Magic The Gathering Megathread
  • niph niph 3d ago 100%

    Limiteddddddd. In particular I’m a big sealed apologist, each pool is like a mini puzzle to solve and it’s so skill intensive and rewarding.

    I’m more into little mini engines and incremental value than combos, but I’m a big fan of aristocrats shenanigans eg Priest of the Forgotten Gods + unearth type effects and similar

  • Teenage trans activists release 6,000 crickets on transphobic LGB Alliance conference
  • niph niph 1w ago 100%

    Uncricketal support for the trans comrades involved in this action

  • Who could have foreseen this
  • niph niph 1w ago 100%

    Truly dystopian

  • Update regarding Hexbear's misogyny problem - planned actions and request for feedback
  • niph niph 1w ago 100%

    I just read the thread and even though most comments are deleted you can get the flavour of what people were saying. The way that some people are almost gleeful about the prospect of a woman being physically endangered is gross.

    I think there might be a difficult discussion to be had about whether there’s a link between some of the more general politically violent rhetoric / fantasising on here and an implication that any violence against perpetrators of perceived wrongs is justified. I would hope comrades are able to distinguish between supporting resistance movements and the violence that’s necessary for the overthrow of capitalism on the one hand, and violence against individuals perceived to have committed some personal moral infraction on the other. But Western and especially Anglo culture is extremely individualistic, and that has created the framework through which many users on this site see the world.

    I’m not sure what solutions there are to this, but some self-reflection is likely the place to start.

  • Update regarding Hexbear's misogyny problem - planned actions and request for feedback
  • niph niph 1w ago 100%

    I run an inclusive space for everyone who is not a cis man and we use the terminology “people of marginalised genders”. It’s clunky but it works. We started out with something similar to “womenby” but we got a lot of criticism for being exclusionary.

    I guess I would tentatively suggest one group for all marginalised genders and a separate comm for discussion of masculinity.

  • 1911 Xinhai Revolution - New General Megathread for the 10th-11th of October 2024
  • niph niph 1w ago 100%

    A very faint green shimmer, more like wide hazy bands. I hate how much of the night sky light pollution robs from us. Give me back the stars of our birthright thurston

  • 1911 Xinhai Revolution - New General Megathread for the 10th-11th of October 2024
  • niph niph 2w ago 100%


    It did not look this good irl lol

  • Royal Cling-wrap
  • niph niph 2w ago 100%

    This place also loves leaning into making fun of how dumb Musk is, and I find it cringe for similar reasons. It’s still buying into the same circus

  • An achilles heel in my vegan lifestyle: getting a stomachache (cw: meat)
  • niph niph 2w ago 100%

    My family remedy: 4-5 thick slices of fresh ginger, simmer in a small saucepan of water, bit of salt, and spoon of brown sugar for ten minutes or so. Drink the infused water when it’s cooled down a bit.

    Congee is very good when you have stomach issues as well, easy to digest. Silky tofu seasoned with a bit of soy sauce and green onions for protein.

  • feeling like starting a struggle session this morning
  • niph niph 2w ago 100%

    Limited is superior to all of the above

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • niph niph 2w ago 100%

    Worse than harmless - their cowardice is also a blocker on more radical movements emerging and gathering steam. No one wants to feel like a loser

  • Some parents might try ketchup. But the NYT could 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 recommend doing something so prosaic and gauche.
  • niph niph 2w ago 100%

    It’s also interesting to think about what “sauce” means as a functional part of cooking. Westernised Chinese food tends to have a thick gloopy starch sauce that in China you would only use on specific dishes. Which lead a lot of people to ask me questions like “what sauce do you cook that in?” about stir-fry recipes I gave them and that question makes zero sense to me. But then I realised I just don’t view soy sauce, etc as “sauces” because they're more like salt-replacing seasonings? Hard to explain

  • Some parents might try ketchup. But the NYT could 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 recommend doing something so prosaic and gauche.
  • niph niph 3w ago 100%

    I tried to explain HP/brown sauce to some Americans recently and got as far as “…it’s good”. No idea how to describe it. But it goes great on eggs and is white people friendly

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • niph niph 4w ago 100%

    This series has been incredible thank you so much comrade. And best wishes to the baby as well heart-sickle

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • niph niph 4w ago 100%

    I remember hearing that people prepare less for Hurricanes with feminine names because of subconscious misogyny. Here’s hoping De Santis and his ilk fall into that trap

  • news
    news 1mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • niph niph 4w ago 100%

    Some slava ukraini type Dutch guy in a Discord server I’m in was posting these really shitty low effort pager memes. Super gross

  • Anyone else in BC feel like we're sort of being held hostage this election?
  • niph niph 1mo ago 100%

    I’m not a citizen yet and can’t vote but hard agree with everything you said. I still find it hard to believe the conservatives would win though, somehow, maybe because I live in dt Vancouver

  • news
    news 1mo ago
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • niph niph 1mo ago 100%

    New rule proposal:

    No low-effort top-level comments that consist only of wishing for things.

    This is probably phrased poorly but I think comments like “if I were Iran I would simply start WWIII” or xi-plz should be in the replies. Fantasy geopolitics games people play in their heads isn’t news related imo.

    More developed opinions/analysis in the vein of “Iran should strike x facility because it would critically damage the Zionist entity” should be allowed though.

  • Genuinely curious. I keep thinking “it can’t get much worse without some kind of mass uprising” but the ability of the general population of Western states to just soak up suffering seems endless. Do you think we will actually see mass movements in the next decade or two? Or just slowly lurch into a void of ever-shittier liberalism? By the West I mean like. Western Europe and the Anglosphere I guess.


    The whole class was super suspect anyway because the discussion topic was “how would you debate morality with a religious fundamentalist terrorist” or something I don’t fully remember. And this guy is just like “yeah I’d say look, we have all these modern comforts like toasters and smartphones and stuff, we must be doing something right”. (This was in like 2009) Anyway the ending of the story is that the dude became known in our class for being rejected by a girl and wanking into her dustbin like some kind of even more pathetic Louis CK. And later on for becoming a blood diamonds trader (serious). I don’t know if there was a moral to this tale but uh. Don’t be a chud I guess


    I do a bunch of tournament coverage for a card game and I’ve been working years on these online events. I’m pretty good I think, and the goal has always been to get on the broadcast for the biggest pro tournament. The company that makes the game knows me because the online events are also part of the official tournament circuit so they’re happy to have me represent them… just not on the biggest stage I guess. And today I found out that some white guy streamer who has never done a real coverage show was given a role on the latest pro broadcast and I cannot handle it. I’ve worked SO hard. The background to this was that a couple of years ago I publicly criticised the show (without even naming the casters) for misgendering my friend while she was playing the biggest tournament of her life. She was basically the only person in the event who wasn’t a cis man. It was so shitty for her and she desperately needed support. Anyway one of the casters yelled at me months later in a giant twitter DM saying how I shouldn’t have made him look bad if I wanted to work with him etc etc and now they are hiring more white guys with no experience over me and it suuucks


    Background: I’m Chinese by origin but grew up in the west. He’s English. He’s kind of a ![LIB]( "emoji LIB") but in a lefty way and has been with me to China multiple times, we’ve been together for years. He has had misconceptions before but is always learning. He does go on Reddit still, mostly to talk about land value tax which is his big political obsession right now. Anyway last night we were at dinner and talking about an idea for a project that’s like quora but with only expert/academic researchers as responders. Part of it would need a reputation rating for the researchers. We were then talking about the use cases/audience for the project and I said “this might be better suited to Asia” (because of how highly education is valued and the pressure on kids to study/achieve grades). And he immediately responded “because they’re used to social credit scores?” Like. Without missing a beat. Maybe I’m overthinking it but it really pissed me off that his first association when I mentioned Asia was… this. We talked about it and he explained that the concept was already in his mind when he was thinking about the reputation system so it wasn’t just a reaction to Asia specifically. But he insisted that he knew social credit scores were a real thing. I think he did listen when I said these types of jokes were what made Reddit such a hostile environment to be in, though. I’m not sure what I’m asking but I just wanted to get it off my chest. Does anyone maybe have resources on internet Sinophobia / explanation of where the social credit stuff came from I can share with him? Thanks crew. Sorry that was so long x


    I recently read this book researching a writing project and I think it should be mandatory reading for anyone interested in imperial or modern China. It’s the autobiography of Puyi Aisin-Gioro, the last emperor of China. His life was insane. He was put on the throne aged 2 and abdicated 3 years later, but kept his title and was raised in the Forbidden City as essentially a prisoner - all so the corrupt palace officials could keep getting money from the government. He betrays the country and becomes a puppet emperor of “Manchukuo” under Japan’s colonial rule. After the war he is captured by the Soviets and then transferred to China when the Communist party won the civil war. Throughout his imprisonment, and to his great surprise, he is treated humanely and over a period of 10 years in prison manages to reform his entire outlook and become an upstanding citizen. We talk a lot about deprogramming the cultists but I think there’s not been much discussion about how it can be done. The last few chapters of this book give a great illustration of reeducation that is compassionate and effective. The book has received some criticism for being propaganda, and certainly the CCP took the view that his reformation would be an excellent demonstration of their progress and undoubtedly treated him well - but he wasn’t exempt from any of he duties and obligations in prison or anything like that. Anyway I haven’t seen any allegations of falsehood regarding his account.


    I feel like I’m doing it wrong or something but I can’t make the emote menu go away and it fills up the whole screen when I’m trying to make comments. Please help


    I just want to read some in-depth, good solid journalism that is well written and researched. It doesn’t have to be focused on current events, I’m also looking for places to read about like, science, tech, culture, etc. Pls no places that knowingly, regularly platforms terfs or fash. Outlets that aren’t automatically accepting of capitalist/western imperialist narratives as a default would be a huge plus.


    I was a long time lurker of r/cth and it was the only sane place I could go on Reddit to read shit that wasn’t saturated with racist memes about where I was born (China). Like I don’t even live there and haven’t for decades but fuck me is it wearying to see sOCiAl CrEDIt SCorE jokes on every fucking thread. Anyway I’m done with Reddit and was hanging around general lemmy instances and found y’all through the federation noise. I guess this post was kind of pointless but I’m just happy this community is still around. Love & peace x
