The most virulent homophobes are suddenly fierce gay rights supporters whenever Palestine gets mentioned
  • CoolerOpposide CoolerOpposide 2d ago 97%

    Isn’treal: systematically demolishes almost every building in Gaza in an attempt to render it uninhabitable

    Galaxy brain liberals: “If you were gay and lived in Gaza, Hamas would really ruin your quality of life!”

  • BREAKING: Eriq Pasha al-Adm Accused of Accepting Bribes from Venetian Merchants
  • CoolerOpposide CoolerOpposide 3d ago 100%

    That would have to be an advisor to the Sultan I suppose

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 14th to October 20th, 2024 - Paper Tigers
  • CoolerOpposide CoolerOpposide 3d ago 100%

    Israel will get the next person in line until the only person left on the planet is Netanyahu. Then he will finally be safe from corruption charges!

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 14th to October 20th, 2024 - Paper Tigers
  • CoolerOpposide CoolerOpposide 3d ago 100%

    The NYC Mayor Eric Adams corruption story is so dumb annd funny and somehow just keeps getting funnier. He’s been fundraising to pay for his legal defense (lol) and has basically run out of money to keep his legal defense going (lmao). A ton of his team for his regular job as mayor resigned and now he’s short staffed there too.

    I was mad bored at work today and inspired by his stupidity so I wrote a joke article about the Eric Adams corruption charges as if he was a governor in the Ottoman Empire during the 1600s in case anybody wants a laugh

  • Mr. Beast if he wasn’t mid
  • CoolerOpposide CoolerOpposide 4d ago 100%


  • Labour has determined that torpedoing relations with the largest economy in the world over something fabricated is actually bad
  • CoolerOpposide CoolerOpposide 4d ago 100%

    He may have been the beneficiary of the time before the west was deathly afraid of China the way they are now

  • Yeni Kostantiniyye, 1603 — Beylerbey Eriq Pasha al-Adm of Yeni Kostantiniyye has been implicated in a scandal involving the acceptance of bribes from Venetian merchants, sources close to the imperial court confirm. According to palace officials, Eriq Pasha al-Adm, the prominent Beylerbey of Yeni Kostantiniyye, is accused of secretly accepting lavish tribute from Venetian traders based out of İskenderiye. These merchants, renowned for operation of their silk and spice routes, have connections to many other influential viziers, from whom they also allegedly sought favorable trade routes and contracts. Among the reported tributes Eriq Pasha accepted were: exquisite meals, visits with the Doge, and several shiploads of ducats while campaigning, some of which appear to have been siphoned from the Sultan’s coffers. Eriq Pasha and his envoys were granted freedom of transit through Venetian territory and waters, and priority access to port and accommodation facilities. In exchange for the Venetian generosity, Eriq Pasha allegedly hosted several Venetian envoys in Yeni Kostantiniyye, allowing the merchants to gain a competitive advantage in the bazaar by skirting import taxes. Additionally, the local Venetian embassy and trading guild were granted exemption from building code guidelines. Viziers have been abuzz with rumors regarding Eriq Pasha for many years. Prior to his promotion to Beylerbey, eyewitnesses claim to have seen Venetian envoys entering al-Adm’s estate several times with supplies over the past several years, using his position as Agha of the Janissaries to gain undue influence in the Sultan’s court. *“The supplies were not for the Janissaries, but for al-Adm himself,”* said one eunuch, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the case. The timing of these allegations are interesting in light of the Sultan recently granting Eriq al-Adm the title of Pasha, particularly due to his reputation as one who is supposed to fight corruption and uphold the law. Despite his assurance that he’d sponsor several grand public works projects and make sweeping efforts to improve the lives of commoners, Eriq Pasha’s tenure as Beylerbey has been mired in stagnancy and broken promises. Though widely unpopular amongst the commoners of the Yeni Kostantiniyye province due to his diversion of public works funding to the Janissaries, many of those adjacent to the royal court had seen Eriq Pasha as a future vizier, or even in line for a grander role in the Sultan’s Divan. Eriq Pasha has been summoned to the Sublime Porte to answer for these accusations. There, he is expected to face tribunal, which holds the power to strip him of his lands and title as Beylerbey. Meanwhile, Eriq Pasha has vehemently denied all charges. In a statement issued from al-Adm’s administration, the accusations are called *“baseless”* and *“the work of jealous pretenders who seek to undermine Eriq Pasha’s service to the empire while elevating their own.”* Eriq Pasha’s administration insists that all dealings with the Most Serene Republic of Venice and its mercantile guilds were in full compliance with imperial order.


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    [Link to the article](

    Make it quick
  • CoolerOpposide CoolerOpposide 4d ago 100%

    Really telling how white leftists don’t want black men to know that ape holders can use multiple slurp juices on a single ape. so if they have 1 astro ape and 3 slurp juices they can create 3 new apes. Tonight's slurp juice mint event is essentially a minting event for both Lab Monkes and Special Forces

  • US aircraft carrier's near miss with missile fired by Middle East rebels
  • CoolerOpposide CoolerOpposide 4d ago 100%

    200 meter miss is actually wild. No wonder the U.S. left the Red Sea in a hurry with its tail between its legs

  • Twitter's short-sighted block function update is almost here. Soon, accounts you've blocked will be able to see your posts anyway.
  • CoolerOpposide CoolerOpposide 4d ago 100%

    Yeah I’m realizing that what I said wasn’t exactly clear so I edited it to clarify but this is next level stupid

  • Twitter's short-sighted block function update is almost here. Soon, accounts you've blocked will be able to see your posts anyway.
  • CoolerOpposide CoolerOpposide 4d ago 100%

    Wait.. what?

    Isn’t the point of having a block function to not see somebody’s posts?

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 14th to October 20th, 2024 - Paper Tigers
  • CoolerOpposide CoolerOpposide 4d ago 100%

    ”Oh yeah? Well in Gaza what if you were gay?” smuglord

  • [Link to the article]( If you live near or around sea level, especially in the Tampa Bay area, you can not survive the forecasted storm surge by accident. This is not a joke. I know you may have lived in Florida your whole life and been through dozens of hurricanes, but it only takes one you aren’t prepared for. As a result of having narrowly avoided multiple severe hurricane impacts over the past 100 years, the Tampa Bay area has been built up with little consideration for the fact that it eventually would be hit. The only regional trauma center is at sea level and on an island. ![]( Do not play with your life. Also do not accidentally dox yourself on this post


    [Other winners here](


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    ![smug-explain]( "emoji smug-explain") The stupid tankies have failed to consider that I’ve created a nonfalsifiable scenario in my mind just now so actually it’s a bad thing when your industry is good smh. I know for years I’ve said it was a good thing to have strong industry and also have repeatedly explained how deindustrialization was bad and now I want to reindustrialize my own nation, so here’s a 15 minute video (NOT COPE!) on why good industry is bad but only for China. [Link to the video](


    [Link to the article]( I think that China could do absolutely untold damage to the American psyche and illusion of invulnerability if it simply instantly obliterated these clowns on Taiwan from hundreds of kilometers away with a cloud of drones dense enough to block out the sun. America treats the navy seals like they are all Master Chief, when in reality they are just guys who can carry a log and swim for a long time or some shit. Maybe that matters when you’re like… raiding a compound of a guy who has been on the run for decades while he’s asleep with Neon Genesis Evangelion playing on the TV, but genuinely what are these guys going to do to actually fight back against China? China will never even let them see a single PLA soldier lmao.


    [Link to the tweet]( What are some other historic events you shouldn’t have your wedding on the anniversary of?


    [Article link](

    emoji CoolerOpposide 3mo ago 100%

    Hold this L, compradors From this image ![](
