food 11mo ago
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    There's nothing incompatible with socialism about my treat-slaves giving themselves chronic pain making me food in a hot environment, getting screamed at by an alcoholic landlord and developing chemical dependencies without healthcare.

  • music
    music 11mo ago
    Racist bootlicker wonders why the hardcore punk scene isn’t pro Israel
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    You want the DIY scene. It's adjacent to Hardcore, but also has black metal, country, pop punk, ska and folk punk, and has much better politics.

  • music
    music 11mo ago
    Racist bootlicker wonders why the hardcore punk scene isn’t pro Israel
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    Who funded the atrocities by Muslims in Afghanistan?

    ::: spoiler you'll never guess

    It was Americans and their fair weather ally Pakistan


  • memes
    memes 11mo ago
    Hexbear has two wolves inside of it...
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    pussy hat balaclava

  • The story: Volkswagon is the first of many organizing victories that will come in the wake of the UAW strike. Militancy builds support! ![red-fist]( "emoji red-fist")

    The only car allowed under communism
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    Meet the Robinsons

    Wasn't this a pre-pixar Disney release?

  • Bro wants affirmative action for conservatives
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    If you take someone with conservative values and you give them a quality education, they become a moderate. If you take someone with progressive values and give them an education they become a socialist very liberal. If you give someone with moderate values an education, they become an MBA. Education selects against conservatives because conservative politics come from ignorance and magical thinking.

  • Is there a spectrum of how much people care about their own gender? Do any other people feel ambivalent about their own gender?
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    Honestly, I think that the ability to "not present" is a cis male experience. How would you feel if there was intense pressure on you to wear makeup and clothes that look good all the time. If every time you put on your hoody, people asked you if you were sick.

  • Pyotr Alexeyevich Kropotkin - New General Megathread for the 9th and 10th of December 2023
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    Today is the anniversary of the start of the First Intifada

  • On this day, 9 December 1842, revolutionary, scientist, and philosopher Peter Kropotkin was born in Russia. He later abandoned his aristocratic background in favour of the working class struggle. He participated in the 1917 Russian revolution, and wrote numerous influential works, including Mutual Aid: a Factor of Evolution. In this work he criticised interpretations of the ideas of Charles Darwin which focused on competition, and highlighted instances of cooperation in the natural world. "If we ... ask Nature: 'who are the fittest: those who are continually at war with each other, or those who support one another?' we at once see that those animals which acquire habits of mutual aid are undoubtedly the fittest. They have more chances to survive, and they attain, in their respective classes, the highest development of intelligence and bodily organisation." ![breadpill]( "emoji breadpill")

    I've come to realize I will never be happy with a job unless it materially helps people. How do I even start facilitating this?
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    IME, he's solid on the anthropology, so he can be your guy on ancient baking. Just don't let him be your guy on revolution.

  • I've come to realize I will never be happy with a job unless it materially helps people. How do I even start facilitating this?
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    can i get a Mao sandwich hold the Deng, with some of those Graeber fries

    Throw in the Situationist International and Midnight Notes and this is just my politics

  • I've come to realize I will never be happy with a job unless it materially helps people. How do I even start facilitating this?
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    I agree, they are, but Graeber's the type of dude to prioritize making a playful argument over making a rigorous one. Debt has a whole chapter arguing that Muslim banking is better than European Banking because it obeys Abrahamic usury laws. He then included a footnote basically saying "I know it's still capitalist, I mostly wrote this chapter to troll evangelicals."

    Like, he has brilliant insights, but not necessarily brilliant analysis. Take him as a supplement to your theory, not your main meal.

  • I've come to realize I will never be happy with a job unless it materially helps people. How do I even start facilitating this?
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    He is, read Toward an Anthropological Theory of Value.

    This analysis isn't wrong, it's just partial. There's stuff like labor exploitation, gendered hyperexploitation, etc. But there's also something where desirable jobs have less bargaining power because the labor pool is flooded (Firefighters are an example of this). Graeber's argument is a non-structural articulation of the same phenomena. In the case of teachers, the amount we pay them is very much a decision made fairly arbitrarily. It's mostly a matter of public investment, the decisions around which are massively over-determined to the point where you do have to talk about things like subconscious decision-making and cultural values.

    If your issue is with taking the subconscious into account in your analysis, then you're putting yourself in opposition to incredibly influential Marxists like Adorno.

  • news
    news 11mo ago
    Good reporting by Aljazeera. REI despite its image as a "co-op" and environmentally responsible company is actually a union-busting ghoul
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    So, when you see these kinds of articles, they're usually the result of some really savvy organizing.

    Union staff will develop relationships with reporters, and then when they need a story like this, they'll media train a few workers or consumers, put together a fact sheet so that a reporter can pump out an article quickly, and then turn this over to a journalist who turns it into an article rather than do their own research.

    It's a way of leveraging journalists' position as workers with quotas and limited time.

    The reason unions go after companies like Starbucks or REI is because of their progressive image. They tend to attract union-friendly employees, and have a brand that's very vulnerable to these kinds of media attacks. When they do what every single company does and union bust, it ends up biting them in the ass. I

  • Y'all people always go "be (nerd) gay, do (nerd) crimes", but then a britbong makes a video whining about it and y'all suddenly forget about your favorite mantra
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    Yeah, you're only allowed to care about important things. All media is banned except for post war italian cinema reflecting on fascism and revolution

  • Y'all people always go "be (nerd) gay, do (nerd) crimes", but then a britbong makes a video whining about it and y'all suddenly forget about your favorite mantra
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    The moral here is that you should steal the plagiarist's videos and pass them off as your own.

  • Y'all people always go "be (nerd) gay, do (nerd) crimes", but then a britbong makes a video whining about it and y'all suddenly forget about your favorite mantra
  • Nagarjuna Nagarjuna 11mo ago 100%

    I don't believe in cops, bosses, or politicians. Some call that Anarchism, I call it having a heart that fucking beats.


    This takes a look at the history of labor militancy on scales smaller than strikes, and advocates for guerilla labor actions as a solid foundation for larger actions like strike. It's a really good look at practical examples from history of how to make gains at work even when you are between contracts or maybe even don't have a union.


    I want a phone where I can't go on the internet or read the news, just communicate with people I actually know in real life. Is there any way I can make this happen?


    This is what deep organizing looks like: moving people across three language communities to take militant action on issues that directly affect them.


    Turning the global conflict meter and looking back at the audience like a contestant on the price is right


    But they're poisonous! You say. And that's true, you absolutely should not eat raw amanitas. But you know what other mushrooms you shouldn't eat raw? All of them! Chitin is indigestible! "Well, sure, but a raw porcini won't kill me!" That's true, but you know what will? A Morel! (If you're small). At the very least they'll make you as sick as an amanita. And you know what people do with Morels? They eat them! They're a prize edible! "Okay, but people eat morrells but they don't eat Amanitas" okay. Well, take off your fucking anglocentrism glasses because they've been eating amanitas in India and Japan since before your country even existed. So listen up, slice and boil your amanitas in *gallons* of water, and I mean gallons. Strain and rinse. Boil, strain and rinse again. Guess what you've got? A soft, buttery, delicious mushroom. Pour some garlic butter on it, or do it authentic and put it into miso soup as a nice earthy addition. It's an edible. Change my mind.


    If you're thinking in tickets and arrests, you're not really thinking about justice.


    Former democratic party activists are organizing Muslims and Arab-Americans in Swing states to vote against Biden with the demand that he support a ceasefire in Gaza. I'll allow them a little bit of electoralism this time.


    I'm really curious to know these guys' position on Palestinian statehood.


    An injury to one is an injury to all. ![iww]( "emoji iww") ![palestine-heart]( "emoji palestine-heart")


    I've seen a lot of posts on this site that are leaning into anti semetic tropes while criticizing Israel. I want to point it out so that folks can recognize it. First, because I have to say it: Israel is a colonial outpost of the United States. It was created by Britain and inherited by the US. The US gives Israel ~3,000,000,000 USD in aid *every year*. As a colony, it should be the goal of every socialist to destroy it, just as we seek the destruction of the US, Northern Ireland, South Korea, Canada, the Phillipine state, etc. But! Israel is also a safe haven for Jews. This is seperable from the colonial nature of the state. Israel could have been created in Germany or Siberia or frankly Florida for that matter (in fact, annexing Florida to create a new state of Israel is what I mean when i refer to "the one state solution"). In many ways, the US with its civil rights act serves the same purpose, and in fact, most Jews live in the US. Many of us had ancestors in Germany or Poland during the holocaust who did not stick around after the war. They saw Israel as their best shot at safety in the wake of the holocaust. Many Israelis are liberals, hoping to vote out Likud, stop supporting settlements, and negotiate palestinian statehood. These people are advocating half measures, sure, but they are not our enemies. So I wanted to point out some anti-semetic tropes I've seen on this website and call them out so you can recognize them. **Conflating Jews in Israel with Zionists.** This can be done through omission. If you aren't clear whether you're talking about jews or a specific institution (for example, the I"D"F or the settlements or Likud), many people will read your statement as being about Jews. Be careful with the word "they" **erasing the ambivalent position of jews within colonialism / conflating jewishness with whiteness** The zionist entity is not a Jewish colonial project, but an Anglo colonial project. It was created by the British and now is funded by the US Americans. Jews are an oppressed minority whose oppression is leveraged against other oppressed peoples. Similarly to how the US uses Kurds to Balkanize Iraq or The Hmong to wage counterinsurgency in Laos, it's uses Jews to destabilize the Levant. Outside of the US, jews are largely understood as a racial group and oppressed on that basis. Especially in the Arab world where the Islamic hyper nationalism has gained ground in response to colonialism and been funded further by colonialists to their own ends (google "the safari club" or "Israel funds Hamas") **Blood Libel** This one is the assertion that Jews are uniquely bloodthirsty / murder non Jewish children. The classic example of this myth that people are familiar with is Runplestiltskin. It *is* true that the IDF under the direction of Likud and the US state is murdering many Gazans, the majority of whom are children. *but!* be careful to specify. When people talk about "jews" or "israelis" generally as perpetuating the murder of children, they are engaging in the blood libel trope. Again, be careful with the word "they" and specify which entities you're talking about. **calling for ethnic cleansing** Okay, wtf ya'll. It's not jews as an ethnicity that are oppressing Palestinians, it is US imperial power. Jews have always lived in Palestine and the occupation only began in the 40s as part of a British initiative. Jews will always be part of a palestinian state, and frankly need protections as ethnic and religious minorities. We do not seek the expulsion of Jews from Palestine, but their integration into it as citizens. Jews are safe in the US not because its a colonial state but because of civil rights protections and generational wealth. If we can create civil rights protections in Palestine and a social safety net (ideally communism but I'll settle for social democracy), then jews will be safe in Palestine. **Jewish control of America / protocols of the elders of zion** America controls Israel and not vice versa. APEC is not a cabal brainwashing otherwise Nobel Christian politicians. US politicians support Israel because they're colonial politicians and Israel is our colony. APEC exists because lobbying is how power is exercised in the US, but if we had patronage instead, APEC' functions would be carried our by a governor or an ambassador or whatever. **conclusion** Recognize the role of the US empire in Palestinian oppression. Recognize that jews are in an ambivalent racial category and are an oppressed people. Be specific when criticizing Israeli colonialism. Name who you're criticizing, is it the settlements? The IDF? Likud? The US military Industrial Complex? Stop calling for ethnic cleansing of jews if you've been doing that. Don't equate jewishness with whiteness / the Nazis. White people are white people, the US is the Nazis.


    The strike escalates further! Looks like Ford didn't want to bring their battery production under the master contract.


    This is getting very big very fast ![doomer]( "emoji doomer")


    They elected a guy who wanted to do things like --not allow cops with multiple disciplines to bring charges --bring charges for fewer nonviolent and low level offenses. The cops responded by refusing to testify in murder cases in order to jeopardize the prosecutor's career. ![acab-2]( "emoji acab-2")
