other guy claimed to be connected with the Chicago outfit. Or the cop claimed he was. I don't remember.

    Basically, it was two vaguely mobbed up guys in their 50s engaging in a very public and embarrassing battle of fists and wits in an otherwise unassuming suburb. They would trade insults on Topix, get into slap fights with each other at the local supermarket, and generally just behave like leaded gasoline sniffing idiots. Neither could just walk away from it. Both used their real full names.

  • news
    News 8mo ago
    Firefighters needed so much water that a Minnesota town's people were asked to go without
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 8mo ago 100%

    Good guess. The golf course isn't doing any irrigation in February.

  • chat
    chat 8mo ago
    I was robotripping yesterday and the drugs were really insistent I start eating meat again 😞
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 8mo ago 100%

    Thank you. I was wondering how robots were involved, which kind, and if that really was what the kids were getting up to these days. Robitussin, SMH.

  • Car colors by year
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 8mo ago 100%

    A friend of mine has a yellow car and swears that it attracts weird flying insects. Not that this is a terrible thing... just weird.

  • How cheap is the cheapest home for sale in your city/region?
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 8mo ago 100%

    $70k USD - 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 1400sq ft., 0.3 acre lot, two stories and a detached garage. The interior needs plenty of non-cosmetic work (e.g. - new flooring)

    $75k USD - 2 bed, 1 bath, 800sq ft., 0.15 acre lot; newly redone floors, electric and paint.

    After that, there's about 10 more in the 125-150K range.

  • cat
    cats 8mo ago
    Me: moves my leg 0.1cm. My cat:
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 8mo ago 90%

    When mine wants to cuddle, she has learned to place her paws gently against my skin.

    Any movement means claws come out.

    It's very effective.

  • 20 February 2024
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 8mo ago 100%

    I was really expecting a "prison rat" punchline.

  • 19 February 2024
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 8mo ago 100%

    That's a sign of a good friend.

    "Hold on, there's a stick on your back. Let me get it."


    "There's a spider on your back."

  • What thing do you love that you can never get anyone else to check out?
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 8mo ago 100%

    I watched the Gormenghast miniseries on the Space Channel many many years ago and eventually read the books. They were interesting. Not something I'd want to revisit, but definitely weird.

  • news
    News 8mo ago
    Prime Minister: Denmark to supply all its artillery to Ukraine
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 8mo ago 100%

    In the US I'd count action by the national guard. We had one of those in 1970, but the kids didn't put up much of a resistance so it wasn't a prolonged battle.

    There may be others, but this springs to mind.

  • We’ve found it, folks: McMansion Heaven [New blog entry by Kate Wagner]
  • ArtieShaw ArtieShaw 8mo ago 100%

    The listing is as bonkers as you would expect.

    They've also got a really elaborate dock/marina/enclosed fishing hole on the lake.

    If I had the millions I'd buy it, torch all the furniture (except that one crazy ass bed), and redecorate.

  • [The nest gets a visit from an eagle](


    Idle question. I've always heard that you need to prick the skins before baking a potato. The potential consequence for failure to do so is a catastrophic potato explosion. Has anyone had this happen to them?


    I played DF for many years, but it was a little bit too much FUN until I started using Dwarf Therapist. I forget when this was, but the last time I struck the earth and downloaded a new update, DT had stopped being compatible. (maybe 2018-ish?) I was bummed because although things were significantly less fun with DT - I had learned to do lots of unfun things like create garbage disposals and training rooms, do interesting shit with magma, discreetly kill human trading delegations (and sell all their stuff), and create a few high level artifacts *before* the dwarf who was in a weird mood went on a homicidal rampage. Or just murder him in a trap. We managed moody dwarfs on a case by case basis. The hives were even working. Fortress life was good. There were no aquifers. Creeping eldritch horrors were mostly confined to the sealed and reinforced cavern levels. Booze was plentiful, songs were being written, thrones were being engraved, rooms were furnished with elaborate beds and chests, and discontent was low. This was also many eons ago, which leads me to a couple of questions. 1. Is there a current version of Dwarf Therapist that works with the latest DF version? 2. Is DT even necessary for the latest version of the game? (I've never used tile sets, so I'm OK with the standard ASCII graphics) 3. Recommendations about the best FAQ or Wiki? 4. Should I continue to torture my co-worker by describing it as "sort of like Minecraft, but with a bit of a learning curve?"
